path: root/macaroonbakery/httpbakery/
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Diffstat (limited to 'macaroonbakery/httpbakery/')
1 files changed, 408 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macaroonbakery/httpbakery/ b/macaroonbakery/httpbakery/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d877140
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macaroonbakery/httpbakery/
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+# Copyright 2017 Canonical Ltd.
+# Licensed under the LGPLv3, see LICENCE file for details.
+import base64
+import json
+import logging
+import macaroonbakery.bakery as bakery
+import macaroonbakery.checkers as checkers
+import macaroonbakery._utils as utils
+from ._browser import WebBrowserInteractor
+from ._error import (
+ DischargeError,
+ Error,
+ InteractionError,
+ InteractionMethodNotFound,
+from ._interactor import (
+ LegacyInteractor,
+import requests
+from six.moves.http_cookies import SimpleCookie
+from six.moves.urllib.parse import urljoin
+TIME_OUT = 30
+log = logging.getLogger('httpbakery')
+class BakeryException(requests.RequestException):
+ '''Raised when some errors happen using the httpbakery
+ authorizer'''
+class Client:
+ '''Client holds the context for making HTTP requests with macaroons.
+ To make a request, use the auth method to obtain
+ an HTTP authorizer suitable for passing as the auth parameter
+ to a requests method. Note that the same cookie jar
+ should be passed to requests as is used to initialize
+ the client.
+ For example:
+ import macaroonbakery.httpbakery
+ client = httpbakery.Client()
+ resp = requests.get('some protected url',
+ cookies=client.cookies,
+ auth=client.auth())
+ @param interaction_methods A list of Interactor implementations.
+ @param key The private key of the client {bakery.PrivateKey}
+ @param cookies storage for the cookies {CookieJar}. It should be the
+ same as in the requests cookies. If not provided, one
+ will be created.
+ '''
+ def __init__(self, interaction_methods=None, key=None, cookies=None):
+ if interaction_methods is None:
+ interaction_methods = [WebBrowserInteractor()]
+ if cookies is None:
+ cookies = requests.cookies.RequestsCookieJar()
+ self._interaction_methods = interaction_methods
+ self.key = key
+ self.cookies = cookies
+ def auth(self):
+ '''Return an authorizer object suitable for passing
+ to requests methods that accept one.
+ If a request returns a discharge-required error,
+ the authorizer will acquire discharge macaroons
+ and retry the request.
+ '''
+ return _BakeryAuth(self)
+ def request(self, method, url, **kwargs):
+ '''Use the requests library to make a request.
+ Using this method is like doing:
+ requests.request(method, url, auth=client.auth())
+ '''
+ # TODO should we raise an exception if auth or cookies are explicitly
+ # mentioned in kwargs?
+ kwargs['auth'] = self.auth()
+ kwargs['cookies'] = self.cookies
+ return requests.request(method=method, url=url, **kwargs)
+ def handle_error(self, error, url):
+ '''Try to resolve the given error, which should be a response
+ to the given URL, by discharging any macaroon contained in
+ it. That is, if error.code is ERR_DISCHARGE_REQUIRED
+ then it will try to discharge If the discharge
+ succeeds, the discharged macaroon will be saved to the client's cookie
+ jar, otherwise an exception will be raised.
+ '''
+ if is None or is None:
+ raise BakeryException('unable to read info in discharge error '
+ 'response')
+ discharges = bakery.discharge_all(
+ self.acquire_discharge,
+ self.key,
+ )
+ macaroons = '[' + ','.join(map(utils.macaroon_to_json_string,
+ discharges)) + ']'
+ all_macaroons = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(utils.to_bytes(macaroons))
+ full_path = relative_url(url,
+ if is not None:
+ name = 'macaroon-' +
+ else:
+ name = 'macaroon-auth'
+ expires = checkers.macaroons_expiry_time(checkers.Namespace(), discharges)
+ self.cookies.set_cookie(utils.cookie(
+ name=name,
+ value=all_macaroons.decode('ascii'),
+ url=full_path,
+ expires=expires,
+ ))
+ def acquire_discharge(self, cav, payload):
+ ''' Request a discharge macaroon from the caveat location
+ as an HTTP URL.
+ @param cav Third party {pymacaroons.Caveat} to be discharged.
+ @param payload External caveat data {bytes}.
+ @return The acquired macaroon {macaroonbakery.Macaroon}
+ '''
+ resp = self._acquire_discharge_with_token(cav, payload, None)
+ # TODO Fabrice what is the other http response possible ??
