/* This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any means. In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this software under copyright law. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. For more information, please refer to */ /* PIGPIOD_IF_VERSION 27 */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pigpio.h" #include "command.h" #include "pigpiod_if.h" #define PISCOPE_MAX_REPORTS_PER_READ 4096 #define STACK_SIZE (256*1024) typedef void (*CBF_t) (); struct callback_s { int id; int gpio; int edge; CBF_t f; void * user; int ex; callback_t *prev; callback_t *next; }; /* GLOBALS ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ static gpioReport_t gReport[PISCOPE_MAX_REPORTS_PER_READ]; static int gPigCommand = -1; static int gPigHandle = -1; static int gPigNotify = -1; static uint32_t gNotifyBits; static uint32_t gLastLevel; callback_t *gCallBackFirst = 0; callback_t *gCallBackLast = 0; static int gPigStarted = 0; static pthread_t *pthNotify; static pthread_mutex_t command_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; /* PRIVATE ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int pigpio_command(int fd, int command, int p1, int p2, int rl) { cmdCmd_t cmd; cmd.cmd = command; cmd.p1 = p1; cmd.p2 = p2; cmd.res = 0; pthread_mutex_lock(&command_mutex); if (send(fd, &cmd, sizeof(cmd), 0) != sizeof(cmd)) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&command_mutex); return pigif_bad_send; } if (recv(fd, &cmd, sizeof(cmd), MSG_WAITALL) != sizeof(cmd)) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&command_mutex); return pigif_bad_recv; } if (rl) pthread_mutex_unlock(&command_mutex); return cmd.res; } static int pigpio_command_ext (int fd, int command, int p1, int p2, int p3, int extents, gpioExtent_t *ext, int rl) { int i; cmdCmd_t cmd; cmd.cmd = command; cmd.p1 = p1; cmd.p2 = p2; cmd.p3 = p3; pthread_mutex_lock(&command_mutex); if (send(fd, &cmd, sizeof(cmd), 0) != sizeof(cmd)) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&command_mutex); return pigif_bad_send; } for (i=0; iai_next) { sock = socket(rp->ai_family, rp->ai_socktype, rp->ai_protocol); if (sock == -1) continue; /* Disable the Nagle algorithm. */ opt = 1; setsockopt(sock, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (char*)&opt, sizeof(int)); if (connect(sock, rp->ai_addr, rp->ai_addrlen) != -1) break; } freeaddrinfo(res); if (rp == NULL) return pigif_bad_connect; return sock; } static void dispatch_notification(gpioReport_t *r) { callback_t *p; uint32_t changed; int l, g; /* printf("s=%d f=%d l=%8X, t=%10u\n", r->seqno, r->flags, r->level, r->tick); */ if (r->flags == 0) { changed = (r->level ^ gLastLevel) & gNotifyBits; gLastLevel = r->level; p = gCallBackFirst; while (p) { if (changed & (1<<(p->gpio))) { if ((r->level) & (1<<(p->gpio))) l = 1; else l = 0; if ((p->edge) ^ l) { if (p->ex) (p->f)(p->gpio, l, r->tick, p->user); else (p->f)(p->gpio, l, r->tick); } } p = p->next; } } else { g = (r->flags) & 31; p = gCallBackFirst; while (p) { if ((p->gpio) == g) { if (p->ex) (p->f)(g, PI_TIMEOUT, r->tick, p->user); else (p->f)(g, PI_TIMEOUT, r->tick); } p = p->next; } } } static void *pthNotifyThread(void *x) { static int got = 0; int bytes, r; while (1) { bytes = read(gPigNotify, (char*)&gReport+got, sizeof(gReport)-got); if (bytes > 0) got += bytes; else break; r = 0; while (got >= sizeof(gpioReport_t)) { dispatch_notification(&gReport[r]); r++; got -= sizeof(gpioReport_t); } /* copy any partial report to start of array */ if (got && r) gReport[0] = gReport[r]; } return 0; } static void findNotifyBits(void) { callback_t *p; uint32_t bits = 0; p = gCallBackFirst; while (p) { bits |= (1<<(p->gpio)); p = p->next; } if (bits != gNotifyBits) { gNotifyBits = bits; pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_NB, gPigHandle, gNotifyBits, 1); } } static void _wfe(unsigned user_gpio, unsigned level, uint32_t tick, void *user) { *(int *)user = 1; } static int