""" A bunch of quick tests that confirm nothing is horribly wrong """ import pytest import gc from contextlib import suppress from shutil import copy import pikepdf from pikepdf import Pdf, Object, Name, Stream def test_minimum_qpdf_version(): from pikepdf import _qpdf assert _qpdf.qpdf_version() >= '7.0.0' def test_open_pdf(resources): pdf = pikepdf.open(resources / 'graph.pdf') assert '1.3' <= pdf.pdf_version <= '1.7' assert pdf.root['/Pages']['/Count'] == 1 def test_open_pdf_password(resources): pdf = Pdf.open(resources / 'graph-encrypted.pdf', password='owner') assert pdf.root['/Pages']['/Count'] == 1 def test_attr_access(resources): pdf = Pdf.open(resources / 'graph.pdf') assert int(pdf.root.Pages.Count) == 1 def test_create_pdf(outdir): pdf = Pdf.new() font = pdf.make_indirect( Object.parse(b""" << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /Name /F1 /BaseFont /Helvetica /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding >>""")) width, height = 100, 100 image_data = b"\xff\x7f\x00" * (width * height) image = Stream(pdf, image_data) image.stream_dict = Object.parse(b""" << /Type /XObject /Subtype /Image /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB /BitsPerComponent 8 /Width 100 /Height 100 >>""") rfont = {'/F1': font} xobj = {'/Im1': image} resources = { '/Font': rfont, '/XObject': xobj } mediabox = [0, 0, 612, 792] stream = b""" BT /F1 24 Tf 72 720 Td (Hi there) Tj ET q 144 0 0 144 234 324 cm /Im1 Do Q """ contents = Stream(pdf, stream) page_dict = { '/Type': Name('/Page'), '/MediaBox': mediabox, '/Contents': contents, '/Resources': resources } qpdf_page_dict = page_dict page = pdf.make_indirect(qpdf_page_dict) pdf.pages.append(page) pdf.save(outdir / 'hi.pdf') def test_copy_semantics(resources): pdf = Pdf.open(resources / 'graph.pdf') # Ensure that we can name a reference to a child object and view the # changes from the parent page = pdf.pages[0] mediabox = page['/MediaBox'] assert mediabox[2] != 0 mediabox[2] = 0 assert page['/MediaBox'][2] == mediabox[2] def test_copy_page_keepalive(resources, outdir): # str for py<3.6 copy(str(resources / 'sandwich.pdf'), str(outdir / 'sandwich.pdf')) src = Pdf.open(outdir / 'sandwich.pdf') pdf = Pdf.open(resources / 'graph.pdf') pdf.pages.append(src.pages[0]) del src src = None gc.collect() with suppress(PermissionError): (outdir / 'sandwich.pdf').unlink() pdf.save(outdir / 'out.pdf')