path: root/macaroonbakery/checkers/
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1 files changed, 243 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macaroonbakery/checkers/ b/macaroonbakery/checkers/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..776b50b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macaroonbakery/checkers/
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+# Copyright 2017 Canonical Ltd.
+# Licensed under the LGPLv3, see LICENCE file for details.
+import abc
+from collections import namedtuple
+from datetime import datetime
+import pyrfc3339
+import pytz
+from macaroonbakery.checkers.declared import DECLARED_KEY
+from macaroonbakery.checkers.time import TIME_KEY
+from macaroonbakery.checkers.operation import OP_KEY
+from macaroonbakery.checkers.namespace import Namespace
+from macaroonbakery.checkers.caveat import parse_caveat
+from macaroonbakery.checkers.conditions import (
+from macaroonbakery.checkers.utils import condition_with_prefix
+class RegisterError(Exception):
+ '''Raised when a condition cannot be registered with a Checker.'''
+ pass
+class FirstPartyCaveatChecker(object):
+ '''Used to check first party caveats for validity with respect to
+ information in the provided context.
+ If the caveat kind was not recognised, the checker should return
+ ErrCaveatNotRecognized.
+ '''
+ __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def check_first_party_caveat(self, ctx, caveat):
+ ''' Checks that the given caveat condition is valid with respect to
+ the given context information.
+ :param ctx: an Auth context
+ :param caveat a string
+ '''
+ raise NotImplementedError('check_first_party_caveat method must be '
+ 'defined in subclass')
+ def namespace(self):
+ ''' Returns the namespace associated with the caveat checker.
+ '''
+ raise NotImplementedError('namespace method must be '
+ 'defined in subclass')
+class Checker(FirstPartyCaveatChecker):
+ ''' Holds a set of checkers for first party caveats.
+ '''
+ def __init__(self, namespace=None, include_std_checkers=True):
+ if namespace is None:
+ namespace = Namespace()
+ self._namespace = namespace
+ self._checkers = {}
+ if include_std_checkers:
+ self.register_std()
+ def check_first_party_caveat(self, ctx, cav):
+ ''' Checks the caveat against all registered caveat conditions.
+ :return: error message string if any or None
+ '''
+ try:
+ cond, arg = parse_caveat(cav)
+ except ValueError as ex:
+ # If we can't parse it, perhaps it's in some other format,
+ # return a not-recognised error.
+ return 'cannot parse caveat "{}": {}'.format(cav, ex.args[0])
+ checker = self._checkers.get(cond)
+ if checker is None:
+ return 'caveat "{}" not satisfied: caveat not recognized'.format(
+ cav)
+ err = checker.check(ctx, cond, arg)
+ if err is not None:
+ return 'caveat "{}" not satisfied: {}'.format(cav, err)
+ def namespace(self):
+ ''' Returns the namespace associated with the Checker.
+ '''
+ return self._namespace
+ def info(self):
+ ''' Returns information on all the registered checkers.
+ Sorted by namespace and then name
+ :returns a list of CheckerInfo
+ '''
+ return sorted(self._checkers.values(), key=lambda x: (x.ns,
+ def register(self, cond, uri, check):
+ ''' Registers the given condition(string) in the given namespace
+ uri (string) to be checked with the given check function.
+ The check function checks a caveat by passing an auth context, a cond
+ parameter(string) that holds the caveat condition including any
+ namespace prefix and an arg parameter(string) that hold any additional
+ caveat argument text. It will return any error as string otherwise
+ None.
+ It will raise a ValueError if the namespace is not registered or
+ if the condition has already been registered.
+ '''
+ if check is None:
+ raise RegisterError(
+ 'no check function registered for namespace {} when '
+ 'registering condition {}'.format(uri, cond))
+ prefix = self._namespace.resolve(uri)
+ if prefix is None:
+ raise RegisterError('no prefix registered for namespace {} when '
+ 'registering condition {}'.format(uri, cond))
+ if prefix == '' and cond.find(':') >= 0:
+ raise RegisterError(
+ 'caveat condition {} in namespace {} contains a colon but its'
+ ' prefix is empty'.format(cond, uri))
+ full_cond = condition_with_prefix(prefix, cond)
+ info = self._checkers.get(full_cond)
+ if info is not None:
+ raise RegisterError(
+ 'checker for {} (namespace {}) already registered in '
+ 'namespace {}'.format(full_cond, uri, info.ns))
+ self._checkers[full_cond] = CheckerInfo(
+ check=check,
+ ns=uri,
+ name=cond,
+ prefix=prefix)
+ def register_std(self):
+ ''' Registers all the standard checkers in the given checker.
+ If not present already, the standard checkers schema (STD_NAMESPACE) is
+ added to the checker's namespace with an empty prefix.
+ '''
+ self._namespace.register(STD_NAMESPACE, '')
+ for cond in _ALL_CHECKERS:
+ self.register(cond, STD_NAMESPACE, _ALL_CHECKERS[cond])
+class CheckerInfo(namedtuple('CheckInfo', 'prefix name ns check')):
+ '''CheckerInfo holds information on a registered checker.
+ '''
+ __slots__ = ()
+ def __new__(cls, prefix, name, ns, check=None):
+ '''
+ :param check holds the actual checker function which takes an auth
+ context and a condition and arg string as arguments.
+ :param prefix holds the prefix for the checker condition as string.
+ :param name holds the name of the checker condition as string.
+ :param ns holds the namespace URI for the checker's schema as
+ Namespace.
+ '''
+ return super(CheckerInfo, cls).__new__(cls, prefix, name, ns, check)
+def _check_time_before(ctx, cond, arg):
+ clock = ctx.get(TIME_KEY)
+ if clock is None:
+ now = pytz.UTC.localize(datetime.utcnow())
+ else:
+ now = clock.utcnow()
+ try:
+ if pyrfc3339.parse(arg) <= now:
+ return 'macaroon has expired'
+ except ValueError:
+ return 'cannot parse "{}" as RFC 3339'.format(arg)
+ return None
+def _check_declared(ctx, cond, arg):
+ parts = arg.split(' ', 1)
+ if len(parts) != 2:
+ return 'declared caveat has no value'
+ attrs = ctx.get(DECLARED_KEY, {})
+ val = attrs.get(parts[0])
+ if val is None:
+ return 'got {}=null, expected "{}"'.format(parts[0], parts[1])
+ if val != parts[1]:
+ return 'got {}="{}", expected "{}"'.format(parts[0], val, parts[1])
+ return None
+def _check_error(ctx, cond, arg):
+ return 'bad caveat'
+def _check_allow(ctx, cond, arg):
+ return _check_operations(ctx, True, arg)
+def _check_deny(ctx, cond, arg):
+ return _check_operations(ctx, False, arg)
+def _check_operations(ctx, need_ops, arg):
+ ''' Checks an allow or a deny caveat. The need_ops parameter specifies
+ whether we require all the operations in the caveat to be declared in
+ the context.
+ '''
+ ctx_ops = ctx.get(OP_KEY, [])
+ if len(ctx_ops) == 0:
+ if need_ops:
+ f = arg.split()
+ if len(f) == 0:
+ return 'no operations allowed'
+ return '{} not allowed'.format(f[0])
+ return None
+ fields = arg.split()
+ for op in ctx_ops:
+ err = _check_op(op, need_ops, fields)
+ if err is not None:
+ return err
+ return None
+def _check_op(ctx_op, need_op, fields):
+ found = False
+ for op in fields:
+ if op == ctx_op:
+ found = True
+ break
+ if found != need_op:
+ return '{} not allowed'.format(ctx_op)
+ return None
+ COND_TIME_BEFORE: _check_time_before,
+ COND_DECLARED: _check_declared,
+ COND_ERROR: _check_error,
+ COND_ALLOW: _check_allow,
+ COND_DENY: _check_deny,