intCallback(unsigned user_gpio, unsigned edge, void *f, void *user, int ex) { static int id = 0; callback_t *p; if ((user_gpio >=0) && (user_gpio < 32) && (edge >=0) && (edge <= 2) && f) { /* prevent duplicates */ p = gCallBackFirst; while (p) { if ((p->gpio == user_gpio) && (p->edge == edge) && (p->f == f)) { return pigif_duplicate_callback; } p = p->next; } p = malloc(sizeof(callback_t)); if (p) { if (!gCallBackFirst) gCallBackFirst = p; p->id = id++; p->gpio = user_gpio; p->edge = edge; p->f = f; p->user = user; p->ex = ex; p->next = 0; p->prev = gCallBackLast; if (p->prev) (p->prev)->next = p; gCallBackLast = p; findNotifyBits(); return p->id; } return pigif_bad_malloc; } return pigif_bad_callback; } /* PUBLIC ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ double time_time(void) { struct timeval tv; double t; gettimeofday(&tv, 0); t = (double)tv.tv_sec + ((double)tv.tv_usec / 1E6); return t; } void time_sleep(double seconds) { struct timespec ts, rem; if (seconds > 0.0) { ts.tv_sec = seconds; ts.tv_nsec = (seconds-(double)ts.tv_sec) * 1E9; while (clock_nanosleep(CLOCK_REALTIME, 0, &ts, &rem)) { /* copy remaining time to ts */ ts.tv_sec = rem.tv_sec; ts.tv_nsec = rem.tv_nsec; } } } char *pigpio_error(int errnum) { if (errnum > -1000) return cmdErrStr(errnum); else { switch(errnum) { case pigif_bad_send: return "failed to send to pigpiod"; case pigif_bad_recv: return "failed to receive from pigpiod"; case pigif_bad_getaddrinfo: return "failed to find address of pigpiod"; case pigif_bad_connect: return "failed to connect to pigpiod"; case pigif_bad_socket: return "failed to create socket"; case pigif_bad_noib: return "failed to open noib"; case pigif_duplicate_callback: return "identical callback exists"; case pigif_bad_malloc: return "failed to malloc"; case pigif_bad_callback: return "bad callback parameter"; case pigif_notify_failed: return "failed to create notification thread"; case pigif_callback_not_found: return "callback not found"; default: return "unknown error"; } } } unsigned pigpiod_if_version(void) { return PIGPIOD_IF_VERSION; } pthread_t *start_thread(gpioThreadFunc_t thread_func, void *arg) { pthread_t *pth; pthread_attr_t pthAttr; pth = malloc(sizeof(pthread_t)); if (pth) { if (pthread_attr_init(&pthAttr)) { perror("pthread_attr_init failed"); free(pth); return NULL; } if (pthread_attr_setstacksize(&pthAttr, STACK_SIZE)) { perror("pthread_attr_setstacksize failed"); free(pth); return NULL; } if (pthread_create(pth, &pthAttr, thread_func, arg)) { perror("pthread_create socket failed"); free(pth); return NULL; } } return pth; } void stop_thread(pthread_t *pth) { if (pth) { pthread_cancel(*pth); pthread_join(*pth, NULL); free(pth); } } int pigpio_start(char *addrStr, char *portStr) { if ((!addrStr) || (strlen(addrStr) == 0)) { addrStr = "localhost"; } if (!gPigStarted) { gPigCommand = pigpioOpenSocket(addrStr, portStr); if (gPigCommand >= 0) { gPigNotify = pigpioOpenSocket(addrStr, portStr); if (gPigNotify >= 0) { gPigHandle = pigpio_command(gPigNotify, PI_CMD_NOIB, 0, 0, 1); if (gPigHandle < 0) return pigif_bad_noib; else { gLastLevel = read_bank_1(); pthNotify = start_thread(pthNotifyThread, 0); if (pthNotify) { gPigStarted = 1; return 0; } else return pigif_notify_failed; } } else return gPigNotify; } else return gPigCommand; } return 0; } void pigpio_stop(void) { gPigStarted = 0; if (pthNotify) { stop_thread(pthNotify); pthNotify = 0; } if (gPigNotify >= 0) { if (gPigHandle >= 0) { pigpio_command(gPigNotify, PI_CMD_NC, gPigHandle, 0, 1); gPigHandle = -1; } close(gPigNotify); gPigNotify = -1; } if (gPigCommand >= 0) { if (gPigHandle >= 0) { pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_NC, gPigHandle, 0, 1); gPigHandle = -1; } close(gPigCommand); gPigCommand = -1; } } int set_mode(unsigned gpio, unsigned mode) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_MODES, gpio, mode, 1);} int get_mode(unsigned gpio) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_MODEG, gpio, 