+ if resp.status_code == 200:
+ return bakery.Macaroon.from_dict(resp.json().get('Macaroon'))
+ cause = Error.from_dict(resp.json())
+ if cause.code != ERR_INTERACTION_REQUIRED:
+ raise DischargeError(cause.message)
+ if is None:
+ raise DischargeError(
+ 'interaction-required response with no info: {}'.format(
+ resp.json())
+ )
+ loc = cav.location
+ if not loc.endswith('/'):
+ loc = loc + '/'
+ token, m = self._interact(loc, cause, payload)
+ if m is not None:
+ # We've acquired the macaroon directly via legacy interaction.
+ return m
+ # Try to acquire the discharge again, but this time with
+ # the token acquired by the interaction method.
+ resp = self._acquire_discharge_with_token(cav, payload, token)
+ if resp.status_code == 200:
+ return bakery.Macaroon.from_dict(resp.json().get('Macaroon'))
+ else:
+ raise DischargeError(
+ 'discharge failed with code {}'.format(resp.status_code))
+ def _acquire_discharge_with_token(self, cav, payload, token):
+ req = {}
+ _add_json_binary_field(cav.caveat_id_bytes, req, 'id')
+ if token is not None:
+ _add_json_binary_field(token.value, req, 'token')
+ req['token-kind'] = token.kind
+ if payload is not None:
+ req['caveat64'] = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(payload).rstrip(
+ b'=').decode('utf-8')
+ target = relative_url(cav.location, 'discharge')
+ headers = {
+ }
+ return self.request('POST', target, data=req, headers=headers)
+ def _interact(self, location, error_info, payload):
+ '''Gathers a macaroon by directing the user to interact with a
+ web page. The error_info argument holds the interaction-required
+ error response.
+ @return DischargeToken, bakery.Macaroon
+ '''
+ if (self._interaction_methods is None or
+ len(self._interaction_methods) == 0):
+ raise InteractionError('interaction required but not possible')
+ # TODO(rogpeppe) make the robust against a wider range of error info.
+ if is None and \
+ is not None:
+ # It's an old-style error; deal with it differently.
+ return None, self._legacy_interact(location, error_info)
+ for interactor in self._interaction_methods:
+ found =
+ if found is None:
+ continue
+ try:
+ token = interactor.interact(self, location, error_info)
+ except InteractionMethodNotFound:
+ continue
+ if token is None:
+ raise InteractionError('interaction method returned an empty '
+ 'token')
+ return token, None
+ raise InteractionError('no supported interaction method')
+ def _legacy_interact(self, location, error_info):
+ visit_url = relative_url(location,
+ wait_url = relative_url(location,
+ method_urls = {
+ "interactive": visit_url
+ }
+ if (len(self._interaction_methods) > 1 or
+ self._interaction_methods[0].kind() !=
+ # We have several possible methods or we only support a non-window
+ # method, so we need to fetch the possible methods supported by
+ # the discharger.
+ method_urls = _legacy_get_interaction_methods(visit_url)
+ for interactor in self._interaction_methods:
+ kind = interactor.kind()
+ # This is the old name for browser-window interaction.
+ kind = "interactive"
+ if not isinstance(interactor, LegacyInteractor):
+ # Legacy interaction mode isn't supported.
+ continue
+ visit_url = method_urls.get(kind)
+ if visit_url is None:
+ continue
+ visit_url = relative_url(location, visit_url)
+ interactor.legacy_interact(self, location, visit_url)
+ return _wait_for_macaroon(wait_url)
+ raise InteractionError('no methods supported; supported [{}]; provided [{}]'.format(
+ ' '.join([x.kind() for x in self._interaction_methods]),
+ ' '.join(method_urls.keys()),
+ ))
+class _BakeryAuth:
+ '''_BakeryAuth implements an authorizer as required
+ by the requests HTTP client.
+ '''
+ def __init__(self, client):
+ '''
+ @param interaction_methods A list of Interactor implementations.
+ @param key The private key of the client (macaroonbakery.PrivateKey)
+ @param cookies storage for the cookies {CookieJar}. It should be the
+ same as in the requests cookies.
+ '''
+ self._client = client
+ def __call__(self, req):
+ req.headers[BAKERY_PROTOCOL_HEADER] = str(bakery.LATEST_VERSION)
+ hook = _prepare_discharge_hook(req.copy(), self._client)
+ req.register_hook(event='response', hook=hook)
+ return req
+def _prepare_discharge_hook(req, client):
+ ''' Return the hook function (called when the response is received.)
+ This allows us to intercept the response and do any necessary
+ macaroon discharge before returning.
+ '''
+ class Retry:
+ # Define a local class so that we can use its class variable as
+ # mutable state accessed by the closures below.
+ count = 0
+ def hook(response, *args, **kwargs):
+ ''' Requests hooks system, this is the hook for the response.
