/* ======================================================================== * PlantUML : a free UML diagram generator * ======================================================================== * * Project Info: http://plantuml.com * * If you like this project or if you find it useful, you can support us at: * * http://plantuml.com/patreon (only 1$ per month!) * http://plantuml.com/paypal * * This file is part of Smetana. * Smetana is a partial translation of Graphviz/Dot sources from C to Java. * * (C) Copyright 2009-2017, Arnaud Roques * * This translation is distributed under the same Licence as the original C program: * ************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2011 AT&T Intellectual Property * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: See CVS logs. Details at http://www.graphviz.org/ ************************************************************************* * * THE ACCOMPANYING PROGRAM IS PROVIDED UNDER THE TERMS OF THIS ECLIPSE PUBLIC * LICENSE ("AGREEMENT"). [Eclipse Public License - v 1.0] * * ANY USE, REPRODUCTION OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE PROGRAM CONSTITUTES * RECIPIENT'S ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. * * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package gen.lib.cgraph; import static smetana.core.Macro.UNSUPPORTED; public class agxbuf__c { //3 688cb39nv214oqldmhd8roirz // void agxbinit(agxbuf * xb, unsigned int hint, unsigned char *init) public static Object agxbinit(Object... arg) { UNSUPPORTED("4l5fskgdbcbqssdclb6lwckwe"); // void agxbinit(agxbuf * xb, unsigned int hint, unsigned char *init) UNSUPPORTED("erg9i1970wdri39osu8hx2a6e"); // { UNSUPPORTED("3ctz7esjgupftv01eshc2dhx2"); // if (init) { UNSUPPORTED("7ccqm4ipez0mmdk6bv50shi8z"); // xb->buf = init; UNSUPPORTED("bgb2e1tveztx6w0nuo6t6kxbd"); // xb->dyna = 0; UNSUPPORTED("c07up7zvrnu2vhzy6d7zcu94g"); // } else { UNSUPPORTED("49jhfm9yw3megswomc4gzzgd7"); // if (hint == 0) UNSUPPORTED("5h1ggxg5ypn75rue18vgizp12"); // hint = BUFSIZ; UNSUPPORTED("bwuph2kus95n04yy45ff0ygwg"); // xb->dyna = 1; UNSUPPORTED("rowpmdm8bmtos5w0uxjinsts"); // xb->buf = (unsigned char*)malloc((hint)*sizeof(unsigned char)); UNSUPPORTED("dvgyxsnyeqqnyzq696k3vskib"); // } UNSUPPORTED("1vqjbr0qaxnp1tks2ilwqgn3g"); // xb->eptr = xb->buf + hint; UNSUPPORTED("dtbxbzhkw05lut0ozk9a49lw6"); // xb->ptr = xb->buf; UNSUPPORTED("5ymin98xo0ermvpyhsuo8xwim"); // *xb->ptr = '\0'; UNSUPPORTED("c24nfmv9i7o5eoqaymbibp7m7"); // } throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } //3 lu77u8ojbx0os3eapudi7k0e // int agxbmore(agxbuf * xb, unsigned int ssz) public static Object agxbmore(Object... arg) { UNSUPPORTED("1zbuuoy42nrbwgmz0kzwxatml"); // int agxbmore(agxbuf * xb, unsigned int ssz) UNSUPPORTED("erg9i1970wdri39osu8hx2a6e"); // { UNSUPPORTED("ayzlme0ebe3j87lpz076cg2vq"); // int cnt; /* current no. of characters in buffer */ UNSUPPORTED("71r9w1f25l9h79jodjer7my8a"); // int size; /* current buffer size */ UNSUPPORTED("2bckq0rejaf94iovglem6hqko"); // int nsize; /* new buffer size */ UNSUPPORTED("dmokvf86b5kj3srnwwbr7ebmc"); // unsigned char *nbuf; /* new buffer */ UNSUPPORTED("347vqdgen21gpinnet4lkk7gk"); // size = xb->eptr - xb->buf; UNSUPPORTED("49rolm7orqt4aw3uud529g4qc"); // nsize = 2 * size; UNSUPPORTED("svb97awsbpziy0qhoaq68u7b"); // if (size + (int)ssz > nsize) UNSUPPORTED("7ykdy1xuvrmibubukfxhfmz91"); // nsize = size + ssz; UNSUPPORTED("bfinudkdiev8mwo6udbayoaex"); // cnt = xb->ptr - xb->buf; UNSUPPORTED("4cmq49lu7qhmui59rl36qd6fr"); // if (xb->dyna) { UNSUPPORTED("8vf8arbygb0610hkc403uiror"); // nbuf = realloc(xb->buf, nsize); UNSUPPORTED("c07up7zvrnu2vhzy6d7zcu94g"); // } else { UNSUPPORTED("3sajbfvh0ecfy6mdfwrwrojl6"); // nbuf = (unsigned char*)malloc((nsize)*sizeof(unsigned char)); UNSUPPORTED("do1ts7n0vopj00hs85yw95qjx"); // memcpy(nbuf, xb->buf, cnt); UNSUPPORTED("bwuph2kus95n04yy45ff0ygwg"); // xb->dyna = 1; UNSUPPORTED("dvgyxsnyeqqnyzq696k3vskib"); // } UNSUPPORTED("5a5gutjqda6fhdylt7vi64g71"); // xb->buf = nbuf; UNSUPPORTED("dodqzfdb41641741187lm9aci"); // xb->ptr = xb->buf + cnt; UNSUPPORTED("e45cf41wsuzfjfi2my7jn7odp"); // xb->eptr = xb->buf + nsize; UNSUPPORTED("5oxhd3fvp0gfmrmz12vndnjt"); // return 0; UNSUPPORTED("c24nfmv9i7o5eoqaymbibp7m7"); // } throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } //3 7q04bdt3el30gta4bdtl0cr8s // int agxbput_n(agxbuf * xb, const char *s, unsigned int ssz) public static Object agxbput_n(Object... arg) { UNSUPPORTED("xj5zv8tlevqufi7kllkj6uu1"); // int agxbput_n(agxbuf * xb, const char *s, unsigned int ssz) UNSUPPORTED("erg9i1970wdri39osu8hx2a6e"); // { UNSUPPORTED("6q0wy2t9qi11079j0wyuhsmiw"); // if (xb->ptr + ssz > xb->eptr) UNSUPPORTED("82p9dlopf5tuzmyy5454sv4mm"); // agxbmore(xb, ssz); UNSUPPORTED("9tvk5ztcu9lg2u40sfmevitl2"); // memcpy(xb->ptr, s, ssz); UNSUPPORTED("2wy6om6o92zevnnevl5v0pr0c"); // xb->ptr += ssz; UNSUPPORTED("dzondrrxi2pe7xy72r0jstd20"); // return ssz; UNSUPPORTED("c24nfmv9i7o5eoqaymbibp7m7"); // } throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } //3 12y895mwxr60srt40guuma6j5 // int agxbput(agxbuf * xb, const char *s) public static Object agxbput(Object... arg) { UNSUPPORTED("3oqw629wj8yulgtvwwlxn8iyi"); // int agxbput(agxbuf * xb, const char *s) UNSUPPORTED("erg9i1970wdri39osu8hx2a6e"); // { UNSUPPORTED("dmstj6pqesin7a4ufrtut65t5"); // unsigned int ssz = strlen(s); UNSUPPORTED("7i8gvckml5cbfmuhw2pjs8czl"); // return agxbput_n(xb, s, ssz); UNSUPPORTED("c24nfmv9i7o5eoqaymbibp7m7"); // } throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } //3 2zlar00xk0a2nnqcmjb587kvc // void agxbfree(agxbuf * xb) public static Object agxbfree(Object... arg) { UNSUPPORTED("3zwjoplc2wp6x7lb2b5g59pl8"); // void agxbfree(agxbuf * xb) UNSUPPORTED("erg9i1970wdri39osu8hx2a6e"); // { UNSUPPORTED("da8gv3dgf6bnks54n9mnlgzxk"); // if (xb->dyna) UNSUPPORTED("62irfu7vrq2ewolixn0ksp5f6"); // free(xb->buf); UNSUPPORTED("c24nfmv9i7o5eoqaymbibp7m7"); // } throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } //3 cn9iiltxtts5ijjpixwt2uziu // int agxbpop(agxbuf * xb) public static Object agxbpop(Object... arg) { UNSUPPORTED("1hje4ns6ul7cj52y9n9wlgkkc"); // int agxbpop(agxbuf * xb) UNSUPPORTED("erg9i1970wdri39osu8hx2a6e"); // { UNSUPPORTED("53xzwretgdbd0atozc0w6hagb"); // int c; UNSUPPORTED("a6gx1f2k9r1jreuxvg1n7jpiw"); // if (xb->ptr > xb->buf) { UNSUPPORTED("asuii09e2jl1px5timbisq3sx"); // c = *xb->ptr--; UNSUPPORTED("7q6l09k0u87z31e0nmv2lwr94"); // return c; UNSUPPORTED("2lkbqgh2h6urnppaik3zo7ywi"); // } else UNSUPPORTED("8d9xfgejx5vgd6shva5wk5k06"); // return -1; UNSUPPORTED("c24nfmv9i7o5eoqaymbibp7m7"); // } throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }