# Copyright 2017 Canonical Ltd. # Licensed under the LGPLv3, see LICENCE file for details. import base64 import json import requests from six.moves.http_cookies import SimpleCookie from six.moves.urllib.parse import urljoin import macaroonbakery as bakery import macaroonbakery.checkers as checkers from macaroonbakery import utils from macaroonbakery.httpbakery.interactor import ( LegacyInteractor, WEB_BROWSER_INTERACTION_KIND, ) from macaroonbakery.httpbakery.error import ( DischargeError, ERR_DISCHARGE_REQUIRED, ERR_INTERACTION_REQUIRED, Error, InteractionError, InteractionMethodNotFound, ) from macaroonbakery.httpbakery.error import BAKERY_PROTOCOL_HEADER from macaroonbakery.httpbakery.browser import WebBrowserInteractor TIME_OUT = 30 MAX_DISCHARGE_RETRIES = 3 class BakeryException(requests.RequestException): '''Raised when some errors happen using the httpbakery authorizer''' class Client: '''Client holds the context for making HTTP requests with macaroons. To make a request, use the auth method to obtain an HTTP authorizer suitable for passing as the auth parameter to a requests method. Note that the same cookie jar should be passed to requests as is used to initialize the client. For example: import macaroonbakery.httpbakery client = httpbakery.Client() resp = requests.get('some protected url', cookies=client.cookies, auth=client.auth()) @param interaction_methods A list of Interactor implementations. @param key The private key of the client {bakery.PrivateKey} @param cookies storage for the cookies {CookieJar}. It should be the same as in the requests cookies. If not provided, one will be created. ''' def __init__(self, interaction_methods=None, key=None, cookies=None): if interaction_methods is None: interaction_methods = [WebBrowserInteractor()] if cookies is None: cookies = requests.cookies.RequestsCookieJar() self._interaction_methods = interaction_methods self._key = key self.cookies = cookies def auth(self): '''Return an authorizer object suitable for passing to requests methods that accept one. If a request returns a discharge-required error, the authorizer will acquire discharge macaroons and retry the request. ''' return _BakeryAuth(self) def request(self, method, url, **kwargs): '''Use the requests library to make a request. Using this method is like doing: requests.request(method, url, auth=client.auth()) ''' kwargs.setdefault('auth', self.auth()) return requests.request(method=method, url=url, **kwargs) def handle_error(self, error, url): '''Try to resolve the given error, which should be a response to the given URL, by discharging any macaroon contained in it. That is, if error.code is ERR_DISCHARGE_REQUIRED then it will try to discharge err.info.macaroon. If the discharge succeeds, the discharged macaroon will be saved to the client's cookie jar, otherwise an exception will be raised. ''' if error.info is None or error.info.macaroon is None: raise BakeryException('unable to read info in discharge error response') discharges = bakery.discharge_all( error.info.macaroon, self.acquire_discharge, self._key, ) macaroons = '[' + ','.join(map(utils.macaroon_to_json_string, discharges)) + ']' all_macaroons = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(utils.to_bytes(macaroons)) full_path = relative_url(url, error.info.macaroon_path) if error.info.cookie_name_suffix is not None: name = 'macaroon-' + error.info.cookie_name_suffix else: name = 'macaroon-auth' expires = checkers.macaroons_expiry_time(checkers.Namespace(), discharges) expires = None # TODO(rogpeppe) remove this line after fixing the tests. self.cookies.set_cookie(utils.cookie( name=name, value=all_macaroons.decode('ascii'), url=full_path, expires=expires, )) def acquire_discharge(self, cav, payload): ''' Request a discharge macaroon from the caveat location as an HTTP URL. @param cav Third party {pymacaroons.Caveat} to be discharged. @param payload External caveat data {bytes}. @return The acquired macaroon {macaroonbakery.Macaroon} ''' resp = self._acquire_discharge_with_token(cav, payload, None) # TODO Fabrice what is the other http response possible ?? if