# Copyright 2017 Canonical Ltd. # Licensed under the LGPLv3, see LICENCE file for details. include sysdeps.mk PYTHON = python # Since the python-tox package in Ubuntu uses Python 3, use pip to install tox # instead. This also works on OSX where tox is not present in Homebrew. PIP_SYSDEPS = tox PIP = sudo pip install $(1) SYSDEPS_INSTALLED = .sysdeps-installed DEVENV = devenv DEVENVPIP = $(DEVENV)/bin/pip .DEFAULT_GOAL := setup $(DEVENVPIP): @tox -e devenv $(SYSDEPS_INSTALLED): sysdeps.mk ifeq ($(shell command -v apt-get > /dev/null; echo $$?),0) sudo apt-get install --yes $(APT_SYSDEPS) else @echo 'System dependencies can only be installed automatically on' @echo 'systems with "apt-get". On OSX you can manually use Homebrew' @echo 'if there are missing dependencies corresponding to the following' @echo 'Debian packages:' @echo '$(APT_SYSDEPS).' endif sudo pip2 install $(PIP_SYSDEPS) touch $(SYSDEPS_INSTALLED) .PHONY: check check: setup @tox -e lint @tox .PHONY: clean clean: $(PYTHON) setup.py clean # Remove the development environments. rm -rfv $(DEVENV) .tox/ # Remove distribution artifacts. rm -rfv *.egg build/ dist/ macaroonbakery.egg-info MANIFEST # Remove tests artifacts. rm -fv .coverage # Remove the canary file. rm -fv $(SYSDEPS_INSTALLED) # Remove Python compiled bytecode. find . -name '*.pyc' -delete find . -name '__pycache__' -type d -delete .PHONY: docs docs: setup tox -e docs .PHONY: help help: @echo -e 'Macaroon Bakery - list of make targets:\n' @echo 'make - Set up the development and testing environment.' @echo 'make test - Run tests.' @echo 'make lint - Run linter and pep8.' @echo 'make check - Run all the tests and lint in all supported scenarios.' @echo 'make source - Create source package.' @echo 'make clean - Get rid of bytecode files, build and dist dirs, venvs.' @echo 'make release - Register and upload a release on PyPI.' @echo -e '\nAfter creating the development environment with "make", it is' @echo 'also possible to do the following:' @echo '- run a specific subset of the test suite, e.g. with' @echo ' "$(DEVENV)/bin/nosetests bakery/tests/...";' @echo '- use tox as usual on this project;' @echo ' see https://tox.readthedocs.org/en/latest/' .PHONY: lint lint: setup @$(DEVENV)/bin/flake8 --show-source macaroonbakery --exclude macaroonbakery/internal/id_pb2.py .PHONY: release release: check $(PYTHON) setup.py register sdist upload .PHONY: setup setup: $(SYSDEPS_INSTALLED) $(DEVENVPIP) setup.py .PHONY: source source: $(PYTHON) setup.py sdist .PHONY: sysdeps sysdeps: $(SYSDEPS_INSTALLED) .PHONY: test test: setup @$(DEVENV)/bin/nosetests \ --verbosity 2 --with-coverage --cover-erase \ --cover-package macaroonbakery