0, 1);} int set_pull_up_down(unsigned gpio, unsigned pud) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_PUD, gpio, pud, 1);} int gpio_read(unsigned gpio) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_READ, gpio, 0, 1);} int gpio_write(unsigned gpio, unsigned level) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_WRITE, gpio, level, 1);} int set_PWM_dutycycle(unsigned user_gpio, unsigned dutycycle) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_PWM, user_gpio, dutycycle, 1);} int get_PWM_dutycycle(unsigned user_gpio) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_GDC, user_gpio, 0, 1);} int set_PWM_range(unsigned user_gpio, unsigned range) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_PRS, user_gpio, range, 1);} int get_PWM_range(unsigned user_gpio) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_PRG, user_gpio, 0, 1);} int get_PWM_real_range(unsigned user_gpio) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_PRRG, user_gpio, 0, 1);} int set_PWM_frequency(unsigned user_gpio, unsigned frequency) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_PFS, user_gpio, frequency, 1);} int get_PWM_frequency(unsigned user_gpio) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_PFG, user_gpio, 0, 1);} int set_servo_pulsewidth(unsigned user_gpio, unsigned pulsewidth) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_SERVO, user_gpio, pulsewidth, 1);} int get_servo_pulsewidth(unsigned user_gpio) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_GPW, user_gpio, 0, 1);} int notify_open(void) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_NO, 0, 0, 1);} int notify_begin(unsigned handle, uint32_t bits) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_NB, handle, bits, 1);} int notify_pause(unsigned handle) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_NB, handle, 0, 1);} int notify_close(unsigned handle) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_NC, handle, 0, 1);} int set_watchdog(unsigned user_gpio, unsigned timeout) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_WDOG, user_gpio, timeout, 1);} uint32_t read_bank_1(void) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_BR1, 0, 0, 1);} uint32_t read_bank_2(void) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_BR2, 0, 0, 1);} int clear_bank_1(uint32_t levels) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_BC1, levels, 0, 1);} int clear_bank_2(uint32_t levels) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_BC2, levels, 0, 1);} int set_bank_1(uint32_t levels) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_BS1, levels, 0, 1);} int set_bank_2(uint32_t levels) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_BS2, levels, 0, 1);} int hardware_clock(unsigned gpio, unsigned frequency) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_HC, gpio, frequency, 1);} int hardware_PWM(unsigned gpio, unsigned frequency, uint32_t dutycycle) { gpioExtent_t ext[1]; /* p1=gpio p2=frequency p3=4 ## extension ## uint32_t dutycycle */ ext[0].size = sizeof(dutycycle); ext[0].ptr = &dutycycle; return pigpio_command_ext( gPigCommand, PI_CMD_HP, gpio, frequency, sizeof(dutycycle), 1, ext, 1); } uint32_t get_current_tick(void) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_TICK, 0, 0, 1);} uint32_t get_hardware_revision(void) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_HWVER, 0, 0, 1);} uint32_t get_pigpio_version(void) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_PIGPV, 0, 0, 1);} int wave_clear(void) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_WVCLR, 0, 0, 1);} int wave_add_new(void) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_WVNEW, 0, 0, 1);} int wave_add_generic(unsigned numPulses, gpioPulse_t *pulses) { gpioExtent_t ext[1]; /* p1=0 p2=0 p3=pulses*sizeof(gpioPulse_t) ## extension ## gpioPulse_t[] pulses */ if (!numPulses) return 0; ext[0].size = numPulses * sizeof(gpioPulse_t); ext[0].ptr = pulses; return