resp.status_code == 200: return bakery.Macaroon.from_dict(resp.json().get('Macaroon')) cause = Error.from_dict(resp.json()) if cause.code != ERR_INTERACTION_REQUIRED: raise DischargeError(cause.message) if cause.info is None: raise DischargeError( 'interaction-required response with no info: {}'.format(resp.json()) ) loc = cav.location if not loc.endswith('/'): loc = loc + '/' token, m = self._interact(loc, cause, payload) if m is not None: # We've acquired the macaroon directly via legacy interaction. return m # Try to acquire the discharge again, but this time with # the token acquired by the interaction method. resp = self._acquire_discharge_with_token(cav, payload, token) if resp.status_code == 200: return bakery.Macaroon.deserialize_json( resp.json().get('Macaroon')) else: raise DischargeError() def _acquire_discharge_with_token(self, cav, payload, token): req = {} _add_json_binary_field(cav.caveat_id_bytes, req, 'id') if token is not None: _add_json_binary_field(token.value, req, 'token') req['token-kind'] = token.kind if payload is not None: req['caveat64'] = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(payload).rstrip( b'=').decode('utf-8') target = relative_url(cav.location, 'discharge') headers = { BAKERY_PROTOCOL_HEADER: str(bakery.LATEST_VERSION) } return self.request('POST', target, data=req, headers=headers) def _interact(self, location, error_info, payload): '''Gathers a macaroon by directing the user to interact with a web page. The error_info argument holds the interaction-required error response. @return DischargeToken, bakery.Macaroon ''' if self._interaction_methods is None or len(self._interaction_methods) == 0: raise InteractionError('interaction required but not possible') # TODO(rogpeppe) make the robust against a wider range of error info. if error_info.info.interaction_methods is None and \ error_info.info.visit_url is not None: # It's an old-style error; deal with it differently. return None, self._legacy_interact(location, error_info) for interactor in self._interaction_methods: found = error_info.info.interaction_methods.get(interactor.kind()) if found is None: continue try: token = interactor.interact(self, location, error_info) except InteractionMethodNotFound: continue if token is None: raise InteractionError('interaction method returned an empty token') return token, None raise InteractionError('no supported interaction method') def _legacy_interact(self, location, error_info): visit_url = relative_url(location, error_info.info.visit_url) wait_url = relative_url(location, error_info.info.wait_url) method_urls = { "interactive": visit_url } if len(self._interaction_methods) > 1 or \ self._interaction_methods[0].kind() != WEB_BROWSER_INTERACTION_KIND: # We have several possible methods or we only support a non-window # method, so we need to fetch the possible methods supported by # the discharger. method_urls = _legacy_get_interaction_methods(visit_url) for interactor in self._interaction_methods: kind = interactor.kind() if kind == WEB_BROWSER_INTERACTION_KIND: # This is the old name for browser-window interaction. kind = "interactive" if not isinstance(interactor, LegacyInteractor): # Legacy interaction mode isn't supported. continue visit_url = method_urls.get(kind) if visit_url is None: continue visit_url = relative_url(location, visit_url) interactor.legacy_interact(self, location, visit_url) return _wait_for_macaroon(wait_url) raise InteractionError('no methods supported') class _BakeryAuth: '''_BakeryAuth implements an authorizer as required by the requests HTTP client. ''' def __init__(self, client): ''' @param interaction_methods A list of Interactor implementations. @param key The private key of the client (macaroonbakery.PrivateKey) @param cookies storage for the cookies {CookieJar}. It should be the same as in the requests cookies. ''' self._client = client def __call__(self, req): req.headers[BAKERY_PROTOCOL_HEADER] = str(bakery.LATEST_VERSION) hook = _prepare_discharge_hook(req.copy(), self._client) req.register_hook(event='response', hook=hook) return req def _prepare_discharge_hook(req, client): ''' Return