# A part of pdfrw (https://github.com/pmaupin/pdfrw) # Copyright (C) 2006-2015 Patrick Maupin, Austin, Texas # MIT license -- See LICENSE.txt for details ''' A tokenizer for PDF streams. In general, documentation used was "PDF reference", sixth edition, for PDF version 1.7, dated November 2006. ''' import re import itertools from .objects import PdfString, PdfObject from .objects.pdfname import BasePdfName from .errors import log, PdfParseError from .py23_diffs import nextattr def linepos(fdata, loc): line = fdata.count('\n', 0, loc) + 1 line += fdata.count('\r', 0, loc) - fdata.count('\r\n', 0, loc) col = loc - max(fdata.rfind('\n', 0, loc), fdata.rfind('\r', 0, loc)) return line, col class PdfTokens(object): # Table 3.1, page 50 of reference, defines whitespace eol = '\n\r' whitespace = '\x00 \t\f' + eol # Text on page 50 defines delimiter characters # Escape the ] delimiters = r'()<>{}[\]/%' # "normal" stuff is all but delimiters or whitespace. p_normal = r'(?:[^\\%s%s]+|\\[^%s])+' % (whitespace, delimiters, whitespace) p_comment = r'\%%[^%s]*' % eol # This will get the bulk of literal strings. p_literal_string = r'\((?:[^\\()]+|\\.)*[()]?' # This will get more pieces of literal strings # (Don't ask me why, but it hangs without the trailing ?.) p_literal_string_extend = r'(?:[^\\()]+|\\.)*[()]?' # A hex string. This one's easy. p_hex_string = r'\<[%s0-9A-Fa-f]*\>' % whitespace p_dictdelim = r'\<\<|\>\>' p_name = r'/[^%s%s]*' % (delimiters, whitespace) p_catchall = '[^%s]' % whitespace pattern = '|'.join([p_normal, p_name, p_hex_string, p_dictdelim, p_literal_string, p_comment, p_catchall]) findtok = re.compile('(%s)[%s]*' % (pattern, whitespace), re.DOTALL).finditer findparen = re.compile('(%s)[%s]*' % (p_literal_string_extend, whitespace), re.DOTALL).finditer def _cacheobj(cache, obj, constructor): ''' This caching relies on the constructors returning something that will compare as equal to the original obj. This works fine with our PDF objects. ''' result = cache.get(obj) if result is None: result = constructor(obj) cache[result] = result return result def _gettoks(self, startloc, cacheobj=_cacheobj, delimiters=delimiters, findtok=findtok, findparen=findparen, PdfString=PdfString, PdfObject=PdfObject, BasePdfName=BasePdfName): ''' Given a source data string and a location inside it, gettoks generates tokens. Each token is a tuple of the form: , , The ending file loc is past any trailing whitespace. The main complication here is the literal strings, which can contain nested parentheses. In order to cope with these we can discard the current iterator and loop back to the top to get a fresh one. We could use re.search instead of re.finditer, but that's slower. ''' fdata = self.fdata current = self.current = [(startloc, startloc)] cache = {} while 1: for match in findtok(fdata, current[0][1]): current[0] = tokspan = match.span() token = match.group(1) firstch = token[0] if firstch not in delimiters: token = cacheobj(cache, token, PdfObject) elif firstch in '/<(%': if firstch == '/': # PDF Name encoded = token token = cache.get(encoded) if token is None: token = cache[token] = BasePdfName(encoded) elif firstch == '<': # << dict delim, or < hex string > if token[1:2] != '<': token = cacheobj(cache, token, PdfString) elif firstch == '(': # Literal string # It's probably simple, but maybe not # Nested parentheses are a bear, and if # they are present, we exit the for loop # and get back in with a new starting location. ends = None # For broken strings if fdata[match.end(1) - 1] != ')': nest = 2 m_start, loc = tokspan for match in findparen(fdata, loc): loc = match.end(1) ending = fdata[loc - 1] == ')' nest += 1 - ending * 2 if not nest: break if ending and ends is None: ends = loc, match.end(), nest token = fdata[m_start:loc] current[0] = m_start, match.end() if nest: # There is one possible recoverable error # seen in the wild -- some stupid generators # don't escape (. If this happens, just # terminate on first unescaped ). The string # won't be quite right, but that's a science # fair project for another time. (self.error, self.exception)[not ends]( 'Unterminated literal string') loc, ends, nest = ends token = fdata[m_start:loc] + ')' * nest current[0] = m_start, ends token = cacheobj(cache, token, PdfString) elif firstch == '%': # Comment if self.strip_comments: continue else: self.exception(('Tokenizer logic incorrect -- ' 'should never get here')) yield token if current[0] is not tokspan: break else: if self.strip_comments: break raise StopIteration def __init__(self, fdata, startloc=0, strip_comments=True, verbose=True): self.fdata = fdata self.strip_comments = strip_comments self.iterator = iterator = self._gettoks(startloc) self.msgs_dumped = None if verbose else set() self.next = getattr(iterator, nextattr) def setstart(self, startloc): ''' Change the starting location. ''' current = self.current if startloc != current[0][1]: current[0] = startloc, startloc def floc(self): ''' Return the current file position (where the next token will be retrieved) ''' return self.current[0][1] floc = property(floc, setstart) def tokstart(self): ''' Return the file position of the most recently retrieved token. ''' return self.current[0][0] tokstart = property(tokstart, setstart) def __iter__(self): return self.iterator def multiple(self, count, islice=itertools.islice, list=list): ''' Retrieve multiple tokens ''' return list(islice(self, count)) def next_default(self, default='nope'): for result in self: return result return default def msg(self, msg, *arg): dumped = self.msgs_dumped if dumped is not None: if msg in dumped: return dumped.add(msg) if arg: msg %= arg fdata = self.fdata begin, end = self.current[0] line, col = linepos(fdata, begin) if end > begin: tok = fdata[begin:end].rstrip() if len(tok) > 30: tok = tok[:26] + ' ...' return ('%s (line=%d, col=%d, token=%s)' % (msg, line, col, repr(tok))) return '%s (line=%d, col=%d)' % (msg, line, col) def warning(self, *arg): s = self.msg(*arg) if s: log.warning(s) def error(self, *arg): s = self.msg(*arg) if s: log.error(s) def exception(self, *arg): raise PdfParseError(self.msg(*arg))