path: root/
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1 files changed, 285 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
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index 0000000..c7ded2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+open Migrate_parsetree.Ast_408
+(* This file is part of the ppx_tools package. It is released *)
+(* under the terms of the MIT license (see LICENSE file). *)
+(* Copyright 2013 Alain Frisch and LexiFi *)
+(* A -ppx rewriter to be used to write Parsetree-generating code
+ (including other -ppx rewriters) using concrete syntax.
+ We support the following extensions in expression position:
+ [%expr ...] maps to code which creates the expression represented by ...
+ [%pat? ...] maps to code which creates the pattern represented by ...
+ [%str ...] maps to code which creates the structure represented by ...
+ [%stri ...] maps to code which creates the structure item represented by ...
+ [%sig: ...] maps to code which creates the signature represented by ...
+ [%sigi: ...] maps to code which creates the signature item represented by ...
+ [%type: ...] maps to code which creates the core type represented by ...
+ Quoted code can refer to expressions representing AST fragments,
+ using the following extensions:
+ [%e ...] where ... is an expression of type Parsetree.expression
+ [%t ...] where ... is an expression of type Parsetree.core_type
+ [%p ...] where ... is an expression of type Parsetree.pattern
+ [%%s ...] where ... is an expression of type Parsetree.structure
+ or Parsetree.signature depending on the context.
+ All locations generated by the meta quotation are by default set
+ to [Ast_helper.default_loc]. This can be overriden by providing a custom
+ expression which will be inserted whereever a location is required
+ in the generated AST. This expression can be specified globally
+ (for the current structure) as a structure item attribute:
+ ;;[@@metaloc ...]
+ or locally for the scope of an expression:
+ e [@metaloc ...]
+ Support is also provided to use concrete syntax in pattern
+ position. The location and attribute fields are currently ignored
+ by patterns generated from meta quotations.
+ We support the following extensions in pattern position:
+ [%expr ...] maps to code which creates the expression represented by ...
+ [%pat? ...] maps to code which creates the pattern represented by ...
+ [%str ...] maps to code which creates the structure represented by ...
+ [%type: ...] maps to code which creates the core type represented by ...
+ Quoted code can refer to expressions representing AST fragments,
+ using the following extensions:
+ [%e? ...] where ... is a pattern of type Parsetree.expression
+ [%t? ...] where ... is a pattern of type Parsetree.core_type
+ [%p? ...] where ... is a pattern of type Parsetree.pattern
+module Main : sig end = struct
+ open Asttypes
+ open Parsetree
+ open Ast_helper
+ open Ast_convenience_408
+ let prefix ty s =
+ let open Longident in
+ match parse ty with
+ | Ldot(m, _) -> String.concat "." (Longident.flatten m) ^ "." ^ s
+ | _ -> s
+ let append ?loc ?attrs e e' =
+ let fn = Location.mknoloc (Longident.(Ldot (Lident "List", "append"))) in
+ Exp.apply ?loc ?attrs (Exp.ident fn) [Nolabel, e; Nolabel, e']
+ class exp_builder =
+ object
+ method record ty x = record ( (fun (l, e) -> prefix ty l, e) x)
+ method constr ty (c, args) = constr (prefix ty c) args
+ method list l = list l
+ method tuple l = tuple l
+ method int i = int i
+ method string s = str s
+ method char c = char c
+ method int32 x = Exp.constant (Const.int32 x)
+ method int64 x = Exp.constant (Const.int64 x)
+ method nativeint x = Exp.constant (Const.nativeint x)
+ end
+ class pat_builder =
+ object
+ method record ty x = precord ~closed:Closed ( (fun (l, e) -> prefix ty l, e) x)
+ method constr ty (c, args) = pconstr (prefix ty c) args
+ method list l = plist l
+ method tuple l = ptuple l
+ method int i = pint i
+ method string s = pstr s
+ method char c = pchar c
+ method int32 x = Pat.constant (Const.int32 x)
+ method int64 x = Pat.constant (Const.int64 x)
+ method nativeint x = Pat.constant (Const.nativeint x)
+ end
+ let get_exp loc = function
+ | PStr [ {pstr_desc=Pstr_eval (e, _); _} ] -> e
+ | _ ->
+ Format.eprintf "%aError: Expression expected@."
+ Location.print_loc loc;
+ exit 2
+ let get_typ loc = function
+ | PTyp t -> t
+ | _ ->
+ Format.eprintf "%aError: Type expected@."
+ Location.print_loc loc;
+ exit 2
+ let get_pat loc = function
+ | PPat (t, None) -> t
+ | _ ->
+ Format.eprintf "%aError: Pattern expected@."
