import json import sys from decimal import Decimal, InvalidOperation from math import isclose, isfinite from zlib import compress import pytest from hypothesis import assume, example, given from hypothesis.strategies import ( binary, booleans, characters, floats, integers, lists, recursive, ) import pikepdf from pikepdf import ( Array, Dictionary, Name, Object, Operator, PdfError, String, Stream, Pdf, ) from pikepdf import _qpdf as qpdf # pylint: disable=eval-used,unnecessary-lambda encode = qpdf._encode roundtrip = qpdf._roundtrip def test_none(): assert encode(None) is None def test_booleans(): assert encode(True) == True assert encode(False) == False @given(characters(min_codepoint=0x20, max_codepoint=0x7F)) @example('') def test_ascii_involution(ascii_): b = ascii_.encode('ascii') assert encode(b) == b @given( characters(min_codepoint=0x0, max_codepoint=0xFEF0, blacklist_categories=('Cs',)) ) @example('') def test_unicode_involution(s): assert str(encode(s)) == s @given(binary(min_size=0, max_size=300)) def test_binary_involution(binary_): assert bytes(encode(binary_)) == binary_ int64s = integers(min_value=-9223372036854775807, max_value=9223372036854775807) @given(int64s, int64s) def test_integer_comparison(a, b): equals = a == b encoded_equals = encode(a) == encode(b) assert encoded_equals == equals lessthan = a < b encoded_lessthan = encode(a) < encode(b) assert lessthan == encoded_lessthan @given(integers(-10 ** 12, 10 ** 12), integers(0, 12)) def test_decimal_involution(num, radix): strnum = str(num) if radix > len(strnum): strnum = strnum[:radix] + '.' + strnum[radix:] d = Decimal(strnum) assert encode(d) == d @given(floats()) def test_decimal_from_float(f): d = Decimal(f) if isfinite(f) and d.is_finite(): try: # PDF is limited to ~5 sig figs decstr = str(d.quantize(Decimal('1.000000'))) except InvalidOperation: return # PDF doesn't support exponential notation try: py_d = Object.parse(decstr) except RuntimeError as e: if 'overflow' in str(e) or 'underflow' in str(e): py_d = Object.parse(str(f)) assert isclose(py_d, d, abs_tol=1e-5), (d, f.hex()) else: with pytest.raises(PdfError): Object.parse(str(d)) @given(lists(integers(-10, 10), min_size=0, max_size=10)) def test_list(array): a = pikepdf.Array(array) assert a == array @given(lists(lists(integers(1, 10), min_size=1, max_size=5), min_size=1, max_size=5)) def test_nested_list(array): a = pikepdf.Array(array) assert a == array @given( recursive( integers(1, 10) | booleans(), lambda children: lists(children), max_leaves=20 ) ) def test_nested_list2(array): assume(isinstance(array, list)) a = pikepdf.Array(array) assert a == array def test_list_apis(): a = pikepdf.Array([1, 2, 3]) a[1] = None assert a[1] is None assert len(a) == 3 del a[1] assert len(a) == 2 a[-1] = Name('/Foo') def test_stack_depth(): a = [42] for _ in range(100): a = [a] rlimit = sys.getrecursionlimit() try: sys.setrecursionlimit(100) with pytest.raises(RecursionError): assert encode(a) == a with pytest.raises(RecursionError): encode(a) == encode(a) # pylint: disable=expression-not-assigned with pytest.raises(RecursionError): repr(a) finally: sys.setrecursionlimit(rlimit) # So other tests are not affected def test_bytes(): b = b'\x79\x78\x77\x76' qs = String(b) assert bytes(qs) == b s = 'é' qs = String(s) assert str(qs) == s def test_len_array(): assert len(Array([])) == 0 assert len(Array()) == 0 assert len(Array([3])) == 1 def test_wrap_array(): assert Name('/Foo').wrap_in_array() == Array([Name('/Foo')]) assert Array([42]).wrap_in_array() == Array([42]) def test_name_equality(): # Who needs transitivity? :P # While this is less than ideal ('/Foo' != b'/Foo') it allows for slightly # sloppy tests like if colorspace == '/Indexed' without requiring # Name('/Indexed') everywhere assert Name('/Foo') == '/Foo' assert Name('/Foo') == b'/Foo' assert Name.Foo == Name('/Foo') def test_unslashed_name(): with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='must begin with'): Name('Monty') not in d def test_forbidden_name_usage(): with pytest.raises(TypeError): Name.Monty = Name.Python with pytest.raises(TypeError): Name['/Monty'] class TestHashViolation: def check(self, a, b): assert a == b, "invalid test case" assert hash(a) == hash(b), "hash violation" def test_unequal_but_similar(self): assert Name('/Foo') != String('/Foo') def test_numbers(self): self.check(Object.parse('1.0'), 1) self.check(Object.parse('42'), 42) def test_bool_comparison(self): self.check(Object.parse('0.0'), False) self.check(True, 