# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Unit test for pyKwalify - Rule """ # python std lib import unittest # 3rd party imports import pytest # pyKwalify imports import pykwalify from pykwalify.errors import RuleError, SchemaConflict from pykwalify.rule import Rule from pykwalify.compat import unicode class TestRule(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): pykwalify.partial_schemas = {} def test_schema(self): # Test that when using both schema; and include tag that it throw an error because schema; tags should be parsed via Core() with pytest.raises(RuleError) as r: Rule(schema={"schema;str": {"type": "map", "mapping": {"foo": {"type": "str"}}}, "type": "map", "mapping": {"foo": {"include": "str"}}}) assert str(r.value) == "" assert r.value.error_key == 'schema.not.toplevel' def test_unkknown_key(self): # Test that providing an unknown key raises exception with pytest.raises(RuleError) as r: Rule(schema={"type": "str", "foobar": True}) assert str(r.value) == "" assert r.value.error_key == 'key.unknown' def test_matching_rule(self): # Test that exception is raised when a invalid matching rule is used with pytest.raises(RuleError) as r: Rule(schema={"type": "map", "matching-rule": "foobar", "mapping": {"regex;(.+)": {"type": "seq", "sequence": [{"type": "str"}]}}}) assert str(r.value) == "" assert r.value.error_key == 'matching_rule.not_allowed' def test_allow_empty_map(self): r = Rule(schema={"type": "map", "allowempty": True, "mapping": {"name": {"type": "str"}}}) assert r.allowempty_map is True def test_type_value(self): # TODO: This test is currently semi broken, partial schemas might be somewhat broken possibly # # Test that when only having a schema; rule it should throw error # with pytest.raises(RuleError) as r: # Rule(schema={"schema;fooone": {"type": "map", "mapping": {"foo": {"type": "str"}}}}) # assert str(r.value) == "" # assert r.value.error_key == 'type.missing' # Test a valid rule with both "str" and "unicode" types work r = Rule(schema={"type": str("str")}) r = Rule(schema={"type": unicode("str")}) # Test that type key must be string otherwise exception is raised with pytest.raises(RuleError) as r: Rule(schema={"type": 1}) assert str(r.value) == "" assert r.value.error_key == 'type.not_string' # this tests that the type key must be a string with pytest.raises(RuleError) as r: Rule(schema={"type": 1}, parent=None) assert str(r.value) == "" assert r.value.error_key == 'type.not_string' def test_name_value(self): with pytest.raises(RuleError) as r: Rule(schema={'type': 'str', 'name': {}}) assert str(r.value) == "" def test_nullable_value(self): # Test that nullable value must be bool otherwise exception is raised with pytest.raises(RuleError) as r: Rule(schema={"type": "str", "nullable": "foobar"}) assert str(r.value) == "" assert r.value.error_key == 'nullable.not_bool' def test_desc_value(self): with pytest.raises(RuleError) as r: Rule(schema={'type': 'str', 'desc': []}) assert str(r.value) == "" def test_example_value(self): with pytest.raises(RuleError) as r: Rule(schema={'type': 'str', 'example': []}) assert str(r.value) == "" def test_required_value(self): # Test that required value must be bool otherwise exception is raised with pytest.raises(RuleError) as r: Rule(schema={"type": "str", "required": "foobar"}) assert str(r.value) == "" assert r.value.error_key == 'required.not_bool' def test_pattern_value(self): # this tests a invalid regexp pattern with pytest.raises(RuleError) as r: Rule(schema={"type": "str", "pattern": "/@/\\"}) assert str(r.value) == "" assert r.value.error_key == 'pattern.syntax_error' # Test that pattern keyword is not allowed when using a map # with self.assertRaisesRegexp(RuleError, ".+map\.pattern.