# Copyright 2017 Canonical Ltd. # Licensed under the LGPLv3, see LICENCE file for details. import base64 from collections import namedtuple import requests from ._error import InteractionError from ._interactor import ( WEB_BROWSER_INTERACTION_KIND, DischargeToken, Interactor, LegacyInteractor, ) from macaroonbakery._utils import visit_page_with_browser from six.moves.urllib.parse import urljoin class WebBrowserInteractor(Interactor, LegacyInteractor): ''' Handles web-browser-based interaction-required errors by opening a web browser to allow the user to prove their credentials interactively. ''' def __init__(self, open=visit_page_with_browser): '''Create a WebBrowserInteractor that uses the given function to open a browser window. The open function is expected to take a single argument of string type, the URL to open. ''' self._open_web_browser = open def kind(self): return WEB_BROWSER_INTERACTION_KIND def legacy_interact(self, ctx, location, visit_url): '''Implement LegacyInteractor.legacy_interact by opening the web browser window''' self._open_web_browser(visit_url) def interact(self, ctx, location, ir_err): '''Implement Interactor.interact by opening the browser window and waiting for the discharge token''' p = ir_err.interaction_method(self.kind(), WebBrowserInteractionInfo) if not location.endswith('/'): location += '/' visit_url = urljoin(location, p.visit_url) wait_token_url = urljoin(location, p.wait_token_url) self._open_web_browser(visit_url) return self._wait_for_token(ctx, wait_token_url) def _wait_for_token(self, ctx, wait_token_url): ''' Returns a token from a the wait token URL @param wait_token_url URL to wait for (string) :return DischargeToken ''' resp = requests.get(wait_token_url) if resp.status_code != 200: raise InteractionError('cannot get {}'.format(wait_token_url)) json_resp = resp.json() kind = json_resp.get('kind') if kind is None: raise InteractionError( 'cannot get kind token from {}'.format(wait_token_url)) token_val = json_resp.get('token') if token_val is None: token_val = json_resp.get('token64') if token_val is None: raise InteractionError( 'cannot get token from {}'.format(wait_token_url)) token_val = base64.b64decode(token_val) return DischargeToken(kind=kind, value=token_val) class WebBrowserInteractionInfo(namedtuple('WebBrowserInteractionInfo', 'visit_url, wait_token_url')): ''' holds the information expected in the browser-window interaction entry in an interaction-required error. :param visit_url holds the URL to be visited in a web browser. :param wait_token_url holds a URL that will block on GET until the browser interaction has completed. ''' @classmethod def from_dict(cls, info_dict): '''Create a new instance of WebBrowserInteractionInfo, as expected by the Error.interaction_method method. @param info_dict The deserialized JSON object @return a new WebBrowserInteractionInfo object. ''' return WebBrowserInteractionInfo( visit_url=info_dict.get('VisitURL'), wait_token_url=info_dict.get('WaitTokenURL'))