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1 files changed, 36 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/parsebib.el b/parsebib.el
index 08dc51b..36afb2a 100644
--- a/parsebib.el
+++ b/parsebib.el
@@ -142,6 +142,38 @@ if a matching delimiter was found."
;; if forward-sexp does not result in an error, we want to return t
+(defun parsebib--parse-value (limit &optional strings)
+ "Parse value at point.
+Do not parse beyond LIMIT. Replace @string abbrevs with STRINGS
+if non-nil."
+ (let (res)
+ (while (and (< (point) limit)
+ (not (looking-at-p ",")))
+ (cond
+ ((looking-at-p "[{\"]")
+ (let ((beg (point)))
+ (parsebib--match-delim-forward)
+ (push (buffer-substring-no-properties beg (point)) res)))
+ ((looking-at parsebib--bibtex-identifier)
+ (push (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (match-end 0)) res)
+ (goto-char (match-end 0)))
+ ((looking-at "[[:space:]]*#[[:space:]]*")
+ (goto-char (match-end 0)))
+ (t (forward-char 1)))) ; so as not to get stuck in an infinite loop.
+ (if strings
+ (string-join (parsebib--expand-strings (nreverse res) strings))
+ (string-join (nreverse res) " # "))))
+(defun parsebib--expand-strings (strings abbrevs)
+ "Replace STRINGS with expansions in ABBREVS."
+ (mapcar (lambda (str)
+ (or (gethash str abbrevs)
+ (cond
+ ((string-match "\\`[\"{]\\(.*?\\)[\"}]\\'" str)
+ (match-string 1 str))
+ ((string-match "[0-9]+" str)
+ str))))
+ strings))
;; parsing a bib file ;;
@@ -188,14 +220,6 @@ point."
(when (parsebib--match-paren-forward)
(buffer-substring-no-properties beg (point))))))
-(defun parsebib-replace-strings (val strings)
- "Replace strings in VAL using (key, value) pairs from hash table STRINGS."
- (if (not strings)
- val
- (replace-regexp-in-string "\"" "" (string-join (mapcar
- (lambda (x) (if strings (gethash x strings x) x))
- (split-string val " # " t))))))
(defun parsebib-read-string (&optional pos strings)
"Read the @String definition beginning at the line POS is on.
If a proper abbreviation and expansion are found, they are
@@ -220,9 +244,7 @@ expansion."
(parsebib--looking-at-goto-end (concat "[({]\\(" parsebib--bibtex-identifier "\\)[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*"))
(let ((abbr (match-string-no-properties 1)))
(when (and abbr (> (length abbr) 0)) ; if we found an abbrev
- (let ((expansion (parsebib-replace-strings
- (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) limit)
- strings)))
+ (let ((expansion (parsebib--parse-value limit strings)))
(goto-char (1+ limit))
(cons abbr expansion)))))))
@@ -296,24 +318,10 @@ value."
(skip-chars-forward "\"#%'(),={} \n\t\f" limit) ; move to the first char of the field name
(unless (>= (point) limit) ; if we haven't reached the end of the entry
(let ((beg (point)))
- (if (parsebib--looking-at-goto-end (concat "\\(" parsebib--bibtex-identifier "\\)[ \t\n\f]*=") 1)
+ (if (parsebib--looking-at-goto-end (concat "\\(" parsebib--bibtex-identifier "\\)[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*") 1)
(let ((field-type (buffer-substring-no-properties beg (point))))
- (skip-chars-forward "#%'()=} \n\t\f" limit) ; move to the field contents
- (let* ((beg (point))
- (field-contents (buffer-substring-no-properties beg (parsebib--find-end-of-field limit))))
- (cons field-type (parsebib-replace-strings field-contents strings))))))))
-(defun parsebib--find-end-of-field (limit)
- "Move point to the end of a field's contents and return point.
-The contents of a field is delimited by a comma or by the closing brace of
-the entry. The latter should be at position LIMIT."
- (while (and (not (eq (char-after) ?\,))
- (< (point) limit))
- (parsebib--match-delim-forward) ; check if we're on a delimiter and if so, jump to the matching closing delimiter
- (forward-char 1))
- (if (= (point) limit)
- (skip-chars-backward " \n\t\f"))
- (point))
+ (let ((field-contents (parsebib--parse-value limit strings)))
+ (cons field-type field-contents)))))))
(defun parsebib-collect-strings (&optional hash)
"Collect all @String definitions in the current buffer.