Installation ============ .. figure:: images/pike-tree.jpg :scale: 50% :alt: Picture of pike fish impaled on tree branch :align: right A pike installation failure. Basic installation ------------------ .. |latest| image:: :alt: pikepdf latest released version on PyPI |latest| Most users on Linux, macOS or Windows with x64 systems should use ``pip`` to install pikepdf in their current Python environment (such as your project's virtual environment). .. code-block:: bash pip install pikepdf This command installs binary wheels. 64-bit wheels are available for Windows, Linux and macOS. (Except Alpine Linux.) 32-bit wheels are available for Windows, for use with the 32-bit version of Python (regardless of the bitness of Windows). 32-bit wheels for Linux will be added if anyone uses them. Binary wheels should work on most systems work on Linux distributions 2007 and newer, macOS 10.11 and newer (for Homebrew), Windows 7 and newer. Use ``pip install --user pikepdf`` to install the package for the current user only. Use ``pip install pikepdf`` to install to a virtual environment. Platform support ---------------- Some platforms include versions of pikepdf that are distributed by the system package manager (such as ``apt``). These versions may lag behind the version distributed with PyPI, but may be convenient for users that cannot use binary wheels. Debian, Ubuntu and other APT-based distributions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. |apt| image:: :alt: Package status in apt world |apt| .. code-block:: bash apt install pikepdf Fedora 29 ^^^^^^^^^ .. |fedora| image:: :alt: Fedora 29 .. |rawhide| image:: :alt: Fedora Rawhide |fedora| |rawhide| .. code-block:: bash dnf install python-pikepdf ArchLinux ^^^^^^^^^ .. |aur| image:: |aur| Available in `ArchLinux User Repository `_. .. code-block:: bash pacman -S pikepdf Installing on FreeBSD --------------------- .. |freebsd| image:: :alt: FreeBSD :target: .. code-block:: bash pkg install py36-pikepdf To attempt a manual install, try something like: .. code-block:: bash pkg install python3 lang/python3 pkg install py36-lxml qpdf pip install --user pikepdf This procedure is known to work on FreeBSD 11.2. It has not been tested on other versions. Building from source -------------------- **Requirements** .. |qpdf-version| replace:: 8.4.2 pikepdf requires: - a C++14 compliant compiler - GCC (5 and up) and clang (3.3 and up) - `pybind11 `_ - libqpdf |qpdf-version| or higher from the `QPDF `_ project. - defusedxml - Python package On Linux the library and headers for libqpdf must be installed because pikepdf compiles code against it and links to it. Check `Repology for QPDF `_ to see if a recent version of QPDF is available for your platform. Otherwise you must `build QPDF from source `_. (Consider using the binary wheels, which bundle the required version of libqpdf.) **Compiling with GCC or Clang** - clone this repository - install libjpeg, zlib and libqpdf on your platform, including headers - ``pip install .`` .. note:: pikepdf should be built with the same compiler and linker as libqpdf; to be precise both **must** use the same C++ ABI. On some platforms, may not pick the correct compiler so one may need to set environment variables ``CC`` and ``CXX`` to redirect it. If the wrong compiler is selected, ``import pikepdf._qpdf`` will throw an ``ImportError`` about a missing symbol. **On Windows (requires Visual Studio 2015)** .. |msvc-zip| replace:: qpdf-|qpdf-version| pikepdf requires a C++14 compliant compiler (i.e. Visual Studio 2015 on Windows). See our continuous integration build script in ``.appveyor.yml`` for detailed and current instructions. Or use the wheels which save this pain. These instructions require the precompiled binary ``qpdf.dll``. See the QPDF documentation if you also need to build this DLL from source. Both should be built with the same compiler. You may not mix and match MinGW and Visual C++ for example. Running a regular ``pip install`` command will detect the version of the compiler used to build Python and attempt to build the extension with it. We must force the use of Visual Studio 2015. #. Clone this repository. #. In a command prompt, run: .. code-block:: bat %VS140COMNTOOLS%\..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x64 set DISTUTILS_USE_SDK=1 set MSSdk=1 #. Download |msvc-zip| from the `QPDF releases page `_. #. Extract ``bin\qpdfXX.dll`` from the zip file above, where XX is the version of the ABI, and copy it to the ``src/pikepdf`` folder in the repository. #. Run ``pip install .`` in the root directory of the repository. .. note:: The user compiling ``pikepdf`` to must have registry editing rights on the machine to be able to run the ``vcvarsall.bat`` script. .. note:: If you are attempting to build pikepdf because you want to use OCRmyPDF, **OCRmyPDF is not supported on Windows** at this time. Windows runtime requirements ---------------------------- On Windows, the Visual C++ 2015 redistributable packages are a runtime requirement for this project. It can be found `here `__. Building the documentation -------------------------- Documentation is generated using Sphinx and you are currently reading it. To regenerate it: .. code-block:: bash pip install -r requirements/docs.txt cd pikepdf/docs make html