# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ pyKwalify - core.py """ # python std lib import datetime import json import logging import os import re import sys import traceback import time from io import open from importlib.machinery import SourceFileLoader # pyKwalify imports import pykwalify from pykwalify.compat import unicode, nativestr, basestring from pykwalify.errors import CoreError, SchemaError, NotMappingError, NotSequenceError from pykwalify.rule import Rule from pykwalify.types import is_scalar, is_string, tt # 3rd party imports from dateutil.parser import parse from pykwalify.compat import yml from ruamel.yaml.constructor import Constructor log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Core(object): """ Core class of pyKwalify """ def __init__(self, source_file=None, schema_files=None, source_data=None, schema_data=None, extensions=None, strict_rule_validation=False, fix_ruby_style_regex=False, allow_assertions=False, file_encoding=None, schema_file_obj=None, data_file_obj=None): """ :param extensions: List of paths to python files that should be imported and available via 'func' keywork. This list of extensions can be set manually or they should be provided by the `--extension` flag from the cli. This list should not contain files specified by the `extensions` list keyword that can be defined at the top level of the schema. """ if schema_files is None: schema_files = [] if extensions is None: extensions = [] log.debug(u"source_file: %s", source_file) log.debug(u"schema_file: %s", schema_files) log.debug(u"source_data: %s", source_data) log.debug(u"schema_data: %s", schema_data) log.debug(u"extension files: %s", extensions) self.source = None self.schema = None self.validation_errors = None self.validation_errors_exceptions = None self.root_rule = None self.extensions = extensions self.errors = [] self.strict_rule_validation = strict_rule_validation self.fix_ruby_style_regex = fix_ruby_style_regex self.allow_assertions = allow_assertions # Patch in all the normal python types into the yaml load instance so we can use all the # internal python types in the yaml loading. yml.constructor.add_constructor('tag:yaml.org,2002:python/bool', Constructor.construct_yaml_bool) yml.constructor.add_constructor('tag:yaml.org,2002:python/complex', Constructor.construct_python_complex) yml.constructor.add_constructor('tag:yaml.org,2002:python/dict', Constructor.construct_yaml_map) yml.constructor.add_constructor('tag:yaml.org,2002:python/float', Constructor.construct_yaml_float) yml.constructor.add_constructor('tag:yaml.org,2002:python/int', Constructor.construct_yaml_int) yml.constructor.add_constructor('tag:yaml.org,2002:python/list', Constructor.construct_yaml_seq) yml.constructor.add_constructor('tag:yaml.org,2002:python/long', Constructor.construct_python_long) yml.constructor.add_constructor('tag:yaml.org,2002:python/none', Constructor.construct_yaml_null) yml.constructor.add_constructor('tag:yaml.org,2002:python/str', Constructor.construct_python_str) yml.constructor.add_constructor('tag:yaml.org,2002:python/tuple', Constructor.construct_python_tuple) yml.constructor.add_constructor('tag:yaml.org,2002:python/unicode', Constructor.construct_python_unicode) if data_file_obj: try: self.source = yml.load(data_file_obj.read()) except Exception as e: raise CoreError("Unable to load data_file_obj input") if schema_file_obj: try: self.schema = yml.load(schema_file_obj.read()) except Exception as e: raise CoreError("Unable to load schema_file_obj") if source_file is not None: if not os.path.exists(source_file): raise CoreError(u"Provided source_file do not exists on disk: {0}".format(source_file)) with open(source_file, "r", encoding=file_encoding) as stream: if source_file.endswith(".json"): self.source = json.load(stream) elif source_file.endswith(".yaml") or source_file.endswith('.yml'): self.source = yml.load(stream) else: raise CoreError(u"Unable to load source_file. Unknown file format of specified file path: {0}".format(source_file)) if not isinstance(schema_files, list): raise CoreError(u"schema_files must be of list type") # Merge all schema files into one single file for easy parsing if len(schema_files) > 0: schema_data = {} for f in schema_files: if not os.path.exists(f): raise CoreError(u"Provided source_file