import os try: from setuptools import setup except ImportError: from distutils.core import setup with open('') as f: readme = with open(os.path.join('docs', 'release-notes.rst')) as f: history = setup( name="pykwalify", version="1.7.0", description='Python lib/cli for JSON/YAML schema validation', long_description=readme + '\n\n' + history, long_description_content_type='text/markdown', author="Johan Andersson", author_email="", maintainer='Johan Andersson', maintainer_email='', license='MIT', packages=['pykwalify'], url='', extras_require={ 'ruamel': ["ruamel.yaml>=0.11.0,<0.16.0"], }, entry_points={ 'console_scripts': [ 'pykwalify = pykwalify.cli:cli_entrypoint', ], }, install_requires=[ 'docopt>=0.6.2', 'PyYAML>=3.11', 'python-dateutil>=2.4.2', ], classifiers=[ # 'Development Status :: 1 - Planning', # 'Development Status :: 2 - Pre-Alpha', # 'Development Status :: 3 - Alpha', # 'Development Status :: 4 - Beta', 'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable', # 'Development Status :: 6 - Mature', # 'Development Status :: 7 - Inactive', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'Operating System :: OS Independent', 'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License', 'Environment :: Console', 'Programming Language :: Python', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7', ], )