# Copyright 2017 Canonical Ltd. # Licensed under the LGPLv3, see LICENCE file for details. import macaroonbakery.bakery as bakery import macaroonbakery._utils as utils def discharge(ctx, content, key, locator, checker): '''Handles a discharge request as received by the /discharge endpoint. @param ctx The context passed to the checker {checkers.AuthContext} @param content URL and form parameters {dict} @param locator Locator used to add third party caveats returned by the checker {macaroonbakery.ThirdPartyLocator} @param checker {macaroonbakery.ThirdPartyCaveatChecker} Used to check third party caveats. @return The discharge macaroon {macaroonbakery.Macaroon} ''' id = content.get('id') if id is not None: id = id.encode('utf-8') else: id = content.get('id64') if id is not None: id = utils.b64decode(id) caveat = content.get('caveat64') if caveat is not None: caveat = utils.b64decode(caveat) return bakery.discharge( ctx, id=id, caveat=caveat, key=key, checker=checker, locator=locator, )