# # NOTE: This case is not allowed becuase Core class do NOT allow # there is no data to validate. This happens if None is at top level # of the data structure. # # --- # name: type-none-1 # desc: Most basic test for type None # data: ~ # schema: # type: none --- name: fail-type-none-2 desc: Test that none type works with none type as value in map data: name: 'abc' schema: type: map mapping: name: type: none errors: - "Value 'abc' is not of type 'none'. Path: '/name'" --- name: fail-type-none-3 desc: Test that none type works as value in sequence data: - 'abc' - 123 schema: type: seq sequence: - type: none errors: - "Value '123' is not of type 'none'. Path: '/1'" - "Value 'abc' is not of type 'none'. Path: '/0'" --- name: fail-type-none-4 desc: Test that none type works inside nested map, seq, map data: foo: - bar: 'abc' schema: type: map mapping: foo: type: seq sequence: - type: map mapping: bar: type: none errors: - "Value 'abc' is not of type 'none'. Path: '/foo/0/bar'"