+"): with pytest.raises(RuleError) as r: Rule(schema={"type": "map", "pattern": "^[a-z]+$", "allowempty": True, "mapping": {"name": {"type": "str"}}}) assert str(r.value) == "" assert r.value.error_key == 'pattern.not_allowed_in_map' # Test that pattern value must be string otherwise exception is raised with pytest.raises(RuleError) as r: Rule(schema={"type": "str", "pattern": 1}) assert str(r.value) == "" assert r.value.error_key == 'pattern.not_string' def test_date_and_format_value(self): r = Rule(schema={"type": "date", "format": "%y"}) assert r.format is not None, "date var not set proper" assert isinstance(r.format, list), "date format should be a list" with pytest.raises(RuleError) as r: Rule(schema={"type": "date", "format": 1}) assert str(r.value) == "" with pytest.raises(RuleError) as r: Rule(schema={"type": "map", "format": "%y"}) assert str(r.value) == "" def test_enum_value(self): # this tests the various valid enum types Rule(schema={"type": "int", "enum": [1, 2, 3]}) Rule(schema={"type": "bool", "enum": [True, False]}) r = Rule(schema={"type": "str", "enum": ["a", "b", "c"]}) assert r.enum is not None, "enum var is not set proper" assert isinstance(r.enum, list), "enum is not set to a list" assert len(r.enum) == 3, "invalid length of enum entries" # this tests the missmatch between the type and the data inside a enum with pytest.raises(RuleError) as r: Rule(schema={"type": "str", "enum": [1, 2, 3]}) assert str(r.value).startswith("" assert r.value.error_key == 'enum.not_seq' def test_assert_value(self): with pytest.raises(RuleError) as r: Rule(schema={"type": "seq", "sequence": [{"type": "str", "assert": 1}]}) assert str(r.value) == "" assert r.value.error_key == 'assert.not_str' # Test that invalid characters is not present with pytest.raises(RuleError) as r: Rule(schema={"type": "seq", "sequence": [{"type": "str", "assert": "__import__"}]}) assert str(r.value) == "" # NOQA: E501 assert r.value.error_key == 'assert.unsupported_content' def test_length(self): r = Rule(schema={"type": "int", "length": {"max": 10, "min": 1}}) assert r.length is not None, "length var not set proper" assert isinstance(r.length, dict), "range var is not of dict type" # this tests that the range key must be a dict with pytest.raises(RuleError) as r: Rule(schema={"type": "int", "length": []}) assert str(r.value) == "" assert r.value.error_key == 'length.not_map' with pytest.raises(RuleError) as r: Rule(schema={"type": "str", "length": {"max": "z"}}) assert str(r.value) == "" assert r.value.error_key == 'length.max.not_number' # this tests that min is bigger then max that should not be possible with pytest.raises(RuleError) as r: Rule(schema={"type": "int", "length": {"max": 10, "min": 11}}) assert str(r.value) == "" assert r.value.error_key == 'length.max_lt_min' # test that min-ex is bigger then max-ex, that should not be possible with pytest.raises(RuleError) as r: Rule(schema={"type": "int", "length": {"max-ex": 10, "min-ex": 11}}) assert str(r.value) == "" assert r.value.error_key == 'length.max-ex_le_min-ex' # test that a string has non negative boundaries with pytest.raises(RuleError) as r: Rule(schema={"type": "str", "length": {"max": -1, "min": -2}}) assert str(r.value) == "" assert r.value.error_key == 'length.min_negative' # test that a seq has non negative boundaries with pytest.raises(RuleError) as r: Rule(schema={"type": "seq", "length": {"max": 3, "min": -2}}) assert str(r.value) == "" assert r.value.error_key == 'length.min_negative' def test_range_value(self): r = Rule(schema={"type": "int", "range": {"max": 10, "min": 1}}) assert r.range is not None, "range var not set proper" assert isinstance(r.range, dict), "range var is not of dict type" # this tests that the range key must be a dict with pytest.raises(RuleError) as