from decimal import Decimal, InvalidOperation from math import isclose, isfinite import sys import pikepdf from pikepdf import _qpdf as qpdf from pikepdf import (Object, String, Array, Name, Dictionary, Operator, PdfError) from hypothesis import given, example, assume from hypothesis.strategies import (integers, binary, lists, floats, characters, recursive, booleans) import pytest # pylint: disable=eval-used,unnecessary-lambda encode = qpdf._encode roundtrip = qpdf._roundtrip def test_none(): assert encode(None) is None def test_booleans(): assert encode(True) == True assert encode(False) == False @given(characters(min_codepoint=0x20, max_codepoint=0x7f)) @example('') def test_ascii_involution(ascii_): b = ascii_.encode('ascii') assert encode(b) == b @given(characters(min_codepoint=0x0, max_codepoint=0xfef0, blacklist_categories=('Cs',))) @example('') def test_unicode_involution(s): assert str(encode(s)) == s @given(binary(min_size=0, max_size=300)) def test_binary_involution(binary_): assert bytes(encode(binary_)) == binary_ int64s = integers(min_value=-9223372036854775807, max_value=9223372036854775807) @given(int64s, int64s) def test_integer_comparison(a, b): equals = (a == b) encoded_equals = (encode(a) == encode(b)) assert encoded_equals == equals lessthan = (a < b) encoded_lessthan = (encode(a) < encode(b)) assert lessthan == encoded_lessthan @given(integers(-10**12, 10**12), integers(0, 12)) def test_decimal_involution(num, radix): strnum = str(num) if radix > len(strnum): strnum = strnum[:radix] + '.' + strnum[radix:] d = Decimal(strnum) assert encode(d) == d @given(floats()) def test_decimal_from_float(f): d = Decimal(f) if isfinite(f) and d.is_finite(): try: # PDF is limited to ~5 sig figs decstr = str(d.quantize(Decimal('1.000000'))) except InvalidOperation: return # PDF doesn't support exponential notation try: py_d = Object.parse(decstr) except RuntimeError as e: if 'overflow' in str(e) or 'underflow' in str(e): py_d = Object.parse(str(f)) assert isclose(py_d, d, abs_tol=1e-5), (d, f.hex()) else: with pytest.raises(PdfError, message=repr(f)): Object.parse(str(d)) @given(lists(integers(-10, 10), min_size=0, max_size=10)) def test_list(array): a = pikepdf.Array(array) assert a == array @given(lists(lists(integers(1,10), min_size=1, max_size=5),min_size=1,max_size=5)) def test_nested_list(array): a = pikepdf.Array(array) assert a == array @given(recursive(integers(1,10) | booleans(), lambda children: lists(children), max_leaves=20)) def test_nested_list2(array): assume(isinstance(array, list)) a = pikepdf.Array(array) assert a == array def test_list_apis(): a = pikepdf.Array([1, 2, 3]) a[1] = None assert a[1] is None assert len(a) == 3 del a[1] assert len(a) == 2 a[-1] = Name('/Foo') def test_stack_depth(): a = [42] for _ in range(100): a = [a] rlimit = sys.getrecursionlimit() try: sys.setrecursionlimit(100) with pytest.raises(RecursionError, message="recursion"): assert encode(a) == a with pytest.raises(RecursionError, message="recursion"): encode(a) == encode(a) # pylint: disable=expression-not-assigned with pytest.raises(RecursionError, message="recursion"): repr(a) finally: sys.setrecursionlimit(rlimit) # So other tests are not affected def test_bytes(): b = b'\x79\x78\x77\x76' qs = String(b) assert bytes(qs) == b s = 'é' qs = String(s) assert str(qs) == s def test_len_array(): assert len(Array([])) == 0 assert len(Array()) == 0 assert len(Array([3])) == 1 def test_name_equality(): # Who needs transitivity? :P # While this is less than ideal ('/Foo' != b'/Foo') it allows for slightly # sloppy tests like if colorspace == '/Indexed' without requiring # Name('/Indexed') everywhere assert Name('/Foo') == '/Foo' assert Name('/Foo') == b'/Foo' assert Name.Foo == Name('/Foo') def test_unslashed_name(): with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='must begin with'): Name('Monty') not in d def test_forbidden_name_usage(): with pytest.raises(TypeError): Name.Monty = Name.Python with pytest.raises(TypeError): Name['/Monty'] class TestHashViolation: def check(self, a, b): assert a == b, "invalid test case" assert hash(a) == hash(b), "hash violation" def test_unequal_but_similar(self): assert Name('/Foo') != String('/Foo') def test_numbers(self): self.check(Object.parse('1.0'), 1) self.check(Object.parse('42'), 42) def test_bool_comparison(self): self.check(Object.parse('0.0'), False) self.check(True, 1) def test_string(self): utf16 = b'\xfe\xff' + 'hello'.encode('utf-16be') self.check(String(utf16), String('hello')) def test_name(self): self.check(Name.This, Name('/This')) def test_operator(self): self.check(Operator('q'), Operator('q')) def test_not_constructible(): with pytest.raises(TypeError, message="constructor"): Object() class TestRepr: def test_repr_dict(self): d = Dictionary({ '/Boolean': True, '/Integer': 42, '/Real': Decimal('42.42'), '/String': String('hi'), '/Array': Array([1, 2, 3.14]), '/Operator': Operator('q'), '/Dictionary': Dictionary({'/Color': 'Red'}) }) expected = """\ pikepdf.Dictionary({ "/Array": [ 1, 2, Decimal('3.140000') ], "/Boolean": True, "/Dictionary": { "/Color": "Red" }, "/Integer": 42, "/Operator": pikepdf.Operator("q"), "/Real": Decimal('42.42'), "/String": "hi" }) """ def strip_all_whitespace(s): return ''.join(s.split()) assert strip_all_whitespace(repr(d)) == strip_all_whitespace(expected) assert eval(repr(d)) == d def test_repr_scalar(self): scalars = [ False, 666, Decimal('3.14'), String('scalar'), Name('/Bob'), Operator('Q') ] for s in scalars: assert eval(repr(s)) == s def test_repr_indirect(self, resources): graph = / 'graph.pdf') repr_page0 = repr(graph.pages[0]) assert repr_page0[0] == '<', 'should not be constructible' def test_utf16_error(): with pytest.raises((UnicodeEncodeError, RuntimeError)): str(encode('\ud801')) class TestDictionary: def test_dictionary_contains(self): d = Dictionary({ '/Monty': 'Python', '/Flying': 'Circus' }) assert Name.Flying in d assert Name('/Monty') in d assert Name.Brian not in d def test_dictionary_none(self): d = pikepdf.Dictionary({'/One': 1, '/Two': 2}) with pytest.raises(ValueError): d['/Two'] = None def test_dictionary_init(self): d1 = pikepdf.Dictionary({'/Animal': 'Dog'}) d2 = pikepdf.Dictionary(Animal='Dog') assert d1 == d2 def test_dictionary_kwargs(self): d = pikepdf.Dictionary(A='a', B='b', C='c') assert '/B' in d assert 'B' in dir(d) def test_dictionary_iter(self): d = pikepdf.Dictionary(A='a') for k in d: assert k == '/A' assert d[k] == 'a' def test_dictionary_items(self): d = pikepdf.Dictionary(A='a') for k in d.items(): pass def test_not_convertible(): class PurePythonObj: def __repr__(self): return 'PurePythonObj()' c = PurePythonObj() with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): encode(c) with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): pikepdf.Array([1, 2, c]) d = pikepdf.Dictionary() with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): d.SomeKey = c