do not exists on disk : {0}".format(f)) with open(f, "r", encoding=file_encoding) as stream: if f.endswith(".json"): data = json.load(stream) elif f.endswith(".yaml") or f.endswith(".yml"): data = yml.load(stream) if not data: raise CoreError(u"No data loaded from file : {0}".format(f)) else: raise CoreError(u"Unable to load file : {0} : Unknown file format. Supported file endings is [.json, .yaml, .yml]") for key in data.keys(): if key in schema_data.keys(): raise CoreError(u"Parsed key : {0} : two times in schema files...".format(key)) schema_data = dict(schema_data, **data) self.schema = schema_data # Nothing was loaded so try the source_data variable if self.source is None: log.debug(u"No source file loaded, trying source data variable") self.source = source_data if self.schema is None: log.debug(u"No schema file loaded, trying schema data variable") self.schema = schema_data # Test if anything was loaded if self.source is None: raise CoreError(u"No source file/data was loaded") if self.schema is None: raise CoreError(u"No schema file/data was loaded") # Merge any extensions defined in the schema with the provided list of extensions from the cli for f in self.schema.get('extensions', []): self.extensions.append(f) if not isinstance(self.extensions, list) and all(isinstance(e, str) for e in self.extensions): raise CoreError(u"Specified extensions must be a list of file paths") self._load_extensions() if self.strict_rule_validation: log.info("Using strict rule keywords validation...") def _load_extensions(self): """ Load all extension files into the namespace pykwalify.ext """ log.debug(u"loading all extensions : %s", self.extensions) self.loaded_extensions = [] for f in self.extensions: if not os.path.isabs(f): f = os.path.abspath(f) if not os.path.exists(f): raise CoreError(u"Extension file: {0} not found on disk".format(f)) self.loaded_extensions.append(SourceFileLoader("", f).load_module()) log.debug(self.loaded_extensions) log.debug([dir(m) for m in self.loaded_extensions]) def validate(self, raise_exception=True): """ """ log.debug(u"starting core") self._start_validate(self.source) self.validation_errors = [unicode(error) for error in self.errors] self.validation_errors_exceptions = self.errors if self.errors is None or len(self.errors) == 0: log.info(u"validation.valid") else: log.error(u"validation.invalid") log.error(u" --- All found errors ---") log.error(self.validation_errors) if raise_exception: raise SchemaError(u"Schema validation failed:\n - {error_msg}.".format( error_msg=u'.\n - '.join(self.validation_errors))) else: log.error(u"Errors found but will not raise exception...") # Return validated data return self.source def _start_validate(self, value=None): """ """ path = "" self.errors = [] done = [] s = {} # Look for schema; tags so they can be parsed before the root rule is parsed for k, v in self.schema.items(): if k.startswith("schema;"): log.debug(u"Found partial schema; : %s", v) r = Rule(schema=v) log.debug(u" Partial schema : %s", r) pykwalify.partial_schemas[k.split(";", 1)[1]] = r else: # readd all items that is not schema; so they can be parsed s[k] = v self.schema = s log.debug(u"Building root rule object") root_rule = Rule(schema=self.schema) self.root_rule = root_rule log.debug(u"Done building root rule") log.debug(u"Root rule: %s", self.root_rule) self._validate(value, root_rule, path, done) def _validate(self, value, rule, path, done): """ """ log.debug(u"Core validate") log.debug(u" Root validate : Rule: %s", rule) log.debug(u" Root validate : Rule_type: %s", rule.type) log.debug(u" Root validate : Seq: %s", rule.sequence) log.debug(u" Root validate : Map: %s", rule.mapping) log.debug(u" Root validate : Done: %s", done) if rule.required and value is None and not rule.type == 'none': self.errors.append(SchemaError.SchemaErrorEntry( msg=u"required.novalue : '{path}'", path=path, value=value.encode('unicode_escape') if value else value, )) return if not rule.nullable and value is None and not rule.type == 'none': self.errors.append(SchemaError.SchemaErrorEntry( msg=u"nullable.novalue : '{path}'", path=path, value=value.encode('unicode_escape') if value else value, )) return log.debug(u" ? ValidateRule: %s", rule) if rule.include_name is not None: self._validate_include(value, rule, path, done=None) elif