diff options
authorJoost Kremers <>2014-12-08 01:52:42 +0100
committerJoost Kremers <>2014-12-08 01:52:42 +0100
commit6fb64a3f516d7fea41af6f031a7314e694a4de2f (patch)
parent987e7767e9eaf55998f0933d1599d76ea3e25d21 (diff)
Mark internal functions with double dash.
1 files changed, 33 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/parsebib.el b/parsebib.el
index b89b7bc..d5501f5 100644
--- a/parsebib.el
+++ b/parsebib.el
@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@
(require 'bibtex)
-(defconst parsebib-bibtex-identifier "[^^\"@\\&$#%',={}() \t\n\f]*" "Regexp describing a licit BibTeX identifier.")
-(defconst parsebib-key-regexp "[^^\"@\\&$#%',={} \t\n\f]*" "Regexp describing a licit key.")
-(defconst parsebib-entry-start "^[ \t]*@" "Regexp describing the start of an entry.")
+(defconst parsebib--bibtex-identifier "[^^\"@\\&$#%',={}() \t\n\f]*" "Regexp describing a licit BibTeX identifier.")
+(defconst parsebib--key-regexp "[^^\"@\\&$#%',={} \t\n\f]*" "Regexp describing a licit key.")
+(defconst parsebib--entry-start "^[ \t]*@" "Regexp describing the start of an entry.")
(define-error 'parsebib-entry-type-error "Illegal entry type" 'error)
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
;; matching stuff ;;
-(defun parsebib-looking-at-goto-end (str &optional match)
+(defun parsebib--looking-at-goto-end (str &optional match)
"Like `looking-at' but moves point to the end of the matching string.
MATCH acts just like the argument to MATCH-END, and defaults to
0. Comparison is done case-insensitively."
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ MATCH acts just like the argument to MATCH-END, and defaults to
(if (looking-at str)
(goto-char (match-end match)))))
-(defun parsebib-match-paren-forward ()
+(defun parsebib--match-paren-forward ()
"Move forward to the closing paren matching the opening paren at point.
This function handles parentheses () and braces {}. Return t if a
matching parenthesis was found. Note that this function puts
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ point right before the closing delimiter (unlike e.g.,
`forward-sexp', which puts it right after.)"
(let ((result (cond
((eq (char-after) ?\{)
- (parsebib-match-brace-forward))
+ (parsebib--match-brace-forward))
((eq (char-after) ?\()
;; This is really a hack. We want to allow unbalanced parentheses in
;; field values (BibTeX does), so we cannot use forward-sexp
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ point right before the closing delimiter (unlike e.g.,
;; can be pretty sure we'll find it right before the next @ at the
;; start of a line, or right before the end of the file.
(let ((beg (point)))
- (re-search-forward parsebib-entry-start nil 0)
+ (re-search-forward parsebib--entry-start nil 0)
(skip-chars-backward "@ \n\t\f")
(if (eq (char-after) ?\))
;; if we've found a closing paren, return t
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ point right before the closing delimiter (unlike e.g.,
;; make sure we return t
-(defun parsebib-match-delim-forward ()
+(defun parsebib--match-delim-forward ()
"Move forward to the closing delimiter matching the delimiter at point.
This function handles braces {} and double quotes \"\". Return t
if a matching delimiter was found. Note that this function puts
@@ -100,23 +100,23 @@ point right before the closing delimiter (unlike e.g.,
`forward-sexp', which puts it right after.)"
(let ((result (cond
((eq (char-after) ?\{)
- (parsebib-match-brace-forward))
+ (parsebib--match-brace-forward))
((eq (char-after) ?\")
- (parsebib-match-quote-forward)))))
+ (parsebib--match-quote-forward)))))
(when result
;; move point one char back to place it where the rest of parsebib expects it
(forward-char -1)
;; make sure we return t
-(defun parsebib-match-brace-forward ()
+(defun parsebib--match-brace-forward ()
"Move forward to the closing brace matching the opening brace at point."
