.TH default.pa 5 User Manuals .SH NAME default.pa \- PulseAudio Sound Server Startup Script .SH SYNOPSIS \fB\fI~/.pulse/default.pa\fB \fI/etc/pulse/default.pa\fB \f1 .SH DESCRIPTION The PulseAudio sound server interprets the file \fI~/.pulse/default.pa\f1 on startup, and when that file doesn't exist \fI/etc/pulse/default.pa\f1. It should contain directives in the PulseAudio CLI languages, as documented on \fBhttp://pulseaudio.org/wiki/CLI\f1. The same commands can also be entered during runtime in the \fBpacmd(1)\f1 tool, allowing flexible runtime reconfiguration. .SH AUTHORS The PulseAudio Developers ; PulseAudio is available from \fBhttp://pulseaudio.org/\f1 .SH SEE ALSO \fBpulse-daemon.conf(5)\f1, \fBpulseaudio(1)\f1, \fBpacmd(1)\f1