open Migrate_parsetree.Ast_409 (* This file is part of the ppx_tools package. It is released *) (* under the terms of the MIT license (see LICENSE file). *) (* Copyright 2013 Alain Frisch and LexiFi *) (* A -ppx rewriter to be used to write Parsetree-generating code (including other -ppx rewriters) using concrete syntax. We support the following extensions in expression position: [%expr ...] maps to code which creates the expression represented by ... [%pat? ...] maps to code which creates the pattern represented by ... [%str ...] maps to code which creates the structure represented by ... [%stri ...] maps to code which creates the structure item represented by ... [%sig: ...] maps to code which creates the signature represented by ... [%sigi: ...] maps to code which creates the signature item represented by ... [%type: ...] maps to code which creates the core type represented by ... Quoted code can refer to expressions representing AST fragments, using the following extensions: [%e ...] where ... is an expression of type Parsetree.expression [%t ...] where ... is an expression of type Parsetree.core_type [%p ...] where ... is an expression of type Parsetree.pattern [%%s ...] where ... is an expression of type Parsetree.structure or Parsetree.signature depending on the context. All locations generated by the meta quotation are by default set to [Ast_helper.default_loc]. This can be overriden by providing a custom expression which will be inserted whereever a location is required in the generated AST. This expression can be specified globally (for the current structure) as a structure item attribute: ;;[@@metaloc ...] or locally for the scope of an expression: e [@metaloc ...] Support is also provided to use concrete syntax in pattern position. The location and attribute fields are currently ignored by patterns generated from meta quotations. We support the following extensions in pattern position: [%expr ...] maps to code which creates the expression represented by ... [%pat? ...] maps to code which creates the pattern represented by ... [%str ...] maps to code which creates the structure represented by ... [%type: ...] maps to code which creates the core type represented by ... Quoted code can refer to expressions representing AST fragments, using the following extensions: [%e? ...] where ... is a pattern of type Parsetree.expression [%t? ...] where ... is a pattern of type Parsetree.core_type [%p? ...] where ... is a pattern of type Parsetree.pattern *) module Main : sig end = struct open Asttypes open Parsetree open Ast_helper open Ast_convenience_409 let prefix ty s = let open Longident in match parse ty with | Ldot(m, _) -> String.concat "." (Longident.flatten m) ^ "." ^ s | _ -> s let append ?loc ?attrs e e' = let fn = Location.mknoloc (Longident.(Ldot (Lident "List", "append"))) in Exp.apply ?loc ?attrs (Exp.ident fn) [Nolabel, e; Nolabel, e'] class exp_builder = object method record ty x = record ( (fun (l, e) -> prefix ty l, e) x) method constr ty (c, args) = constr (prefix ty c) args method list l = list l method tuple l = tuple l method int i = int i method string s = str s method char c = char c method int32 x = Exp.constant (Const.int32 x) method int64 x = Exp.constant (Const.int64 x) method nativeint x = Exp.constant (Const.nativeint x) end class pat_builder = object method record ty x = precord ~closed:Closed ( (fun (l, e) -> prefix ty l, e) x) method constr ty (c, args) = pconstr (prefix ty c) args method list l = plist l method tuple l = ptuple l method int i = pint i method string s = pstr s method char c = pchar c method int32 x = Pat.constant (Const.int32 x) method int64 x = Pat.constant (Const.int64 x) method nativeint x = Pat.constant (Const.nativeint x) end let get_exp loc = function | PStr [ {pstr_desc=Pstr_eval (e, _); _} ] -> e | _ -> Format.eprintf "%aError: Expression expected@." Location.print_loc loc; exit 2 let get_typ loc = function | PTyp t -> t | _ -> Format.eprintf "%aError: Type expected@." Location.print_loc loc; exit 2 let get_pat loc = function | PPat (t, None) -> t | _ -> Format.eprintf "%aError: Pattern expected@." Location.print_loc loc; exit 2 let exp_lifter loc map = let map = map.Ast_mapper.expr map in object inherit [_] Ast_lifter_409.lifter as super inherit exp_builder (* Special support for location in the generated AST *) method! lift_Location_t _ = loc (* Support