path: root/macaroonbakery/tests/
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Diffstat (limited to 'macaroonbakery/tests/')
1 files changed, 120 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macaroonbakery/tests/ b/macaroonbakery/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2619127
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macaroonbakery/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+# Copyright 2017 Canonical Ltd.
+# Licensed under the LGPLv3, see LICENCE file for details.
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+import pytz
+import macaroonbakery
+import macaroonbakery.checkers as checkers
+class _StoppedClock(object):
+ def __init__(self, t):
+ self.t = t
+ def utcnow(self):
+ return self.t
+epoch = pytz.utc.localize(
+ datetime(year=1900, month=11, day=17, hour=19, minute=00, second=13))
+ages = epoch + timedelta(days=1)
+test_context = checkers.context_with_clock(checkers.AuthContext(),
+ _StoppedClock(epoch))
+def test_checker():
+ c = checkers.Checker()
+ c.namespace().register('testns', '')
+ c.register('str', 'testns', str_check)
+ c.register('true', 'testns', true_check)
+ return c
+_str_key = checkers.ContextKey('str_check')
+def str_context(s):
+ return test_context.with_value(_str_key, s)
+def str_check(ctx, cond, args):
+ expect = ctx[_str_key]
+ if args != expect:
+ return '{} doesn\'t match {}'.format(cond, expect)
+ return None
+def true_check(ctx, cond, args):
+ # Always succeeds.
+ return None
+class OneIdentity(macaroonbakery.IdentityClient):
+ '''An IdentityClient implementation that always returns a single identity
+ from declared_identity, allowing allow(LOGIN_OP) to work even when there
+ are no declaration caveats (this is mostly to support the legacy tests
+ which do their own checking of declaration caveats).
+ '''
+ def identity_from_context(self, ctx):
+ return None, None
+ def declared_identity(self, ctx, declared):
+ return _NoOne()
+class _NoOne(object):
+ def id(self):
+ return 'noone'
+ def domain(self):
+ return ''
+class ThirdPartyStrcmpChecker(macaroonbakery.ThirdPartyCaveatChecker):
+ def __init__(self, str):
+ self.str = str
+ def check_third_party_caveat(self, ctx, cav_info):
+ condition = cav_info.condition
+ if isinstance(cav_info.condition, bytes):
+ condition = cav_info.condition.decode('utf-8')
+ if condition != self.str:
+ raise macaroonbakery.ThirdPartyCaveatCheckFailed(
+ '{} doesn\'t match {}'.format(condition, self.str))
+ return []
+class ThirdPartyCheckerWithCaveats(macaroonbakery.ThirdPartyCaveatChecker):
+ def __init__(self, cavs=None):
+ if cavs is None:
+ cavs = []
+ self.cavs = cavs
+ def check_third_party_caveat(self, ctx, cav_info):
+ return self.cavs
+class ThirdPartyCaveatCheckerEmpty(macaroonbakery.ThirdPartyCaveatChecker):
+ def check_third_party_caveat(self, ctx, cav_info):
+ return []
+def new_bakery(location, locator=None):
+ # Returns a new Bakery instance using a new
+ # key pair, and registers the key with the given locator if provided.
+ #
+ # It uses test_checker to check first party caveats.
+ key = macaroonbakery.generate_key()
+ if locator is not None:
+ locator.add_info(location,
+ macaroonbakery.ThirdPartyInfo(
+ public_key=key.public_key,
+ version=macaroonbakery.LATEST_BAKERY_VERSION))
+ return macaroonbakery.Bakery(key=key,
+ checker=test_checker(),
+ location=location,
+ identity_client=OneIdentity(),
+ locator=locator)