#N canvas 223 76 948 819 10; #X obj 403 561 ignore; #X obj 403 536 iso; #X obj 403 483 pulse; #X obj 403 509 speedlim; #X obj 403 587 step; #X text 99 125 chord detection; #X text 93 150 beat tracking; #X text 105 200 beat detection; #X text 100 175 music analysis; #X text 148 225 score following; #X text 100 251 pitch information; #X text 19 94 MUSIC / MIDI ANALYSIS; #X text 310 91 MATH; #X text 397 129 calculate / and %; #X text 398 155 / for several inputs; #X text 386 234 + for several inputs; #X text 392 207 * for several inputs; #X text 391 180 - for several inputs; #X text 407 260 average of last N values; #X text 391 287 match input to list of numbers; #X text 403 457 TIME; #X text 464 510 lets input through every N milliseconds; #X text 434 536 play sequence of MIDI notes; #X text 452 561 ignore too fast changing input; #X text 91 578 send to list of receive objects; #X text 102 602 send to one receive object; #X text 642 95 BUFFER; #X text 440 587 a line object that steps; #X text 643 235 OTHER / EXPERIMENTAL; #X text 726 259 self-similar substitution; #X text 726 285 cellular automaton; #X text 446 483 a 'better' metro; #X obj 403 613 history; #X obj 403 639 velocity; #X text 458 613 average over last N milliseconds; #X text 464 639 velocity of input in digits per second; #X text 744 172 first in first out for lists; #X text 720 147 first in first out for floats; #X text 720 122 last in first out for floats; #X obj 403 665 sync; #X text 440 665 extended trigger object; #X text 390 313 scale input to output range; #X text 12 556 (REMOTE)CONTROL; #X text 390 339 calculate 1st or 2nd order diff.; #X text 94 303 detect rising/falling edge; #X text 112 278 'gestalt' of music; #X text 710 436 urn selection model; #X obj 403 693 timebang; #X text 464 693 send a bang at given time of day; #X text 112 439 opposit to route; #X text 100 390 split according to range; #X text 98 464 limiter for floats; #X text 23 363 ROUTING / CHECKING; #X obj 403 719 pong; #X obj 403 744 temperature; #X text 482 744 amount of input changes per time; #X text 440 719 a bouncing ball model; #X text 94 330 meassure tilt of input; #X text 130 488 Max's funnel for lists; #X text 750 201 copy from one array to another; #X text 124 513 change that exepts any kind of input; #X text 97 663 lets only 'allowed' floats or symbols through; #X text 21 641 FILTER; #X text 92 687 blocks denied floats or symbols; #X obj 2 2 cnv 15 552 40 empty empty maxlib_1.5_Music_Analysis_eXtensions_LIBrary 3 12 0 18 -204280 -1 0; #X obj 845 752 maxlib-meta; #X text 5 44 written by Olaf Matthes; #X obj 15 125 maxlib/chord; #X obj 15 150 maxlib/beat; #X obj 15 175 maxlib/borax; #X obj 15 200 maxlib/rhythm; #X obj 15 225 maxlib/score array01; #X obj 15 251 maxlib/pitch; #X obj 15 278 maxlib/gestalt; #X obj 15 303 maxlib/edge; #X obj 15 330 maxlib/tilt; #X obj 15 390 maxlib/split; #X obj 15 415 maxlib/nroute; #X obj 15 439 maxlib/unroute; #X obj 15 463 maxlib/limit; #X obj 15 488 maxlib/listfunnel; #X obj 15 513 maxlib/nchange s; #X obj 14 579 maxlib/dist; #X obj 14 603 maxlib/remote; #X obj 307 129 maxlib/divmod; #X obj 307 155 maxlib/divide; #X obj 307 180 maxlib/minus; #X obj 307 207 maxlib/multi; #X obj 307 234 maxlib/plus; #X obj 307 260 maxlib/average; #X obj 307 287 maxlib/match; #X obj 307 313 maxlib/scale; #X obj 307 339 maxlib/delta; #X obj 307 391 maxlib/rewrap; #X obj 642 122 maxlib/lifo; #X obj 642 148 maxlib/fifo; #X obj 642 173 maxlib/listfifo; #X obj 642 201 maxlib/arraycopy; #X obj 642 259 maxlib/subst; #X obj 642 284 maxlib/mlife; #X obj 15 663 maxlib/allow; #X obj 15 687 maxlib/deny; #X obj 642 363 maxlib/beta; #X obj 811 359 maxlib/cauchy; #X obj 642 387 maxlib/expo; #X obj 642 339 maxlib/arbran array01 array02; #X obj 724 363 maxlib/bilex; #X obj 813 383 maxlib/linear; #X obj 725 388 maxlib/gauss; #X text 642 316 RANDOM (distribution generators); #X obj 642 412 maxlib/poisson; #X obj 642 436 maxlib/urn; #X text 392 364 wrap a number in a range; #X text 397 392 wrap it back and forth; #X obj 307 365 maxlib/pwrap; #X text 105 415 route according to Nth elem.; #X text 14 754 [maxlib/netdist]; #X text 14 766 [maxlib/netrec]; #X text 14 778 [maxlib/netserver]; #X text 14 791 [maxlib/netclient]; #X text 18 724 These objects are phased out because of stability problems and redundancy (use mrpeach tcp* and udp* objects):; #X text 4 61 this version (1.5.8) maintained by Fred Jan Kraan , f 62;