rule.sequence is not None: self._validate_sequence(value, rule, path, done=None) elif rule.mapping is not None or rule.allowempty_map: self._validate_mapping(value, rule, path, done=None) else: self._validate_scalar(value, rule, path, done=None) def _handle_func(self, value, rule, path, done=None): """ Helper function that should check if func is specified for this rule and then handle it for all cases in a generic way. """ func = rule.func # func keyword is not defined so nothing to do if not func: return found_method = False for extension in self.loaded_extensions: method = getattr(extension, func, None) if method: found_method = True # No exception will should be caught. If one is raised it should bubble up all the way. ret = method(value, rule, path) if ret is not True and ret is not None: msg = '%s. Path: {path}' % unicode(ret) self.errors.append(SchemaError.SchemaErrorEntry( msg=msg, path=path, value=None)) # If False or None or some other object that is interpreted as False if not ret: raise CoreError(u"Error when running extension function : {0}".format(func)) # Only run the first matched function. Sinc loading order is determined # it should be easy to determine which file is used before others break if not found_method: raise CoreError(u"Did not find method '{0}' in any loaded extension file".format(func)) def _validate_include(self, value, rule, path, done=None): """ """ # TODO: It is difficult to get a good test case to trigger this if case if rule.include_name is None: self.errors.append(SchemaError.SchemaErrorEntry( msg=u'Include name not valid', path=path, value=value.encode('unicode_escape'))) return include_name = rule.include_name partial_schema_rule = pykwalify.partial_schemas.get(include_name) if not partial_schema_rule: self.errors.append(SchemaError.SchemaErrorEntry( msg=u"Cannot find partial schema with name '{include_name}'. Existing partial schemas: '{existing_schemas}'. Path: '{path}'", path=path, value=value, include_name=include_name, existing_schemas=", ".join(sorted(pykwalify.partial_schemas.keys())))) return self._validate(value, partial_schema_rule, path, done) def _validate_sequence(self, value, rule, path, done=None): """ """ log.debug(u"Core Validate sequence") log.debug(u" Sequence : Data: %s", value) log.debug(u" Sequence : Rule: %s", rule) log.debug(u" Sequence : RuleType: %s", rule.type) log.debug(u" Sequence : Path: %s", path) log.debug(u" Sequence : Seq: %s", rule.sequence) log.debug(u" Sequence : Map: %s", rule.mapping) if len(rule.sequence) <= 0: raise CoreError(u"Sequence must contains atleast one item : {0}".format(path)) if value is None: log.debug(u" * Core seq: sequence data is None") return if not isinstance(value, list): if isinstance(value, str): value = value.encode('unicode_escape') self.errors.append(SchemaError.SchemaErrorEntry( u"Value '{value}' is not a list. Value path: '{path}'", path, value, )) return # Handle 'func' argument on this sequence self._handle_func(value, rule, path, done) ok_values = [] error_tracker = [] unique_errors = {} map_unique_errors = {} for i, item in enumerate(value): processed = [] for r in rule.sequence: tmp_errors = [] try: # Create a sub core object to enable error tracking that do not # collide with this Core objects errors tmp_core = Core(source_data={}, schema_data={}) tmp_core.fix_ruby_style_regex = self.fix_ruby_style_regex tmp_core.allow_assertions = self.allow_assertions tmp_core.strict_rule_validation = self.strict_rule_validation tmp_core.loaded_extensions = self.loaded_extensions tmp_core._validate(item, r, "{0}/{1}".format(path, i), done) tmp_errors = tmp_core.errors except NotMappingError: # For example: If one type was specified as 'map' but data # was 'str' a exception will be thrown but we should ignore it pass except NotSequenceError: # For example: If one type was specified as 'seq' but data # was 'str' a exception will be thrown but we shold ignore it pass processed.append(tmp_errors) if r.type == "map": log.debug(u" * Found map inside sequence") unique_keys = [] if r.mapping is None: log.debug(u" + No rule to apply, prolly because of allowempty: True") return for k, _rule in r.mapping.items(): log.debug(u" * Key: %s", k) log.debug(u" * Rule: %s", _rule) if _rule.unique or _rule.ident: unique_keys.append(k) if len(unique_keys) > 0: for v in unique_keys: table = {} for j, V in enumerate(value): # If key do not exists it should be ignored by unique because that is not a broken constraint val = V.get(v, None) if val is None: continue if val in table: curr_path = "{0}/{1}/{2}".format(path, j, v) prev_path = "{0}/{1}/{2}".format(path, table[val], v) s = SchemaError.SchemaErrorEntry( msg=u"Value '{duplicate}' is not unique. Previous path: '{prev_path}'. Path: '{path}'", path=curr_path, value=value, duplicate=val, prev_path=prev_path, ) map_unique_errors[s.