pigpio_command_ext( gPigCommand, PI_CMD_WVAG, 0, 0, ext[0].size, 1, ext, 1); } int wave_add_serial( unsigned user_gpio, unsigned baud, uint32_t databits, uint32_t stophalfbits, uint32_t offset, unsigned numChar, char *str) { uint8_t buf[12]; gpioExtent_t ext[2]; /* p1=user_gpio p2=baud p3=len+12 ## extension ## uint32_t databits uint32_t stophalfbits uint32_t offset char[len] str */ if (!numChar) return 0; memcpy(buf, &databits, 4); memcpy(buf+4, &stophalfbits, 4); memcpy(buf+8, &offset, 4); ext[0].size = sizeof(buf); ext[0].ptr = buf; ext[1].size = numChar; ext[1].ptr = str; return pigpio_command_ext(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_WVAS, user_gpio, baud, numChar+sizeof(buf), 2, ext, 1); } int wave_create(void) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_WVCRE, 0, 0, 1);} int wave_delete(unsigned wave_id) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_WVDEL, wave_id, 0, 1);} int wave_tx_start(void) /* DEPRECATED */ {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_WVGO, 0, 0, 1);} int wave_tx_repeat(void) /* DEPRECATED */ {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_WVGOR, 0, 0, 1);} int wave_send_once(unsigned wave_id) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_WVTX, wave_id, 0, 1);} int wave_send_repeat(unsigned wave_id) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_WVTXR, wave_id, 0, 1);} int wave_chain(char *buf, unsigned bufSize) { gpioExtent_t ext[1]; /* p1=0 p2=0 p3=bufSize ## extension ## char buf[bufSize] */ ext[0].size = bufSize; ext[0].ptr = buf; return pigpio_command_ext (gPigCommand, PI_CMD_WVCHA, 0, 0, bufSize, 1, ext, 1); } int wave_tx_busy(void) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_WVBSY, 0, 0, 1);} int wave_tx_stop(void) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_WVHLT, 0, 0, 1);} int wave_get_micros(void) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_WVSM, 0, 0, 1);} int wave_get_high_micros(void) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_WVSM, 1, 0, 1);} int wave_get_max_micros(void) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_WVSM, 2, 0, 1);} int wave_get_pulses(void) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_WVSP, 0, 0, 1);} int wave_get_high_pulses(void) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_WVSP, 1, 0, 1);} int wave_get_max_pulses(void) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_WVSP, 2, 0, 1);} int wave_get_cbs(void) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_WVSC, 0, 0, 1);} int wave_get_high_cbs(void) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_WVSC, 1, 0, 1);} int wave_get_max_cbs(void) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_WVSC, 2, 0, 1);} int gpio_trigger(unsigned user_gpio, unsigned pulseLen, uint32_t level) { gpioExtent_t ext[1]; /* p1=user_gpio p2=pulseLen p3=4 ## extension ## unsigned level */ ext[0].size = sizeof(uint32_t); ext[0].ptr = &level; return pigpio_command_ext( gPigCommand, PI_CMD_TRIG, user_gpio, pulseLen, 4, 1, ext, 1); } int set_glitch_filter(unsigned user_gpio, unsigned steady) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_FG, user_gpio, steady, 1);} int set_noise_filter(unsigned user_gpio, unsigned steady, unsigned active) { gpioExtent_t ext[1]; /* p1=user_gpio p2=steady p3=4 ## extension ## unsigned active */ ext[0].size = sizeof(uint32_t); ext[0].ptr = &active; return pigpio_command_ext( gPigCommand, PI_CMD_FN, user_gpio, steady, 4, 1, ext, 1); } int store_script(char *script) { unsigned len; gpioExtent_t ext[1]; /* p1=0 p2=0 p3=len ## extension ## char[len] script */ len = strlen(script); if (!len) return 0; ext[0].size = len; ext[0].ptr = script; return pigpio_command_ext(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_PROC, 0, 0, len, 1, ext, 1); } int run_script(unsigned script_id, unsigned numPar, uint32_t *param) { gpioExtent_t ext[1]; /* p1=script id p2=0 p3=numPar * 4 ## extension ## uint32_t[numPar] pars */ ext[0].size = 4 * numPar; ext[0].ptr = param; return pigpio_command_ext (gPigCommand, PI_CMD_PROCR, script_id, 0, numPar*4, 1, ext, 1); } int recvMax(void *buf, int bufsize, int sent) { uint8_t scratch[4096]; int remaining, fetch, count; if (sent < bufsize) count = sent; else count = bufsize; if (count) recv(gPigCommand, buf, count, MSG_WAITALL); remaining = sent - count; while (remaining) { fetch = remaining; if (fetch > sizeof(scratch)) fetch = sizeof(scratch); recv(gPigCommand, scratch, fetch, MSG_WAITALL); remaining -= fetch; } return count; } int script_status(unsigned script_id, uint32_t *param) { int status; uint32_t p[PI_MAX_SCRIPT_PARAMS+1]; /* space for script status */ status = pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_PROCP, script_id, 0, 0); if (status > 0) { recvMax(p, sizeof(p), status); status = p[0]; if (param) memcpy(param, p+1, sizeof(p)-4); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&command_mutex); return status; } int stop_script(unsigned script_id) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_PROCS, script_id, 0, 1);} int delete_script(unsigned script_id) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_PROCD, script_id, 0, 1);} int bb_serial_read_open(unsigned user_gpio, unsigned baud, uint32_t bbBits) { gpioExtent_t ext[1]; /* p1=user_gpio p2=baud p3=4 ## extension ## unsigned bbBits */ ext[0].size = sizeof(uint32_t); ext[0].ptr = &bbBits; return pigpio_command_ext( gPigCommand, PI_CMD_SLRO, user_gpio, baud, 4, 1, ext, 1); } int bb_serial_read(unsigned user_gpio, void *buf, size_t bufSize) { int bytes; bytes = pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_SLR, user_gpio, bufSize, 0); if (bytes > 0) { bytes = recvMax(buf, bufSize, bytes); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&command_mutex); return bytes; } int bb_serial_read_close(unsigned user_gpio) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_SLRC, user_gpio, 0, 1);} int bb_serial_invert(unsigned user_gpio, unsigned invert) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_SLRI, user_gpio, invert, 1);} int i2c_open(unsigned i2c_bus, unsigned i2c_addr, uint32_t i2c_flags) { gpioExtent_t ext[1]; /* p1=i2c_bus p2=i2c_addr p3=4 ## extension ## uint32_t i2c_flags */ ext[0].size = sizeof(uint32_t); ext[0].ptr = &i2c_flags; return pigpio_command_ext (gPigCommand, PI_CMD_I2CO, i2c_bus, i2c_addr, 4, 1, ext, 1); } int i2c_close(unsigned handle) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_I2CC, handle, 0, 1);} int i2c_write_quick(unsigned handle, unsigned bit) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_I2CWQ, handle, bit, 1);} int i2c_write_byte(unsigned handle, unsigned val) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_I2CWS, handle, val, 1);} int i2c_read_byte(unsigned handle) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_I2CRS, handle, 0, 1);} int i2c_write_byte_data(unsigned handle, unsigned reg, uint32_t val) { gpioExtent_t ext[1]; /* p1=handle p2=reg p3=4 ## extension ## uint32_t val */ ext[0].size = sizeof(uint32_t); ext[0].ptr = &val; return pigpio_command_ext (gPigCommand, PI_CMD_I2CWB, handle, reg, 4, 1, ext, 1); } int i2c_write_word_data(unsigned handle, unsigned reg, uint32_t val) { gpioExtent_t ext[1]; /* p1=handle p2=reg p3=4 ## extension ## uint32_t val */ ext[0].size = sizeof(uint32_t); ext[0].ptr = &val; return pigpio_command_ext (gPigCommand, PI_CMD_I2CWW, handle, reg, 4, 1, ext, 1); } int i2c_read_byte_data(unsigned handle, unsigned reg) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_I2CRB, handle, reg, 1);} int i2c_read_word_data(unsigned handle, unsigned reg) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_I2CRW, handle, reg, 1);} int i2c_process_call(unsigned handle, unsigned reg, uint32_t val) { gpioExtent_t ext[1]; /* p1=handle p2=reg p3=4 ## extension ## uint32_t val */ ext[0].size = sizeof(uint32_t); ext[0].ptr = &val; return pigpio_command_ext (gPigCommand, PI_CMD_I2CPK, handle, reg, 4, 1, ext, 1); } int i2c_write_block_data( unsigned