path: root/macaroonbakery/bakery/
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Diffstat (limited to 'macaroonbakery/bakery/')
1 files changed, 301 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macaroonbakery/bakery/ b/macaroonbakery/bakery/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..903e604
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macaroonbakery/bakery/
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+# Copyright 2017 Canonical Ltd.
+# Licensed under the LGPLv3, see LICENCE file for details.
+import base64
+import json
+from ._versions import (VERSION_1, VERSION_2, VERSION_3)
+from ._third_party import legacy_namespace, ThirdPartyCaveatInfo
+from ._keys import PublicKey
+from ._error import VerificationError
+import macaroonbakery.checkers as checkers
+import nacl.public
+import six
+_KEY_LEN = 32
+# version3CaveatMinLen holds an underestimate of the
+# minimum length of a version 3 caveat.
+_VERSION3_CAVEAT_MIN_LEN = 1 + 4 + 32 + 24 + 16 + 1
+def encode_caveat(condition, root_key, third_party_info, key, ns):
+ '''Encrypt a third-party caveat.
+ The third_party_info key holds information about the
+ third party we're encrypting the caveat for; the key is the
+ public/private key pair of the party that's adding the caveat.
+ The caveat will be encoded according to the version information
+ found in third_party_info.
+ @param condition string
+ @param root_key bytes
+ @param third_party_info object
+ @param key nacl key
+ @param ns not used yet
+ @return bytes
+ '''
+ if third_party_info.version == VERSION_1:
+ return _encode_caveat_v1(condition, root_key,
+ third_party_info.public_key, key)
+ if (third_party_info.version == VERSION_2 or
+ third_party_info.version == VERSION_3):
+ return _encode_caveat_v2_v3(third_party_info.version, condition,
+ root_key, third_party_info.public_key,
+ key, ns)
+ raise NotImplementedError('only bakery v1, v2, v3 supported')
+def _encode_caveat_v1(condition, root_key, third_party_pub_key, key):
+ '''Create a JSON-encoded third-party caveat.
+ The third_party_pub_key key represents the PublicKey of the third party
+ we're encrypting the caveat for; the key is the public/private key pair of
+ the party that's adding the caveat.
+ @param condition string
+ @param root_key bytes
+ @param third_party_pub_key (PublicKey)
+ @param key (PrivateKey)
+ @return a base64 encoded bytes
+ '''
+ plain_data = json.dumps({
+ 'RootKey': base64.b64encode(root_key).decode('ascii'),
+ 'Condition': condition
+ })
+ box = nacl.public.Box(key.key, third_party_pub_key.key)
+ encrypted = box.encrypt(six.b(plain_data))
+ nonce = encrypted[0:nacl.public.Box.NONCE_SIZE]
+ encrypted = encrypted[nacl.public.Box.NONCE_SIZE:]
+ return base64.b64encode(six.b(json.dumps({
+ 'ThirdPartyPublicKey': str(third_party_pub_key),
+ 'FirstPartyPublicKey': str(key.public_key),
+ 'Nonce': base64.b64encode(nonce).decode('ascii'),
+ 'Id': base64.b64encode(encrypted).decode('ascii')
+ })))
+def _encode_caveat_v2_v3(version, condition, root_key, third_party_pub_key,
+ key, ns):
+ '''Create a version 2 or version 3 third-party caveat.