for antiquotations *) method! lift_Parsetree_expression = function | {pexp_desc=Pexp_extension({txt="e";loc}, e); _} -> map (get_exp loc e) | x -> super # lift_Parsetree_expression x method! lift_Parsetree_pattern = function | {ppat_desc=Ppat_extension({txt="p";loc}, e); _} -> map (get_exp loc e) | x -> super # lift_Parsetree_pattern x method! lift_Parsetree_structure str = List.fold_right (function | {pstr_desc=Pstr_extension(({txt="s";loc}, e), _); _} -> append (get_exp loc e) | x -> cons (super # lift_Parsetree_structure_item x)) str (nil ()) method! lift_Parsetree_signature sign = List.fold_right (function | {psig_desc=Psig_extension(({txt="s";loc}, e), _); _} -> append (get_exp loc e) | x -> cons (super # lift_Parsetree_signature_item x)) sign (nil ()) method! lift_Parsetree_core_type = function | {ptyp_desc=Ptyp_extension({txt="t";loc}, e); _} -> map (get_exp loc e) | x -> super # lift_Parsetree_core_type x end let pat_lifter map = let map = map.Ast_mapper.pat map in object inherit [_] Ast_lifter_409.lifter as super inherit pat_builder (* Special support for location and attributes in the generated AST *) method! lift_Location_t _ = Pat.any () method! lift_Parsetree_attributes _ = Pat.any () method! lift_loc_stack _ = Pat.any () (* Support for antiquotations *) method! lift_Parsetree_expression = function | {pexp_desc=Pexp_extension({txt="e";loc}, e); _} -> map (get_pat loc e) | x -> super # lift_Parsetree_expression x method! lift_Parsetree_pattern = function | {ppat_desc=Ppat_extension({txt="p";loc}, e); _} -> map (get_pat loc e) | x -> super # lift_Parsetree_pattern x method! lift_Parsetree_core_type = function | {ptyp_desc=Ptyp_extension({txt="t";loc}, e); _} -> map (get_pat loc e) | x -> super # lift_Parsetree_core_type x end let loc = ref (Exp.field (evar "Ast_helper.default_loc") (lid "contents")) let handle_attr = function | { attr_name = {txt="metaloc";loc=l} ; attr_payload = e ; attr_loc = _ } -> loc := get_exp l e | _ -> () let with_loc ?(attrs = []) f = let old_loc = !loc in List.iter handle_attr attrs; let r = f () in loc := old_loc; r let expander _config _cookies = let open Ast_mapper in let super = default_mapper in let expr this e = with_loc ~attrs:e.pexp_attributes (fun () -> match e.pexp_desc with | Pexp_extension({txt="expr";loc=l}, e) -> (exp_lifter !loc this) # lift_Parsetree_expression (get_exp l e) | Pexp_extension({txt="pat";loc=l}, e) -> (exp_lifter !loc this) # lift_Parsetree_pattern (get_pat l e) | Pexp_extension({txt="str";_}, PStr e) -> (exp_lifter !loc this) # lift_Parsetree_structure e | Pexp_extension({txt="stri";_}, PStr [e]) -> (exp_lifter !loc this) # lift_Parsetree_structure_item e | Pexp_extension({txt="sig";_}, PSig e) -> (exp_lifter !loc this) # lift_Parsetree_signature e | Pexp_extension({txt="sigi";_}, PSig [e]) -> (exp_lifter !loc this) # lift_Parsetree_signature_item e | Pexp_extension({txt="type";loc=l}, e) -> (exp_lifter !loc this) # lift_Parsetree_core_type (get_typ l e) | _ -> super.expr this e ) and pat this p = with_loc ~attrs:p.ppat_attributes (fun () -> match p.ppat_desc with | Ppat_extension({txt="expr";loc=l}, e) -> (pat_lifter this) # lift_Parsetree_expression (get_exp l e) | Ppat_extension({txt="pat";loc=l}, e) -> (pat_lifter this) # lift_Parsetree_pattern (get_pat l e) | Ppat_extension({txt="str";_}, PStr e) -> (pat_lifter this) # lift_Parsetree_structure e | Ppat_extension({txt="stri";_}, PStr [e]) -> (pat_lifter this) # lift_Parsetree_structure_item e | Ppat_extension({txt="sig";_}, PSig e) -> (pat_lifter this) # lift_Parsetree_signature e | Ppat_extension({txt="sigi";_}, PSig [e]) -> (pat_lifter this) # lift_Parsetree_signature_item e | Ppat_extension({txt="type";loc=l}, e) -> (pat_lifter this) # lift_Parsetree_core_type (get_typ l e) | _ -> super.pat this p ) and structure this l = with_loc (fun () -> super.structure this l) and structure_item this x = begin match x.pstr_desc with | Pstr_attribute x -> handle_attr x | _ -> () end; super.structure_item this x and signature this l = with_loc (fun () -> super.signature this l) and signature_item this x = begin match x.psig_desc with | Psig_attribute x -> handle_attr x | _ -> () end; super.signature_item this x in {super with expr; pat; structure; structure_item; signature; signature_item} let () = let open Migrate_parsetree in Driver.register ~name:"metaquot_409" Versions.ocaml_409 expander end