import sys import pytest from pikepdf import ( parse_content_stream, Pdf, Stream, Operator, Object, Dictionary ) from pikepdf.models import Page from pikepdf._qpdf import StreamParser from subprocess import run, PIPE import shutil # pylint: disable=useless-super-delegation class PrintParser(StreamParser): def __init__(self): super().__init__() def handle_object(self, obj): print(repr(obj)) def handle_eof(self): print("--EOF--") class ExceptionParser(StreamParser): def __init__(self): super().__init__() def handle_object(self, obj): # pylint: disable=unused-argument raise ValueError("I take exception to this") def handle_eof(self): print("--EOF--") def test_open_pdf(resources): pdf = / 'graph.pdf') page = pdf.pages[0] Object._parse_stream(page, PrintParser()) def test_parser_exception(resources): pdf = / 'graph.pdf') stream = pdf.pages[0]['/Contents'] with pytest.raises(ValueError): Object._parse_stream(stream, ExceptionParser()) @pytest.mark.skipif( shutil.which('pdftotext') is None, reason="poppler not installed") def test_text_filter(resources, outdir): input_pdf = resources / 'veraPDF test suite 6-2-10-t02-pass-a.pdf' # Ensure the test PDF has detect we can find proc = run(['pdftotext', str(input_pdf), '-'], check=True, stdout=PIPE, encoding='utf-8') assert proc.stdout.strip() != '', "Need input test file that contains text" pdf = page = pdf.pages[0] keep = [] for operands, command in parse_content_stream(page): if command == Operator('Tj'): print("skipping Tj") continue keep.append((operands, command)) new_stream = Stream(pdf, keep) print(new_stream.read_bytes()) # pylint: disable=no-member page['/Contents'] = new_stream page['/Rotate'] = 90 / 'notext.pdf', True) proc = run(['pdftotext', str(outdir / 'notext.pdf'), '-'], check=True, stdout=PIPE, encoding='utf-8') assert proc.stdout.strip() == '', "Expected text to be removed" def test_invalid_stream_object(): with pytest.raises(TypeError): parse_content_stream(Dictionary({"/Hi": 3})) @pytest.mark.parametrize("test_file,expected", [ ("fourpages.pdf", True), ("graph.pdf", False), ("veraPDF test suite 6-2-10-t02-pass-a.pdf", True), ("veraPDF test suite 6-2-3-3-t01-fail-c.pdf", False), ('sandwich.pdf', True) ]) def test_has_text(resources, test_file, expected): pdf = / test_file) for p in pdf.pages: page = Page(p) assert page.has_text() == expected