(with-syntax-table bibtex-braced-string-syntax-table
(forward-sexp 1)
;; if forward-sexp does not result in an error, we want to return t
-(defun parsebib-match-quote-forward ()
+(defun parsebib--match-quote-forward ()
"Move to the closing double quote matching the quote at point."
(with-syntax-table bibtex-quoted-string-syntax-table
(forward-sexp 1)
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ file. Return nil if no dialect is found."
(goto-char (point-max))
(let ((case-fold-search t))
- (when (re-search-backward (concat parsebib-entry-start "comment") (- (point-max) 3000) t)
+ (when (re-search-backward (concat parsebib--entry-start "comment") (- (point-max) 3000) t)
(let ((comment (parsebib-read-comment)))
(when (and comment
(string-match-p "\\`[ \n\t\r]*Local Variables:" comment)
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ file. Return nil if no dialect is found."
This function simply searches for an @ at the start of a line,
possibly preceded by spaces or tabs, followed by a string of
-characters as defined by `parsebib-bibtex-identifier'. When
+characters as defined by `parsebib--bibtex-identifier'. When
successful, point is placed right after the item's type, i.e.,
generally on the opening brace or parenthesis following the entry
type, \"@Comment\", \"@Preamble\" or \"@String\".
@@ -163,8 +163,8 @@ at the end of the buffer.
POS can be a number or a marker and defaults to point."
(when pos (goto-char pos))
- (when (re-search-forward parsebib-entry-start nil 0)
- (if (parsebib-looking-at-goto-end (concat "\\(" parsebib-bibtex-identifier "\\)" "[[:space:]]*[\(\{]") 1)
+ (when (re-search-forward parsebib--entry-start nil 0)
+ (if (parsebib--looking-at-goto-end (concat "\\(" parsebib--bibtex-identifier "\\)" "[[:space:]]*[\(\{]") 1)
(match-string 1)
(signal 'parsebib-entry-type-error (list (point))))))
@@ -179,10 +179,10 @@ beginning of the line POS is on. If POS is nil, it defaults to
(when pos (goto-char pos))
- (when (parsebib-looking-at-goto-end (concat parsebib-entry-start "comment[[:space:]]*[\(\{]"))
+ (when (parsebib--looking-at-goto-end (concat parsebib--entry-start "comment[[:space:]]*[\(\{]"))
(let ((beg (point))) ; we are right after the opening brace / parenthesis
(forward-char -1) ; move back to the brace / paren
- (when (parsebib-match-paren-forward)
+ (when (parsebib--match-paren-forward)
(buffer-substring-no-properties beg (point))))))
(defun parsebib-read-string (&optional pos)
@@ -196,20 +196,20 @@ beginning of the line POS is on. If POS is nil, it defaults to
(when pos (goto-char pos))
- (when (parsebib-looking-at-goto-end (concat parsebib-entry-start "string[[:space:]]*[\(\{]"))
+ (when (parsebib--looking-at-goto-end (concat parsebib--entry-start "string[[:space:]]*[\(\{]"))
(let ((limit (save-excursion ; find the position of the matching end parenthesis
(forward-char -1)
- (parsebib-match-paren-forward)
+ (parsebib--match-paren-forward)
(skip-chars-forward "\"#%'(),={} \n\t\f" limit) ; move up to the abbrev
(let* ((beg (point)) ; read the abbrev
- (abbr (if (parsebib-looking-at-goto-end (concat "\\(" parsebib-bibtex-identifier "\\)[ \t\n\f]*=") 1)
+ (abbr (if (parsebib--looking-at-goto-end (concat "\\(" parsebib--bibtex-identifier "\\)[ \t\n\f]*=") 1)
(buffer-substring-no-properties beg (point))
(when (and abbr (> (length abbr) 0)) ; if we found an abbrev
(skip-chars-forward "^\"{" limit) ; move forward to the definition
(let* ((beg (point)) ; read the definition
- (string (if (parsebib-match-delim-forward)
+ (string (if (parsebib--match-delim-forward)
(buffer-substring-no-properties beg (1+ (point))))))
(and string (> (length string) 0)
(cons abbr string))))))))
@@ -224,10 +224,10 @@ beginning of the line POS is on. If POS is nil, it defaults to
(when pos (goto-char pos))
- (when (parsebib-looking-at-goto-end (concat parsebib-entry-start "preamble[[:space:]]*[\(\{]"))
+ (when (parsebib--looking-at-goto-end (concat parsebib--entry-start "preamble[[:space:]]*[\(\{]"))
(let ((beg (point)))
(forward-char -1)
- (when (parsebib-match-paren-forward)
+ (when (parsebib--match-paren-forward)
(buffer-substring-no-properties beg (point))))))
(defun parsebib-read-entry (type &optional pos)
@@ -250,45 +250,45 @@ type is valid."
