pikepdf ======= **pikepdf** is a Python library allowing creation, manipulation and repair of PDF files. It is provides a wrapper around `QPDF `_. Python + QPDF = "py" + "qpdf" = "pyqpdf", which looks like a dyslexia test. Say it out loud, and it sounds like "pikepdf". **This is in early development. Expect breakage.** Python 2 is not supported. It's time to move on. This library is similar to PyPDF2 in that it provides low level access to PDF features, and editing capabilities. See reportlab for a powerful write-only PDF library. Installation ------------ **On Unix (Linux, macOS)** - clone this repository - ``pip install ./pikepdf`` **On Windows (Requires Visual Studio 2015)** - For Python 3.5: - clone this repository - ``pip install ./pikepdf`` - For earlier versions of Python, including Python 2.7: pikepdf requires a C++11 compliant compiler (i.e. Visual Studio 2015 on Windows). Running a regular ``pip install`` command will detect the version of the compiler used to build Python and attempt to build the extension with it. We must force the use of Visual Studio 2015. :: - clone this repository - `"%VS140COMNTOOLS%\..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x64` - `set DISTUTILS_USE_SDK=1` - `set MSSdk=1` - `pip install ./python_example` Note that this requires the user building ``python_example`` to have registry edition rights on the machine, to be able to run the ``vcvarsall.bat`` script. Windows runtime requirements ---------------------------- On Windows, the Visual C++ 2015 redistributable packages are a runtime requirement for this project. It can be found `here `__. Building the documentation -------------------------- Documentation for the example project is generated using Sphinx. Sphinx has the ability to automatically inspect the signatures and documentation strings in the extension module to generate beautiful documentation in a variety formats. The following command generates HTML-based reference documentation; for other formats please refer to the Sphinx manual: - ``cd pikepdf/docs`` - ``make html`` License ------- pikepdf is provided under a Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the LICENSE file. By using, distributing, or contributing to this project, you agree to the terms and conditions of this license.