__repr__()] = s else: table[val] = j elif r.unique: log.debug(u" * Found unique value in sequence") table = {} for j, val in enumerate(value): if val is None: continue if val in table: curr_path = "{0}/{1}".format(path, j) prev_path = "{0}/{1}".format(path, table[val]) s = SchemaError.SchemaErrorEntry( msg=u"Value '{duplicate}' is not unique. Previous path: '{prev_path}'. Path: '{path}'", path=curr_path, value=value, duplicate=val, prev_path=prev_path, ) unique_errors[s.__repr__()] = s else: table[val] = j error_tracker.append(processed) no_errors = [] for _errors in processed: no_errors.append(len(_errors) == 0) if rule.matching == "any": log.debug(u" * any rule %s", True in no_errors) ok_values.append(True in no_errors) elif rule.matching == "all": log.debug(u" * all rule".format(all(no_errors))) ok_values.append(all(no_errors)) elif rule.matching == "*": log.debug(u" * star rule", "...") ok_values.append(True) for _error in unique_errors: self.errors.append(_error) for _error in map_unique_errors: self.errors.append(_error) log.debug(u" * ok : %s", ok_values) # All values must pass the validation, otherwise add the parsed errors # to the global error list and throw up some error. if not all(ok_values): # Ignore checking for '*' type because it should allways go through if rule.matching == "any": log.debug(u" * Value: %s did not validate against one or more sequence schemas", value) elif rule.matching == "all": log.debug(u" * Value: %s did not validate against all possible sequence schemas", value) for i, is_ok in enumerate(ok_values): if not is_ok: for error in error_tracker[i]: for e in error: self.errors.append(e) log.debug(u" * Core seq: validation recursivley done...") if rule.range is not None: rr = rule.range self._validate_range( rr.get("max"), rr.get("min"), rr.get("max-ex"), rr.get("min-ex"), len(value), path, "seq", ) def _validate_mapping(self, value, rule, path, done=None): """ """ log.debug(u"Validate mapping") log.debug(u" Mapping : Data: %s", value) log.debug(u" Mapping : Rule: %s", rule) log.debug(u" Mapping : RuleType: %s", rule.type) log.debug(u" Mapping : Path: %s", path) log.debug(u" Mapping : Seq: %s", rule.sequence) log.debug(u" Mapping : Map: %s", rule.mapping) if not isinstance(value, dict): self.errors.append(SchemaError.SchemaErrorEntry( u"Value '{value}' is not a dict. Value path: '{path}'", path, value, )) return if rule.mapping is None: log.debug(u" + No rule to apply, prolly because of allowempty: True") return # Handle 'func' argument on this mapping self._handle_func(value, rule, path, done) m = rule.mapping log.debug(u" Mapping: Rule-Mapping: %s", m) if rule.range is not None: r = rule.range self._validate_range( r.get("max"), r.get("min"), r.get("max-ex"), r.get("min-ex"), len(value), path, "map", ) for k, rr in m.items(): # Handle if the value of the key contains a include keyword if rr.include_name is not None: include_name = rr.include_name partial_schema_rule = pykwalify.partial_schemas.get(include_name) if not partial_schema_rule: self.errors.append(SchemaError.SchemaErrorEntry( msg=u"Cannot find partial schema with name '{include_name}'. Existing partial schemas: '{existing_schemas}'. Path: '{path}'", path=path, value=value, include_name=include_name, existing_schemas=", ".join(sorted(pykwalify.partial_schemas.keys())))) return rr = partial_schema_rule # Find out if this is a regex rule is_regex_rule = False required_regex = "" for regex_rule in rule.regex_mappings: if k == "regex;({})".format(regex_rule.map_regex_rule) or k == "re;({})".format(regex_rule.map_regex_rule): is_regex_rule = True required_regex = regex_rule.map_regex_rule # Check for the presense of the required key is_present = False if not is_regex_rule: is_present = k in value else: is_present = any([re.search(required_regex, str(v)) for v in value]) # Specifying =: as key is considered the "default" if no other keys match if rr.required and not is_present and k != "=": self.errors.append(SchemaError.SchemaErrorEntry( msg=u"Cannot find required key '{key}'. Path: '{path}'", path=path, value=value, key=k)) if k not in value and rr.default is not None: value[k] = rr.default for k, v in value.items(): # If no other case was a match, check if a default mapping is valid/present and use # that one instead r = m.get(k, m.get('=')) log.debug(u" Mapping-value : %s", m) log.debug(u" Mapping-value : %s %s", k, v) log.debug(u" Mapping-value : %s", r) regex_mappings = [(regex_rule, re.search(regex_rule.map_regex_rule, str(k))) for regex_rule in rule.regex_mappings] log.debug(u" Mapping-value: Mapping Regex matches: %s", regex_mappings) if r is not None: # validate recursively log.debug(u" Mapping-value: Core Map: validate recursively: %s", r) self._validate(v, r, u"{0}/{1}".format(path, k), done) elif any(regex_mappings): sub_regex_result = [] # Found at least one that matches a mapping regex for mm in regex_mappings: if mm[1]: log.debug(u" Mapping-value: Matching regex patter: %s", mm[0]) self._validate(v, mm[0], "{0}/{1}".format(path, k), done) sub_regex_result.append(True) else: sub_regex_result.append(False) if rule.matching_rule == "any": if any(sub_regex_result): log.debug(u" Mapping-value: Matched at least one regex") else: log.debug(u" Mapping-value: No regex matched") self.errors.append(SchemaError.SchemaErrorEntry( msg=u"Key '{key}' does not match any regex '{regex}'. Path: '{path}'", path=path, value=value, key=k, regex="' or '".join(sorted([mm[0].map_regex_rule for mm in regex_mappings])))) elif rule.matching_rule == "all": if all(sub_regex_result): log.debug(u" Mapping-value: Matched all regex rules") else: log.debug(u" Mapping-value: Did not match all regex rules") self.errors.append(SchemaError.SchemaErrorEntry( msg=u"Key '{key}' does not match all regex '{regex}'. Path: '{path}'", path=path, value=value, key=k, regex="' and '".join(sorted([mm[0].map_regex_rule for mm in regex_mappings])))) else: log.debug(u" Mapping-value: No mapping rule defined") else: if not rule.allowempty_map: self.errors.append(SchemaError.SchemaErrorEntry( msg=u"Key '{key}' was not defined. Path: '{path}'", path=path, value=value, key=k)) def _validate_scalar(self, value, rule, path, done=None): """ """ log.debug(u"Validate scalar") log.debug(u" Scalar : Value : %s", value) log.debug(u" Scalar : Rule : %s", rule) log.debug(u" Scalar : RuleType : %s", rule.type) log.debug(u" Scalar : Path %s", path) # Handle 'func' argument on this scalar self._handle_func(value, rule, path, done) if rule.assertion is not None: self._validate_assert(rule, value, path) if value is None: return True if rule.enum is not None and value not in rule.enum: self.errors.append(SchemaError.SchemaErrorEntry( msg=u"Enum '{value}' does not exist. Path: '{path}' Enum: {enum_values}", path=path, value=nativestr(value) if tt['str'](value) else value, enum_values=rule.enum, )) # Set default value if rule.default and value is None: value = rule.default if not self._validate_scalar_type(value, rule.type, path): return if value is None: return if rule.pattern is not None: # # Try to trim away the surrounding slashes around ruby style // if they are defined. # This is a quirk from ruby that they define regex patterns with surrounding slashes. # Docs on how ruby regex works can be found here: https://ruby-doc.org/core-2.4.0/Regexp.html # The original ruby implementation uses this code to validate patterns # unless value.to_s =~ rule.regexp # Becuase python do not work with surrounding slashes we have to trim them away in order to make the regex work # if rule.pattern.startswith('/') and rule.pattern.endswith('/') and self.fix_ruby_style_regex: rule.pattern = rule.pattern[1:-1] log.debug("Trimming slashes around ruby style regex. New pattern value: '{0}'".format(rule.pattern)) try: log.debug("Matching pattern '{0}' to regex '{1}".format(rule.pattern, value)) res = re.match(rule.pattern, value, re.UNICODE) except TypeError: res = None if res is None: # Not matching self.errors.append(SchemaError.SchemaErrorEntry( msg=u"Value '{value}' does not match pattern '{pattern}'. Path: '{path}'", path=path, value=nativestr(str(value)), pattern=rule._pattern)) else: log.debug("Pattern matched...") if rule.range is not None: if not is_scalar(value): raise CoreError(u"value is not a valid scalar") r = rule.range try: v = len(value) value = v except Exception: pass self._validate_range( r.get("max"), r.get("min"), r.get("max-ex"), r.get("min-ex"), value, path, "scalar", ) if rule.length is not None: self._validate_length( rule.length, value, path, 'scalar', ) # Validate timestamp if rule.type == "timestamp": self._validate_scalar_timestamp(value, path) if rule.type == "date": if not is_scalar(value): raise CoreError(u'value is not a valid scalar') date_format = rule.format self._validate_scalar_date(value, date_format, path) def _validate_scalar_timestamp(self, timestamp_value, path): """ """ def _check_int_timestamp_boundaries(timestamp): """ """ if timestamp < 1: # Timestamp integers can't be negative self.errors.append(SchemaError.SchemaErrorEntry( msg=u"Integer value of timestamp can't be below 0", path=path, value=timestamp, timestamp=str(timestamp), )) if timestamp > 2147483647: # Timestamp integers can't be above the upper limit of # 32 bit integers self.errors.append(SchemaError.SchemaErrorEntry( msg=u"Integer value of timestamp can't be above 2147483647", path=path, value=timestamp, timestamp=str(timestamp), )) if isinstance(timestamp_value, (int, float)): _check_int_timestamp_boundaries(timestamp_value) elif isinstance(timestamp_value, datetime.datetime): # Datetime objects currently have nothing to validate. # In the future, more options will be added to datetime validation pass elif isinstance(timestamp_value, basestring): v = timestamp_value.strip() # parse("") will give a valid date but it should not be # considered a valid timestamp if v == "": self.errors.append(SchemaError.SchemaErrorEntry( msg=u"Timestamp value is empty. Path: '{path}'", path=path, value=nativestr(timestamp_value), timestamp=nativestr(timestamp_value))) else: # A string can contain a valid unit timestamp integer. Check if it is valid and validate it try: int_v = int(v) _check_int_timestamp_boundaries(int_v) except ValueError: # Just continue to parse it as a timestamp try: parse(timestamp_value) # If it can be parsed then it is valid except Exception: self.errors.append(SchemaError.SchemaErrorEntry( msg=u"Timestamp: '{timestamp}'' is invalid. Path: '{path}'", path=path, value=nativestr(timestamp_value), timestamp=nativestr(timestamp_value))) else: self.errors.append(SchemaError.SchemaErrorEntry( msg=u"Not a valid timestamp", path=path, value=timestamp_value, timestamp=timestamp_value, )) def _validate_scalar_date(self, date_value, date_formats, path): log.debug(u"Validate date : %(value)s : %(format)s : %(path)s" % { 'value': date_value, 'format': date_formats, 'path': path, }) if isinstance(date_value, str): # If a date_format is specefied then use strptime on all formats # If no date_format is specefied then use dateutils.parse() to test the value log.debug(date_formats) if date_formats: # Run through all date_formats and it is valid if atleast one of them passed time.strptime() parsing valid = False for date_format in date_formats: try: time.strptime(date_value, date_format) valid = True except ValueError: pass if not valid: self.errors.append(SchemaError.SchemaErrorEntry( msg=u"Not a valid date: {value} format: {format}. Path: '{path}'", path=path, value=date_value, format=date_format, )) return else: try: parse(date_value) except ValueError: self.errors.append(SchemaError.SchemaErrorEntry( msg=u"Not a valid date: {value} Path: '{path}'", path=path, value=date_value, )) elif isinstance(date_value, (datetime.date, datetime.datetime)): # If the object already is a datetime or date object it passes validation pass else: # If value is any other type then raise error self.errors.append(SchemaError.SchemaErrorEntry( msg=u"Not a valid date: {value} date must be a string or a datetime.date not a '{type}'", path=path, value=date_value, type=type(date_value).