(unless (member-ignore-case type '("comment" "preamble" "string"))
(when pos (goto-char pos))
- (when (parsebib-looking-at-goto-end (concat parsebib-entry-start type "[[:space:]]*[\(\{]"))
+ (when (parsebib--looking-at-goto-end (concat parsebib--entry-start type "[[:space:]]*[\(\{]"))
;; find the end of the entry and the beginning of the entry key
(let* ((limit (save-excursion
- (parsebib-match-paren-forward)
+ (parsebib--match-paren-forward)
(beg (progn
(skip-chars-forward " \n\t\f") ; note the space!
- (key (when (parsebib-looking-at-goto-end (concat "\\(" parsebib-key-regexp "\\)[ \t\n\f]*,") 1)
+ (key (when (parsebib--looking-at-goto-end (concat "\\(" parsebib--key-regexp "\\)[ \t\n\f]*,") 1)
(buffer-substring-no-properties beg (point)))))
(or key (setq key "")) ; if no key was found, we pretend it's empty and try to read the entry anyway
(skip-chars-forward "^," limit) ; move to the comma after the entry key
- (let ((fields (cl-loop for field = (parsebib-find-bibtex-field limit)
+ (let ((fields (cl-loop for field = (parsebib--find-bibtex-field limit)
while field collect field)))
(push (cons "=type=" type) fields)
(push (cons "=key=" key) fields)
-(defun parsebib-find-bibtex-field (limit)
+(defun parsebib--find-bibtex-field (limit)
"Find the field after point.
Return a cons (FIELD . VALUE), or NIL if no field was found."
(skip-chars-forward "\"#%'(),={} \n\t\f" limit) ; move to the first char of the field name
(unless (>= (point) limit) ; if we haven't reached the end of the entry
(let ((beg (point)))
- (if (parsebib-looking-at-goto-end (concat "\\(" parsebib-bibtex-identifier "\\)[ \t\n\f]*=") 1)
+ (if (parsebib--looking-at-goto-end (concat "\\(" parsebib--bibtex-identifier "\\)[ \t\n\f]*=") 1)
(let ((field-type (buffer-substring-no-properties beg (point))))
(skip-chars-forward "#%'(),=} \n\t\f" limit) ; move to the field contents
(let* ((beg (point))
- (field-contents (buffer-substring-no-properties beg (parsebib-find-end-of-field limit))))
+ (field-contents (buffer-substring-no-properties beg (parsebib--find-end-of-field limit))))
(cons field-type field-contents)))))))
-(defun parsebib-find-end-of-field (limit)
+(defun parsebib--find-end-of-field (limit)
"Move POINT to the end of a field's contents and return POINT.
The contents of a field is delimited by a comma or by the closing brace of
the entry. The latter is at position LIMIT."
(while (and (not (eq (char-after) ?\,))
(< (point) limit))
- (parsebib-match-delim-forward) ; check if we're on a delimiter and if so, jump to the matching closing delimiter
+ (parsebib--match-delim-forward) ; check if we're on a delimiter and if so, jump to the matching closing delimiter
(forward-char 1))
(if (= (point) limit)
(skip-chars-backward " \n\t\f"))