+ The format has the following packed binary fields (note
+ that all fields up to and including the nonce are the same
+ as the v2 format):
+ version 2 or 3 [1 byte]
+ first 4 bytes of third-party Curve25519 public key [4 bytes]
+ first-party Curve25519 public key [32 bytes]
+ nonce [24 bytes]
+ encrypted secret part [rest of message]
+ The encrypted part encrypts the following fields
+ with box.Seal:
+ version 2 or 3 [1 byte]
+ length of root key [n: uvarint]
+ root key [n bytes]
+ length of encoded namespace [n: uvarint] (Version 3 only)
+ encoded namespace [n bytes] (Version 3 only)
+ condition [rest of encrypted part]
+ '''
+ ns_data = bytearray()
+ if version >= VERSION_3:
+ ns_data = ns.serialize_text()
+ data = bytearray()
+ data.append(version)
+ data.extend(third_party_pub_key.serialize(raw=True)[:_PUBLIC_KEY_PREFIX_LEN])
+ data.extend(key.public_key.serialize(raw=True)[:])
+ secret = _encode_secret_part_v2_v3(version, condition, root_key, ns_data)
+ box = nacl.public.Box(key.key, third_party_pub_key.key)
+ encrypted = box.encrypt(secret)
+ nonce = encrypted[0:nacl.public.Box.NONCE_SIZE]
+ encrypted = encrypted[nacl.public.Box.NONCE_SIZE:]
+ data.extend(nonce[:])
+ data.extend(encrypted)
+ return bytes(data)
+def _encode_secret_part_v2_v3(version, condition, root_key, ns):
+ '''Creates a version 2 or version 3 secret part of the third party
+ caveat. The returned data is not encrypted.
+ The format has the following packed binary fields:
+ version 2 or 3 [1 byte]
+ root key length [n: uvarint]
+ root key [n bytes]
+ namespace length [n: uvarint] (v3 only)
+ namespace [n bytes] (v3 only)
+ predicate [rest of message]
+ '''
+ data = bytearray()
+ data.append(version)
+ encode_uvarint(len(root_key), data)
+ data.extend(root_key)
+ if version >= VERSION_3:
+ encode_uvarint(len(ns), data)
+ data.extend(ns)
+ data.extend(condition.encode('utf-8'))
+ return bytes(data)
+def decode_caveat(key, caveat):
+ '''Decode caveat by decrypting the encrypted part using key.
+ @param key the nacl private key to decode.
+ @param caveat bytes.
+ @return ThirdPartyCaveatInfo
+ '''
+ if len(caveat) == 0:
+ raise VerificationError('empty third party caveat')
+ first = caveat[:1]
+ if first == b'e':
+ # 'e' will be the first byte if the caveatid is a base64
+ # encoded JSON object.
+ return _decode_caveat_v1(key, caveat)
+ first_as_int = six.byte2int(first)
+ if (first_as_int == VERSION_2 or
+ first_as_int == VERSION_3):
+ if (len(caveat) < _VERSION3_CAVEAT_MIN_LEN
+ and first_as_int == VERSION_3):
+ # If it has the version 3 caveat tag and it's too short, it's
+ # almost certainly an id, not an encrypted payload.
+ raise VerificationError(
+ 'caveat id payload not provided for caveat id {}'.format(
+ caveat))
+ return _decode_caveat_v2_v3(first_as_int, key, caveat)
+ raise VerificationError('unknown version for caveat')
+def _decode_caveat_v1(key, caveat):
+ '''Decode a base64 encoded JSON id.
+ @param key the nacl private key to decode.
+ @param caveat a base64 encoded JSON string.
+ '''
+ data = base64.b64decode(caveat).decode('utf-8')
+ wrapper = json.loads(data)
+ tp_public_key = nacl.public.PublicKey(
+ base64.b64decode(wrapper['ThirdPartyPublicKey']))
+ if key.public_key.key != tp_public_key:
+ raise Exception('public key mismatch') # TODO
+ if wrapper.get('FirstPartyPublicKey', None) is None:
+ raise Exception('target service public key not specified')
+ # The encrypted string is base64 encoded in the JSON representation.