+ Location.print_loc loc;
+ exit 2
+ let exp_lifter loc map =
+ let map = map.Ast_mapper.expr map in
+ object
+ inherit [_] Ast_lifter_408.lifter as super
+ inherit exp_builder
+ (* Special support for location in the generated AST *)
+ method! lift_Location_t _ = loc
+ (* Support for antiquotations *)
+ method! lift_Parsetree_expression = function
+ | {pexp_desc=Pexp_extension({txt="e";loc}, e); _} -> map (get_exp loc e)
+ | x -> super # lift_Parsetree_expression x
+ method! lift_Parsetree_pattern = function
+ | {ppat_desc=Ppat_extension({txt="p";loc}, e); _} -> map (get_exp loc e)
+ | x -> super # lift_Parsetree_pattern x
+ method! lift_Parsetree_structure str =
+ List.fold_right
+ (function
+ | {pstr_desc=Pstr_extension(({txt="s";loc}, e), _); _} ->
+ append (get_exp loc e)
+ | x ->
+ cons (super # lift_Parsetree_structure_item x))
+ str (nil ())
+ method! lift_Parsetree_signature sign =
+ List.fold_right
+ (function
+ | {psig_desc=Psig_extension(({txt="s";loc}, e), _); _} ->
+ append (get_exp loc e)
+ | x ->
+ cons (super # lift_Parsetree_signature_item x))
+ sign (nil ())
+ method! lift_Parsetree_core_type = function
+ | {ptyp_desc=Ptyp_extension({txt="t";loc}, e); _} -> map (get_exp loc e)
+ | x -> super # lift_Parsetree_core_type x
+ end
+ let pat_lifter map =
+ let map = map.Ast_mapper.pat map in
+ object
+ inherit [_] Ast_lifter_408.lifter as super
+ inherit pat_builder
+ (* Special support for location and attributes in the generated AST *)
+ method! lift_Location_t _ = Pat.any ()
+ method! lift_Parsetree_attributes _ = Pat.any ()
+ method! lift_loc_stack _ = Pat.any ()
+ (* Support for antiquotations *)
+ method! lift_Parsetree_expression = function
+ | {pexp_desc=Pexp_extension({txt="e";loc}, e); _} -> map (get_pat loc e)
+ | x -> super # lift_Parsetree_expression x
+ method! lift_Parsetree_pattern = function
+ | {ppat_desc=Ppat_extension({txt="p";loc}, e); _} -> map (get_pat loc e)
+ | x -> super # lift_Parsetree_pattern x
+ method! lift_Parsetree_core_type = function
+ | {ptyp_desc=Ptyp_extension({txt="t";loc}, e); _} -> map (get_pat loc e)
+ | x -> super # lift_Parsetree_core_type x
+ end
+ let loc = ref (Exp.field (evar "Ast_helper.default_loc") (lid "contents"))
+ let handle_attr = function
+ | { attr_name = {txt="metaloc";loc=l}
+ ; attr_payload = e
+ ; attr_loc = _ } -> loc := get_exp l e
+ | _ -> ()
+ let with_loc ?(attrs = []) f =
+ let old_loc = !loc in
+ List.iter handle_attr attrs;
+ let r = f () in
+ loc := old_loc;
+ r
+ let expander _config _cookies =
+ let open Ast_mapper in
+ let super = default_mapper in
+ let expr this e =
+ with_loc ~attrs:e.pexp_attributes
+ (fun () ->
+ match e.pexp_desc with
+ | Pexp_extension({txt="expr";loc=l}, e) ->
+ (exp_lifter !loc this) # lift_Parsetree_expression (get_exp l e)
+ | Pexp_extension({txt="pat";loc=l}, e) ->
+ (exp_lifter !loc this) # lift_Parsetree_pattern (get_pat l e)
+ | Pexp_extension({txt="str";_}, PStr e) ->
+ (exp_lifter !loc this) # lift_Parsetree_structure e
+ | Pexp_extension({txt="stri";_}, PStr [e]) ->
+ (exp_lifter !loc this) # lift_Parsetree_structure_item e
+ | Pexp_extension({txt="sig";_}, PSig e) ->
+ (exp_lifter !loc this) # lift_Parsetree_signature e
+ | Pexp_extension({txt="sigi";_}, PSig [e]) ->
+ (exp_lifter !loc this) # lift_Parsetree_signature_item e
+ | Pexp_extension({txt="type";loc=l}, e) ->
+ (exp_lifter !loc this) # lift_Parsetree_core_type (get_typ l e)
+ | _ ->
+ super.expr this e
+ )
+ and pat this p =
+ with_loc ~attrs:p.ppat_attributes
+ (fun () ->
+ match p.ppat_desc with
+ | Ppat_extension({txt="expr";loc=l}, e) ->
+ (pat_lifter this) # lift_Parsetree_expression (get_exp l e)
+ | Ppat_extension({txt="pat";loc=l}, e) ->
+ (pat_lifter this) # lift_Parsetree_pattern (get_pat l e)
+ | Ppat_extension({txt="str";_}, PStr e) ->
+ (pat_lifter this) # lift_Parsetree_structure e
+ | Ppat_extension({txt="stri";_}, PStr [e]) ->
+ (pat_lifter this) # lift_Parsetree_structure_item e
+ | Ppat_extension({txt="sig";_}, PSig e) ->
+ (pat_lifter this) # lift_Parsetree_signature e
+ | Ppat_extension({txt="sigi";_}, PSig [e]) ->
+ (pat_lifter this) # lift_Parsetree_signature_item e
+ | Ppat_extension({txt="type";loc=l}, e) ->
+ (pat_lifter this) # lift_Parsetree_core_type (get_typ l e)
+ | _ ->
+ super.pat this p
+ )
+ and structure this l =
+ with_loc
+ (fun () -> super.structure this l)
+ and structure_item this x =
+ begin match x.pstr_desc with
+ | Pstr_attribute x -> handle_attr x
+ | _ -> ()
+ end;
+ super.structure_item this x
+ and signature this l =
+ with_loc
+ (fun () -> super.signature this l)
+ and signature_item this x =
+ begin match x.psig_desc with
+ | Psig_attribute x -> handle_attr x
+ | _ -> ()
+ end;
+ super.signature_item this x
+ in
+ {super with expr; pat; structure; structure_item; signature; signature_item}
+ let () =
+ let open Migrate_parsetree in
+ Driver.register ~name:"metaquot_408" Versions.ocaml_408 expander