handle, unsigned reg, char *buf, unsigned count) { gpioExtent_t ext[1]; /* p1=handle p2=reg p3=count ## extension ## char buf[count] */ ext[0].size = count; ext[0].ptr = buf; return pigpio_command_ext (gPigCommand, PI_CMD_I2CWK, handle, reg, count, 1, ext, 1); } int i2c_read_block_data(unsigned handle, unsigned reg, char *buf) { int bytes; bytes = pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_I2CRK, handle, reg, 0); if (bytes > 0) { bytes = recvMax(buf, 32, bytes); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&command_mutex); return bytes; } int i2c_block_process_call( unsigned handle, unsigned reg, char *buf, unsigned count) { int bytes; gpioExtent_t ext[1]; /* p1=handle p2=reg p3=count ## extension ## char buf[count] */ ext[0].size = count; ext[0].ptr = buf; bytes = pigpio_command_ext (gPigCommand, PI_CMD_I2CPK, handle, reg, count, 1, ext, 0); if (bytes > 0) { bytes = recvMax(buf, 32, bytes); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&command_mutex); return bytes; } int i2c_read_i2c_block_data( unsigned handle, unsigned reg, char *buf, uint32_t count) { int bytes; gpioExtent_t ext[1]; /* p1=handle p2=reg p3=4 ## extension ## uint32_t count */ ext[0].size = sizeof(uint32_t); ext[0].ptr = &count; bytes = pigpio_command_ext (gPigCommand, PI_CMD_I2CRI, handle, reg, 4, 1, ext, 0); if (bytes > 0) { bytes = recvMax(buf, count, bytes); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&command_mutex); return bytes; } int i2c_write_i2c_block_data( unsigned handle, unsigned reg, char *buf, unsigned count) { gpioExtent_t ext[1]; /* p1=handle p2=reg p3=count ## extension ## char buf[count] */ ext[0].size = count; ext[0].ptr = buf; return pigpio_command_ext (gPigCommand, PI_CMD_I2CWI, handle, reg, count, 1, ext, 1); } int i2c_read_device(unsigned handle, char *buf, unsigned count) { int bytes; bytes = pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_I2CRD, handle, count, 0); if (bytes > 0) { bytes = recvMax(buf, count, bytes); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&command_mutex); return bytes; } int i2c_write_device(unsigned handle, char *buf, unsigned count) { gpioExtent_t ext[1]; /* p1=handle p2=0 p3=count ## extension ## char buf[count] */ ext[0].size = count; ext[0].ptr = buf; return pigpio_command_ext (gPigCommand, PI_CMD_I2CWD, handle, 0, count, 1, ext, 1); } int i2c_zip( unsigned handle, char *inBuf, unsigned inLen, char *outBuf, unsigned outLen) { int bytes; gpioExtent_t ext[1]; /* p1=handle p2=0 p3=inLen ## extension ## char inBuf[inLen] */ ext[0].size = inLen; ext[0].ptr = inBuf; bytes = pigpio_command_ext (gPigCommand, PI_CMD_I2CZ, handle, 0, inLen, 1, ext, 0); if (bytes > 0) { bytes = recvMax(outBuf, outLen, bytes); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&command_mutex); return bytes; } int bb_i2c_open(unsigned SDA, unsigned SCL, unsigned baud) { gpioExtent_t ext[1]; /* p1=SDA p2=SCL p3=4 ## extension ## uint32_t baud */ ext[0].size = sizeof(uint32_t); ext[0].ptr = &baud; return pigpio_command_ext (gPigCommand, PI_CMD_BI2CO, SDA, SCL, 4, 1, ext, 1); } int bb_i2c_close(unsigned SDA) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_BI2CC, SDA, 0, 1);} int bb_i2c_zip( unsigned SDA, char *inBuf, unsigned inLen, char *outBuf, unsigned outLen) { int bytes; gpioExtent_t ext[1]; /* p1=SDA p2=0 p3=inLen ## extension ## char inBuf[inLen] */ ext[0].size = inLen; ext[0].ptr = inBuf; bytes = pigpio_command_ext (gPigCommand, PI_CMD_BI2CZ, SDA, 0, inLen, 1, ext, 0); if (bytes > 0) { bytes = recvMax(outBuf, outLen, bytes); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&command_mutex); return bytes; } int spi_open(unsigned channel, unsigned speed, uint32_t flags) { gpioExtent_t ext[1]; /* p1=channel p2=speed p3=4 ## extension ## uint32_t flags */ ext[0].size = sizeof(uint32_t); ext[0].ptr = &flags; return pigpio_command_ext (gPigCommand, PI_CMD_SPIO, channel, speed, 4, 1, ext, 1); } int spi_close(unsigned handle) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_SPIC, handle, 0, 1);} int spi_read(unsigned handle, char *buf, unsigned count) { int bytes; bytes = pigpio_command (gPigCommand, PI_CMD_SPIR, handle, count, 0); if (bytes > 0) { bytes = recvMax(buf, count, bytes); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&command_mutex); return bytes; } int spi_write(unsigned handle, char *buf, unsigned count) { gpioExtent_t ext[1]; /* p1=handle p2=0 p3=count ## extension ## char buf[count] */ ext[0].size = count; ext[0].ptr = buf; return pigpio_command_ext (gPigCommand, PI_CMD_SPIW, handle, 0, count, 1, ext, 1); } int spi_xfer(unsigned handle, char *txBuf, char *rxBuf, unsigned count) { int bytes; gpioExtent_t ext[1]; /* p1=handle p2=0 p3=count ## extension ## char buf[count] */ ext[0].size = count; ext[0].ptr = txBuf; bytes = pigpio_command_ext (gPigCommand, PI_CMD_SPIX, handle, 0, count, 1, ext, 0); if (bytes > 0) { bytes = recvMax(rxBuf, count, bytes); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&command_mutex); return bytes; } int serial_open(char *dev, unsigned baud, unsigned flags) { int len; gpioExtent_t ext[1]; len = strlen(dev); /* p1=baud p2=flags p3=len ## extension ## char dev[len] */ ext[0].size = len; ext[0].ptr = dev; return pigpio_command_ext (gPigCommand, PI_CMD_SERO, baud, flags, len, 1, ext, 1); } int serial_close(unsigned handle) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_SERC, handle, 0, 1);} int serial_write_byte(unsigned handle, unsigned val) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_SERWB, handle, val, 1);} int serial_read_byte(unsigned handle) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_SERRB, handle, 0, 1);} int serial_write(unsigned handle, char *buf, unsigned count) { gpioExtent_t ext[1]; /* p1=handle p2=0 p3=count ## extension ## char buf[count] */ ext[0].size = count; ext[0].ptr = buf; return pigpio_command_ext (gPigCommand, PI_CMD_SERW, handle, 0, count, 1, ext, 1); } int serial_read(unsigned handle, char *buf, unsigned count) { int bytes; bytes = pigpio_command (gPigCommand, PI_CMD_SERR, handle, count, 0); if (bytes > 0) { bytes = recvMax(buf, count, bytes); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&command_mutex); return bytes; } int serial_data_available(unsigned handle) {return pigpio_command(gPigCommand, PI_CMD_SERDA, handle, 0, 1);} int custom_1(unsigned arg1, unsigned arg2, char *argx, unsigned count) { gpioExtent_t ext[1]; /* p1=arg1 p2=arg2 p3=count ## extension ## char argx[count] */ ext[0].size = count; ext[0].ptr = argx; return pigpio_command_ext( gPigCommand, PI_CMD_CF1, arg1, arg2, count, 1, ext, 1); } int custom_2(unsigned arg1, char *argx, unsigned count, char *retBuf, uint32_t retMax) { int bytes; gpioExtent_t ext[1]; /* p1=arg1 p2=retMax p3=count ## extension ## char argx[count] */ ext[0].size = count; ext[0].ptr = argx; bytes = pigpio_command_ext (gPigCommand, PI_CMD_CF2, arg1, retMax, count, 1, ext, 0); if (bytes > 0) { bytes = recvMax(retBuf, retMax, bytes); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&command_mutex); return bytes; } int callback(unsigned user_gpio, unsigned edge, CBFunc_t f) {return intCallback(user_gpio, edge, f, 0, 0);} int callback_ex(unsigned user_gpio, unsigned edge, CBFuncEx_t f, void *user) {return intCallback(user_gpio, edge, f, user, 1);} int callback_cancel(unsigned id) { callback_t *p; p = gCallBackFirst; while (p) { if (p->id == id) { if (p->prev) p->prev->next = p->next; else gCallBackFirst = p->next; if (p->next) p->next->prev = p->prev; else gCallBackLast = p->prev; free(p); findNotifyBits(); return 0; } p = p->next; } return pigif_callback_not_found; } int wait_for_edge(unsigned user_gpio, unsigned edge, double timeout) { int triggered = 0; int id; double due; if (timeout <= 0.0) return 0; due = time_time() + timeout; id = callback_ex(user_gpio, edge, _wfe, &triggered); while (!triggered && (time_time() < due)) time_sleep(0.1); callback_cancel(id); return triggered; }