__name__, )) def _validate_length(self, rule, value, path, prefix): if not is_string(value): raise CoreError("Value: '{0}' must be a 'str' type for length check to work".format(value)) value_length = len(str(value)) max_, min_, max_ex, min_ex = rule.get('max'), rule.get('min'), rule.get('max-ex'), rule.get('min-ex') log.debug( u"Validate length : %s : %s : %s : %s : %s : %s", max, min, max_ex, min_ex, value, path, ) if max_ is not None and max_ < value_length: self.errors.append(SchemaError.SchemaErrorEntry( msg=u"Value: '{value_str}' has length of '{value}', greater than max limit '{max_}'. Path: '{path}'", value_str=value, path=path, value=len(value), prefix=prefix, max_=max_)) if min_ is not None and min_ > value_length: self.errors.append(SchemaError.SchemaErrorEntry( msg=u"Value: '{value_str}' has length of '{value}', greater than min limit '{min_}'. Path: '{path}'", value_str=value, path=path, value=len(value), prefix=prefix, min_=min_)) if max_ex is not None and max_ex <= value_length: self.errors.append(SchemaError.SchemaErrorEntry( msg=u"Value: '{value_str}' has length of '{value}', greater than max_ex limit '{max_ex}'. Path: '{path}'", value_str=value, path=path, value=len(value), prefix=prefix, max_ex=max_ex)) if min_ex is not None and min_ex >= value_length: self.errors.append(SchemaError.SchemaErrorEntry( msg=u"Value: '{value_str}' has length of '{value}', greater than min_ex limit '{min_ex}'. Path: '{path}'", value_str=value, path=path, value=len(value), prefix=prefix, min_ex=min_ex)) def _validate_assert(self, rule, value, path): if not self.allow_assertions: raise CoreError('To allow usage of keyword "assert" you must use cli flag "--allow-assertions" or set the keyword "allow_assert" in Core class') # Small hack to make strings work as a value. if isinstance(value, str): assert_value_str = '"{0}"'.format(value) else: assert_value_str = '{0}'.format(value) assertion_string = "val = {0}; assert {1}".format(assert_value_str, rule.assertion) try: exec(assertion_string, {}, {}) except AssertionError: self.errors.append(SchemaError.SchemaErrorEntry( msg=u"Value: '{0}' assertion expression failed ({1})".format(value, rule.assertion), path=path, value=value, )) return except Exception as err: error_class = err.__class__.__name__ detail = err.args[0] cl, exc, tb = sys.exc_info() line_number = traceback.extract_tb(tb)[-1][1] raise Exception("Unknown error during assertion\n{0}\n{1}\n{2}\n{3}\n{4}\n{5}".format( error_class, detail, cl, exc, tb, line_number, )) def _validate_range(self, max_, min_, max_ex, min_ex, value, path, prefix): """ Validate that value is within range values. """ if not isinstance(value, int) and not isinstance(value, float): raise CoreError("Value must be a integer type") log.debug( u"Validate range : %s : %s : %s : %s : %s : %s", max_, min_, max_ex, min_ex, value, path, ) if max_ is not None and max_ < value: self.errors.append(SchemaError.SchemaErrorEntry( msg=u"Type '{prefix}' has size of '{value}', greater than max limit '{max_}'. Path: '{path}'", path=path, value=nativestr(value) if tt['str'](value) else value, prefix=prefix, max_=max_)) if min_ is not None and min_ > value: self.errors.append(SchemaError.SchemaErrorEntry( msg=u"Type '{prefix}' has size of '{value}', less than min limit '{min_}'. Path: '{path}'", path=path, value=nativestr(value) if tt['str'](value) else value, prefix=prefix, min_=min_)) if max_ex is not None and max_ex <= value: self.errors.append(SchemaError.SchemaErrorEntry( msg=u"Type '{prefix}' has size of '{value}', greater than or equals to max limit(exclusive) '{max_ex}'. Path: '{path}'", path=path, value=nativestr(value) if tt['str'](value) else value, prefix=prefix, max_ex=max_ex)) if min_ex is not None and min_ex >= value: self.errors.append(SchemaError.SchemaErrorEntry( msg=u"Type '{prefix}' has size of '{value}', less than or equals to min limit(exclusive) '{min_ex}'. Path: '{path}'", path=path, value=nativestr(value) if tt['str'](value) else value, prefix=prefix, min_ex=min_ex)) def _validate_scalar_type(self, value, t, path): """ """ log.debug(u" # Core scalar: validating scalar type : %s", t) log.debug(u" # Core scalar: scalar type: %s", type(value)) try: if not tt[t](value): self.errors.append(SchemaError.SchemaErrorEntry( msg=u"Value '{value}' is not of type '{scalar_type}'. Path: '{path}'", path=path, value=unicode(value) if tt['str'](value) else value, scalar_type=t)) return False return True except KeyError as e: # Type not found in valid types mapping log.debug(e) raise CoreError(u"Unknown type check: {0!s} : {1!s} : {2!s}".format(path, value, t))