+ '''
+ status_code = response.status_code
+ if status_code != 407 and status_code != 401:
+ return response
+ if (status_code == 401 and response.headers.get('WWW-Authenticate') !=
+ 'Macaroon'):
+ return response
+ if response.headers.get('Content-Type') != 'application/json':
+ return response
+ errorJSON = response.json()
+ if errorJSON.get('Code') != ERR_DISCHARGE_REQUIRED:
+ return response
+ error = Error.from_dict(errorJSON)
+ Retry.count += 1
+ if Retry.count >= MAX_DISCHARGE_RETRIES:
+ raise BakeryException('too many ({}) discharge requests'.format(
+ Retry.count)
+ )
+ client.handle_error(error, req.url)
+ # Replace the private _cookies from req as it is a copy of
+ # the original cookie jar passed into the requests method and we need
+ # to set the cookie for this request.
+ req._cookies = client.cookies
+ req.headers.pop('Cookie', None)
+ req.prepare_cookies(req._cookies)
+ req.headers[BAKERY_PROTOCOL_HEADER] = \
+ str(bakery.LATEST_VERSION)
+ with requests.Session() as s:
+ return s.send(req)
+ return hook
+def extract_macaroons(headers_or_request):
+ ''' Returns an array of any macaroons found in the given slice of cookies.
+ If the argument implements a get_header method, that will be used
+ instead of the get method to retrieve headers.
+ @param headers_or_request: dict of headers or a
+ urllib.request.Request-like object.
+ @return: A list of list of mpy macaroons
+ '''
+ def get_header(key, default=None):
+ try:
+ return headers_or_request.get_header(key, default)
+ except AttributeError:
+ return headers_or_request.get(key, default)
+ mss = []
+ def add_macaroon(data):
+ data = utils.b64decode(data)
+ data_as_objs = json.loads(data.decode('utf-8'))
+ ms = [utils.macaroon_from_dict(x) for x in data_as_objs]
+ mss.append(ms)
+ cookie_header = get_header('Cookie')
+ if cookie_header is not None:
+ cs = SimpleCookie()
+ # The cookie might be a unicode object, so convert it
+ # to ASCII. This may cause an exception under Python 2.
+ # TODO is that a problem?
+ cs.load(str(cookie_header))
+ for c in cs:
+ if c.startswith('macaroon-'):
+ add_macaroon(cs[c].value)
+ # Python doesn't make it easy to have multiple values for a
+ # key, so split the header instead, which is necessary
+ # for HTTP1.1 compatibility anyway (see RFC 7230, section 3.2.2)
+ macaroon_header = get_header('Macaroons')
+ if macaroon_header is not None:
+ for h in macaroon_header.split(','):
+ add_macaroon(h)
+ return mss
+def _add_json_binary_field(b, serialized, field):
+ '''' Set the given field to the given val (bytes) in the serialized
+ dictionary.
+ If the value isn't valid utf-8, we base64 encode it and use field+"64"
+ as the field name.
+ '''
+ try:
+ val = b.decode('utf-8')
+ serialized[field] = val
+ except UnicodeDecodeError:
+ val = base64.b64encode(b).decode('utf-8')
+ serialized[field + '64'] = val
+def _wait_for_macaroon(wait_url):
+ ''' Returns a macaroon from a legacy wait endpoint.
+ '''
+ headers = {
+ }
+ resp = requests.get(url=wait_url, headers=headers)
+ if resp.status_code != 200:
+ raise InteractionError('cannot get {}'.format(wait_url))
+ return bakery.Macaroon.from_dict(resp.json().get('Macaroon'))
+def relative_url(base, new):
+ ''' Returns new path relative to an original URL.
+ '''
+ if new == '':
+ return base
+ if not base.endswith('/'):
+ base += '/'
+ return urljoin(base, new)
+def _legacy_get_interaction_methods(u):
+ ''' Queries a URL as found in an ErrInteractionRequired VisitURL field to
+ find available interaction methods.
+ It does this by sending a GET request to the URL with the Accept
+ header set to "application/json" and parsing the resulting
+ response as a dict.
+ '''
+ headers = {
+ 'Accept': 'application/json'
+ }
+ resp = requests.get(url=u, headers=headers)
+ method_urls = {}
+ if resp.status_code == 200:
+ json_resp = resp.json()
+ for m in json_resp:
+ method_urls[m] = relative_url(u, json_resp[m])
+ if method_urls.get('interactive') is None:
+ # There's no "interactive" method returned, but we know
+ # the server does actually support it, because all dischargers
+ # are required to, so fill it in with the original URL.
+ method_urls['interactive'] = u
+ return method_urls