r: Rule(schema={"type": "int", "range": []}) assert str(r.value) == "" assert r.value.error_key == 'range.not_map' with pytest.raises(RuleError) as r: Rule(schema={"type": "str", "range": {"max": "z"}}) assert str(r.value) == "" assert r.value.error_key == 'range.max.not_number' # this tests that min is bigger then max that should not be possible with pytest.raises(RuleError) as r: Rule(schema={"type": "int", "range": {"max": 10, "min": 11}}) assert str(r.value) == "" assert r.value.error_key == 'range.max_lt_min' # test that min-ex is bigger then max-ex, that should not be possible with pytest.raises(RuleError) as r: Rule(schema={"type": "int", "range": {"max-ex": 10, "min-ex": 11}}) assert str(r.value) == "" assert r.value.error_key == 'range.max-ex_le_min-ex' # test that a string has non negative boundaries with pytest.raises(RuleError) as r: Rule(schema={"type": "str", "range": {"max": -1, "min": -2}}) assert str(r.value) == "" assert r.value.error_key == 'range.min_negative' # test that a seq has non negative boundaries with pytest.raises(RuleError) as r: Rule(schema={"type": "seq", "range": {"max": 3, "min": -2}}) assert str(r.value) == "" assert r.value.error_key == 'range.min_negative' def test_ident_value(self): pass def test_unique_value(self): # this tests that this cannot be used in the root level with pytest.raises(RuleError) as r: Rule(schema={"type": "str", "unique": True}) assert str(r.value) == "" assert r.value.error_key == 'unique.not_on_root_level' # this tests that unique cannot be used at root level with pytest.raises(RuleError) as r: Rule(schema={"type": "seq", "unique": True}) assert str(r.value) == "" assert r.value.error_key == 'unique.not_scalar' def test_sequence(self): # this tests seq type with a internal type of str r = Rule(schema={"type": "seq", "sequence": [{"type": "str"}]}) assert r.type is not None, "rule not contain type var" assert r.type == "seq", "type not 'seq'" assert r.sequence is not None, "rule not contain sequence var" assert isinstance(r.sequence, list), "rule is not a list" # Test basic sequence rule r = Rule(schema={"type": "seq", "sequence": [{"type": "str"}]}) assert r.type == "seq" assert isinstance(r.sequence, list) assert isinstance(r.sequence[0], Rule) assert r.sequence[0].type == "str" # Test sequence without explicit type r = Rule(schema={"sequence": [{"type": "str"}]}) assert r.type == "seq" assert isinstance(r.sequence, list) assert isinstance(r.sequence[0], Rule) assert r.sequence[0].type == "str" # Test short name 'seq' r = Rule(schema={"seq": [{"type": "str"}]}) assert r.type == "seq" assert isinstance(r.sequence, list) assert isinstance(r.sequence[0], Rule) assert r.sequence[0].type == "str" # Test error is raised when sequence key is missing with pytest.raises(SchemaConflict) as ex: Rule(schema={"type": "seq"}) assert str(ex.value) == "" # sequence and pattern can't be used at same time with pytest.raises(SchemaConflict) as ex: Rule(schema={"type": "seq", "sequence": [{"type": "str"}], "pattern": "..."}) assert str(ex.value) == "" def test_build_sequence_multiple_values(self): """ Test with multiple values. """ # Test basic sequence rule r = Rule(schema={'type': 'seq', 'sequence': [{'type': 'str'}, {'type': 'int'}]}) assert r.type == "seq" assert r.matching == "any" assert len(r.sequence) == 2 assert isinstance(r.sequence, list) assert all(isinstance(r.sequence[i], Rule) for i in range(len(r.sequence))) assert r.sequence[0].type == "str" assert r.sequence[1].type == "int" # Test sequence without explicit type r = Rule(schema={'sequence': [{'type': 'str'}, {'type': 'int'}]}) assert r.type == "seq" assert r.matching == "any" assert len(r.sequence) == 2 assert isinstance(r.sequence, list) assert all(isinstance(r.sequence[i], Rule) for i in range(len(r.sequence))) assert r.sequence[0].type == "str" assert r.sequence[1].type == "int" # Test adding matchin rules def test_mapping(self): # This tests mapping with a nested type and pattern r = Rule(schema={"type": "map", "mapping": {"name": {"type": "str", "pattern": ".