open Ppxlib open Asttypes open Parsetree open Ast_helper module Ast_mapper = Ocaml_common.Ast_mapper module From_current = Ppxlib_ast.Selected_ast.Of_ocaml module To_current = Ppxlib_ast.Selected_ast.To_ocaml let raise_errorf = Ppx_deriving.raise_errorf let () = Dynlink.allow_unsafe_modules true let dynlink ?(loc=Location.none) filename = let filename = Dynlink.adapt_filename filename in try Dynlink.loadfile filename with Dynlink.Error error -> raise_errorf ~loc "Cannot load %s: %s" filename (Dynlink.error_message error) let init_findlib = lazy ( Findlib.init (); Findlib.record_package Findlib.Record_core "ppx_deriving.api"; ) let load_ocamlfind_package ?loc pkg = Lazy.force init_findlib; try Fl_dynload.load_packages [pkg] with Dynlink.Error error -> raise_errorf ?loc "Cannot load %s: %s" pkg (Dynlink.error_message error) let load_plugin ?loc plugin = let len = String.length plugin in let pkg_prefix = "package:" in let pkg_prefix_len = String.length pkg_prefix in if len >= pkg_prefix_len && String.sub plugin 0 pkg_prefix_len = pkg_prefix then let pkg = String.sub plugin pkg_prefix_len (len - pkg_prefix_len) in load_ocamlfind_package ?loc pkg else dynlink ?loc plugin let get_plugins () = match Ast_mapper.get_cookie "ppx_deriving" with | None -> [] | Some expr -> match From_current.copy_expression expr with | { pexp_desc = Pexp_tuple exprs } -> exprs |> (fun expr -> match expr with | { pexp_desc = Pexp_constant (Pconst_string (file, _, None)) } -> file | _ -> assert false) | _ -> assert false let add_plugins plugins = let loaded = get_plugins () in let plugins = List.filter (fun file -> not (List.mem file loaded)) plugins in List.iter load_plugin plugins; let loaded = loaded @ plugins in Ast_mapper.set_cookie "ppx_deriving" (To_current.copy_expression (Exp.tuple ( (Ast_builder.Default.estring ~loc:Location.none) loaded))) let mapper argv = get_plugins () |> List.iter load_plugin; add_plugins argv; let module Current_ast = Ppxlib_ast.Selected_ast in let structure s = match s with | [] -> [] | hd :: tl -> match hd with | ([%stri [@@@findlib.ppxopt [%e? { pexp_desc = Pexp_tuple ( [%expr "ppx_deriving"] :: elems) }]]]) -> elems |> (fun elem -> match elem with | { pexp_desc = Pexp_constant (Pconst_string (file, _, None))} -> file | _ -> assert false) |> add_plugins; Ppxlib.Driver.map_structure tl | _ -> Ppxlib.Driver.map_structure s in let structure _ st = Current_ast.of_ocaml Structure st |> structure |> Current_ast.to_ocaml Structure in let signature _ si = Current_ast.of_ocaml Signature si |> Ppxlib.Driver.map_signature |> Current_ast.to_ocaml Signature in { Ast_mapper.default_mapper with structure; signature } let () = Ast_mapper.register "ppx_deriving" mapper