the hook function (called when the response is received.) This allows us to intercept the response and do any necessary macaroon discharge before returning. ''' class Retry: # Define a local class so that we can use its class variable as # mutable state accessed by the closures below. count = 0 def hook(response, *args, **kwargs): ''' Requests hooks system, this is the hook for the response. ''' status_code = response.status_code if status_code != 407 and status_code != 401: return response if (status_code == 401 and response.headers.get('WWW-Authenticate') != 'Macaroon'): return response if response.headers.get('Content-Type') != 'application/json': return response errorJSON = response.json() if errorJSON.get('Code') != ERR_DISCHARGE_REQUIRED: return response error = Error.from_dict(errorJSON) Retry.count += 1 if Retry.count >= MAX_DISCHARGE_RETRIES: raise BakeryException('too many ({}) discharge requests'.format( Retry.count) ) client.handle_error(error, req.url) # Replace the private _cookies from req as it is a copy of # the original cookie jar passed into the requests method and we need # to set the cookie for this request. req._cookies = client.cookies req.headers.pop('Cookie', None) req.prepare_cookies(req._cookies) req.headers[BAKERY_PROTOCOL_HEADER] = \ str(bakery.LATEST_VERSION) with requests.Session() as s: return s.send(req) return hook def extract_macaroons(headers): ''' Returns an array of any macaroons found in the given slice of cookies. @param headers: dict of headers @return: An array of array of mpy macaroons ''' mss = [] def add_macaroon(data): data = utils.b64decode(data) data_as_objs = json.loads(data.decode('utf-8')) ms = [utils.macaroon_from_dict(x) for x in data_as_objs] mss.append(ms) cookieHeader = headers.get('Cookie') if cookieHeader is not None: cs = SimpleCookie() # The cookie might be a unicode object, so convert it # to ASCII. This may cause an exception under Python 2. # TODO is that a problem? cs.load(str(cookieHeader)) for c in cs: if c.startswith('macaroon-'): add_macaroon(cs[c].value) # Python doesn't make it easy to have multiple values for a # key, so split the header instead, which is necessary # for HTTP1.1 compatibility anyway. macaroonHeader = headers.get('Macaroons') if macaroonHeader is not None: for h in macaroonHeader.split(','): add_macaroon(h) return mss def _add_json_binary_field(b, serialized, field): '''' Set the given field to the given val (bytes) in the serialized dictionary. If the value isn't valid utf-8, we base64 encode it and use field+"64" as the field name. ''' try: val = b.decode('utf-8') serialized[field] = val except UnicodeDecodeError: val = base64.b64encode(b).decode('utf-8') serialized[field + '64'] = val def _wait_for_macaroon(wait_url): ''' Returns a macaroon from a legacy wait endpoint. ''' headers = { BAKERY_PROTOCOL_HEADER: str(bakery.LATEST_VERSION) } resp = requests.get(url=wait_url, headers=headers) if resp.status_code != 200: return InteractionError('cannot get {}'.format(wait_url)) return bakery.Macaroon.from_dict(resp.json().get('Macaroon')) def relative_url(base, new): ''' Returns new path relative to an original URL. ''' if new == '': return base if not base.endswith('/'): base += '/' return urljoin(base, new) def _legacy_get_interaction_methods(u): ''' Queries a URL as found in an ErrInteractionRequired VisitURL field to find available interaction methods. It does this by sending a GET request to the URL with the Accept header set to "application/json" and parsing the resulting response as a dict. ''' headers = { BAKERY_PROTOCOL_HEADER: str(bakery.LATEST_VERSION), 'Accept': 'application/json' } resp = requests.get(url=u, headers=headers) method_urls = {} if resp.status_code == 200: json_resp = resp.json() for m in json_resp: relative_url(u, json_resp[m]) method_urls[m] = relative_url(u, json_resp[m]) if method_urls.get('interactive') is None: # There's no "interactive" method returned, but we know # the server does actually support it, because all dischargers # are required to, so fill it in with the original URL. method_urls['interactive'] = u return method_urls