+@.+"}}}) assert r.type == "map", "rule type is not map" assert isinstance(r.mapping, dict), "mapping is not dict" assert r.mapping["name"].type == "str", "nested mapping is not of string type" assert r.mapping["name"].pattern is not None, "nested mapping has no pattern var set" assert r.mapping["name"].pattern == ".+@.+", "pattern is not set to correct value" # when type is specefied, 'mapping' key must be present with pytest.raises(SchemaConflict) as ex: Rule(schema={"type": "map"}) assert str(ex.value) == "" # 'map' and 'enum' can't be used at same time # TODO: This do not work because it currently raises RuleError: # with pytest.raises(SchemaConflict): # r = Rule(schema={"type": "map", "enum": [1, 2, 3]}) # Test that 'map' and 'mapping' can't be at the same level with pytest.raises(RuleError) as r: Rule(schema={"map": {"stream": {"type": "any"}}, "mapping": {"seams": {"type": "any"}}}) assert str(r.value) == "" assert r.value.error_key == 'mapping.duplicate_keywords' # This will test that a invalid regex will throw error when parsing rules with pytest.raises(RuleError) as r: Rule(schema={"type": "map", "matching-rule": "any", "mapping": {"regex;(+)": {"type": "seq", "sequence": [{"type": "str"}]}}}) assert str(r.value) == "" assert r.value.error_key == 'mapping.regex.compile_error' # this tests map/dict but with no elements with pytest.raises(RuleError) as r: Rule(schema={"type": "map", "mapping": {}}) assert str(r.value) == "" assert r.value.error_key == 'mapping.no_elements' # Test that regex with missing parentheses are correctly detected. with pytest.raises(RuleError) as r: Rule(schema={"type": "map", "matching-rule": "any", "mapping": {"regex;[a-z]": {"type": "seq", "sequence": [{"type": "str"}]}}}) assert str(r.value) == "" assert r.value.error_key == 'mapping.regex.missing_parentheses' def test_default_value(self): pass def test_check_conflicts(self): # TODO: This do not work and enum schema conflict is not raised... RuleError: # with pytest.raises(SchemaConflict) as ex: # r = Rule(schema={"type": "seq", "sequence": [{"type": "str"}], "enum": [1, 2, 3]}) # assert ex.value.msg.startswith("seq.conflict :: enum"), "Wrong exception was raised" # Test sequence and mapping can't be used at same level with pytest.raises(SchemaConflict) as ex: Rule(schema={"type": "seq", "sequence": [{"type": "str"}], "mapping": {"name": {"type": "str", "pattern": ".+@.+"}}}) assert str(ex.value) == "" assert ex.value.error_key == 'seq.conflict.mapping' # Mapping and sequence can't used at same time with pytest.raises(SchemaConflict) as ex: Rule(schema={"type": "map", "mapping": {"foo": {"type": "str"}}, "sequence": [{"type": "str"}]}) assert str(ex.value) == "" assert ex.value.error_key == 'map.conflict.sequence' # scalar type and sequence can't be used at same time with pytest.raises(SchemaConflict) as ex: Rule(schema={"type": "int", "sequence": [{"type": "str"}]}) assert str(ex.value) == "" assert ex.value.error_key == 'scalar.conflict.sequence' # scalar type and mapping can't be used at same time with pytest.raises(SchemaConflict) as ex: Rule(schema={"type": "int", "mapping": {"foo": {"type": "str"}}}) assert str(ex.value) == "" assert ex.value.error_key == 'scalar.conflict.mapping' # scalar type and enum can't be used at same time with pytest.raises(SchemaConflict) as ex: Rule(schema={"type": "int", "enum": [1, 2, 3], "range": {"max": 10, "min": 1}}) assert str(ex.value) == "" assert ex.value.error_key == 'enum.conflict.range'