1) def test_string(self): utf16 = b'\xfe\xff' + 'hello'.encode('utf-16be') self.check(String(utf16), String('hello')) def test_name(self): self.check(Name.This, Name('/This')) def test_operator(self): self.check(Operator('q'), Operator('q')) def test_not_constructible(): with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="constructor"): Object() class TestRepr: def test_repr_dict(self): d = Dictionary( { '/Boolean': True, '/Integer': 42, '/Real': Decimal('42.42'), '/String': String('hi'), '/Array': Array([1, 2, 3.14]), '/Operator': Operator('q'), '/Dictionary': Dictionary({'/Color': 'Red'}), } ) expected = """\ pikepdf.Dictionary({ "/Array": [ 1, 2, Decimal('3.140000') ], "/Boolean": True, "/Dictionary": { "/Color": "Red" }, "/Integer": 42, "/Operator": pikepdf.Operator("q"), "/Real": Decimal('42.42'), "/String": "hi" }) """ def strip_all_whitespace(s): return ''.join(s.split()) assert strip_all_whitespace(repr(d)) == strip_all_whitespace(expected) assert eval(repr(d)) == d def test_repr_scalar(self): scalars = [ False, 666, Decimal('3.14'), String('scalar'), Name('/Bob'), Operator('Q'), ] for s in scalars: assert eval(repr(s)) == s def test_repr_indirect(self, resources): graph = / 'graph.pdf') repr_page0 = repr(graph.pages[0]) assert repr_page0[0] == '<', 'should not be constructible' def test_utf16_error(): with pytest.raises((UnicodeEncodeError, RuntimeError)): str(encode('\ud801')) class TestDictionary: def test_dictionary_contains(self): d = Dictionary({'/Monty': 'Python', '/Flying': 'Circus'}) assert Name.Flying in d assert Name('/Monty') in d assert Name.Brian not in d def test_dictionary_none(self): d = pikepdf.Dictionary({'/One': 1, '/Two': 2}) with pytest.raises(ValueError): d['/Two'] = None def test_dictionary_init(self): d1 = pikepdf.Dictionary({'/Animal': 'Dog'}) d2 = pikepdf.Dictionary(Animal='Dog') assert d1 == d2 def test_dictionary_kwargs(self): d = pikepdf.Dictionary(A='a', B='b', C='c') assert '/B' in d assert 'B' in dir(d) def test_dictionary_iter(self): d = pikepdf.Dictionary(A='a') for k in d: assert k == '/A' assert d[k] == 'a' def test_dictionary_items(self): d = pikepdf.Dictionary(A='a') for k in d.items(): pass def test_not_convertible(): class PurePythonObj: def __repr__(self): return 'PurePythonObj()' c = PurePythonObj() with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): encode(c) with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): pikepdf.Array([1, 2, c]) d = pikepdf.Dictionary() with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): d.SomeKey = c def test_json(): d = Dictionary( { '/Boolean': True, '/Integer': 42, '/Real': Decimal('42.42'), '/String': String('hi'), '/Array': Array([1, 2, 3.14]), '/Dictionary': Dictionary({'/Color': 'Red'}), } ) json_bytes = d.to_json(False) try: as_dict = json.loads(json_bytes) except TypeError: as_dict = json.loads(json_bytes.decode('utf-8')) # Py3.5 shim assert as_dict == { "/Array": [1, 2, 3.140000], "/Boolean": True, "/Dictionary": {"/Color": "Red"}, "/Integer": 42, "/Real": 42.42, "/String": "hi", } @pytest.fixture def stream_object(): pdf = return Stream(pdf, b'') @pytest.fixture def sandwich(resources): return / 'sandwich.pdf') class TestObjectWrite: def test_basic(self, stream_object): stream_object.write(b'abc') assert stream_object.read_bytes() == b'abc' def test_compressed_readback(self, stream_object): stream_object.write(compress(b'def'), filter=Name.FlateDecode) assert stream_object.read_bytes() == b'def' def test_stacked_compression(self, stream_object): double_compressed = compress(compress(b'pointless')) stream_object.write( double_compressed, filter=[Name.FlateDecode, Name.FlateDecode] ) assert stream_object.read_bytes() == b'pointless' assert stream_object.read_raw_bytes() == double_compressed def test_explicit_decodeparms(self, stream_object): double_compressed = compress(compress(b'pointless')) stream_object.write( double_compressed, filter=[Name.FlateDecode, Name.FlateDecode], decode_parms=[None, None], ) assert stream_object.read_bytes() == b'pointless' assert stream_object.read_raw_bytes() == double_compressed def test_no_kwargs(self, stream_object): with pytest.raises(TypeError): stream_object.write(compress(b'x'), [Name.FlateDecode]) def test_ccitt(self, sandwich, stream_object): ccitt = b'\x00' # Not valid data, just for testing decode_parms stream_object.write( ccitt, filter=Name.CCITTFaxDecode, decode_parms=Dictionary(K=-1, Columns=8, Length=1), )