+ secret = base64.b64decode(wrapper.get('Id'))
+ nonce = base64.b64decode(wrapper.get('Nonce'))
+ fp_public_key = nacl.public.PublicKey(base64.b64decode(
+ wrapper.get('FirstPartyPublicKey')))
+ box = nacl.public.Box(key.key, fp_public_key)
+ c = box.decrypt(secret, nonce)
+ record = json.loads(c.decode('utf-8'))
+ fp_key = nacl.public.PublicKey(
+ base64.b64decode(wrapper.get('FirstPartyPublicKey')))
+ return ThirdPartyCaveatInfo(
+ condition=record.get('Condition'),
+ first_party_public_key=PublicKey(fp_key),
+ third_party_key_pair=key,
+ root_key=base64.b64decode(record.get('RootKey')),
+ caveat=caveat,
+ id=None,
+ version=VERSION_1,
+ namespace=legacy_namespace()
+ )
+def _decode_caveat_v2_v3(version, key, caveat):
+ '''Decodes a version 2 or version 3 caveat.
+ '''
+ if (len(caveat) < 1 + _PUBLIC_KEY_PREFIX_LEN +
+ _KEY_LEN + nacl.public.Box.NONCE_SIZE + 16):
+ raise VerificationError('caveat id too short')
+ original_caveat = caveat
+ caveat = caveat[1:] # skip version (already checked)
+ pk_prefix = caveat[:_PUBLIC_KEY_PREFIX_LEN]
+ caveat = caveat[_PUBLIC_KEY_PREFIX_LEN:]
+ if key.public_key.serialize(raw=True)[:_PUBLIC_KEY_PREFIX_LEN] != pk_prefix:
+ raise VerificationError('public key mismatch')
+ first_party_pub = caveat[:_KEY_LEN]
+ caveat = caveat[_KEY_LEN:]
+ nonce = caveat[:nacl.public.Box.NONCE_SIZE]
+ caveat = caveat[nacl.public.Box.NONCE_SIZE:]
+ fp_public_key = nacl.public.PublicKey(first_party_pub)
+ box = nacl.public.Box(key.key, fp_public_key)
+ data = box.decrypt(caveat, nonce)
+ root_key, condition, ns = _decode_secret_part_v2_v3(version, data)
+ return ThirdPartyCaveatInfo(
+ condition=condition.decode('utf-8'),
+ first_party_public_key=PublicKey(fp_public_key),
+ third_party_key_pair=key,
+ root_key=root_key,
+ caveat=original_caveat,
+ version=version,
+ id=None,
+ namespace=ns
+ )
+def _decode_secret_part_v2_v3(version, data):
+ if len(data) < 1:
+ raise VerificationError('secret part too short')
+ got_version = six.byte2int(data[:1])
+ data = data[1:]
+ if version != got_version:
+ raise VerificationError(
+ 'unexpected secret part version, got {} want {}'.format(
+ got_version, version))
+ root_key_length, read = decode_uvarint(data)
+ data = data[read:]
+ root_key = data[:root_key_length]
+ data = data[root_key_length:]
+ if version >= VERSION_3:
+ namespace_length, read = decode_uvarint(data)
+ data = data[read:]
+ ns_data = data[:namespace_length]
+ data = data[namespace_length:]
+ ns = checkers.deserialize_namespace(ns_data)
+ else:
+ ns = legacy_namespace()
+ return root_key, data, ns
+def encode_uvarint(n, data):
+ '''encodes integer into variable-length format into data.'''
+ if n < 0:
+ raise ValueError('only support positive integer')
+ while True:
+ this_byte = n & 127
+ n >>= 7
+ if n == 0:
+ data.append(this_byte)
+ break
+ data.append(this_byte | 128)
+def decode_uvarint(data):
+ '''Decode a variable-length integer.
+ Reads a sequence of unsigned integer byte and decodes them into an integer
+ in variable-length format and returns it and the length read.
+ '''
+ n = 0
+ shift = 0
+ length = 0
+ for b in data:
+ if not isinstance(b, int):
+ b = six.byte2int(b)
+ n |= (b & 0x7f) << shift
+ length += 1
+ if (b & 0x80) == 0:
+ break
+ shift += 7
+ return n, length