path: root/PyMca5/PyMcaGui/pymca/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'PyMca5/PyMcaGui/pymca/')
1 files changed, 1591 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/PyMca5/PyMcaGui/pymca/ b/PyMca5/PyMcaGui/pymca/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db1053c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PyMca5/PyMcaGui/pymca/
@@ -0,0 +1,1591 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2004-2018 V.A. Sole, European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
+# This file is part of the PyMca X-ray Fluorescence Toolkit developed at
+# the ESRF by the Software group.
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+"""Legacy PyMca ScanWindow, to be replaced by a ScanWindow based on a
+silx PlotWidget.
+This module should not be used anywhere, it will no longer be maintained."""
+__author__ = "V.A. Sole - ESRF Data Analysis"
+__contact__ = ""
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__copyright__ = "European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble, France"
+import sys
+import os
+import numpy
+#from numpy import argsort, nonzero, take
+import time
+import traceback
+from PyMca5.PyMcaGui import PyMcaQt as qt
+if hasattr(qt, 'QString'):
+ QString = qt.QString
+ QString = qt.safe_str
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ app = qt.QApplication([])
+from import PyMcaFileDialogs
+from PyMca5.PyMcaGui.plotting import PlotWindow
+from . import ScanFit
+from PyMca5.PyMcaMath import SimpleMath
+from PyMca5.PyMcaCore import DataObject
+import copy
+from PyMca5.PyMcaGui.plotting import PyMcaPrintPreview
+from PyMca5.PyMcaCore import PyMcaDirs
+from . import ScanWindowInfoWidget
+#implement the plugins interface
+from PyMca5.PyMcaGui import QPyMcaMatplotlibSave1D
+#force understanding of utf-8 encoding
+#otherways it cannot generate svg output
+ import encodings.utf_8
+ #not a big problem
+ pass
+ import PyMca5
+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(PyMca5.__file__), "PyMcaPlugins")):
+ from PyMca5 import PyMcaPlugins
+ PLUGINS_DIR = os.path.dirname(PyMcaPlugins.__file__)
+ else:
+ directory = os.path.dirname(__file__)
+ while True:
+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(directory, "PyMcaPlugins")):
+ PLUGINS_DIR = os.path.join(directory, "PyMcaPlugins")
+ break
+ directory = os.path.dirname(directory)
+ if len(directory) < 5:
+ break
+ userPluginsDirectory = PyMca5.getDefaultUserPluginsDirectory()
+ if userPluginsDirectory is not None:
+ if PLUGINS_DIR is None:
+ PLUGINS_DIR = userPluginsDirectory
+ else:
+ PLUGINS_DIR = [PLUGINS_DIR, userPluginsDirectory]
+ pass
+DEBUG = 0
+class ScanWindow(PlotWindow.PlotWindow):
+ def __init__(self, parent=None, name="Scan Window", specfit=None, backend=None,
+ plugins=True, newplot=True, roi=True, fit=True,
+ control=True, position=True, info=False, **kw):
+ super(ScanWindow, self).__init__(parent,
+ newplot=newplot,
+ plugins=plugins,
+ backend=backend,
+ roi=roi,
+ fit=fit,
+ control=control,
+ position=position,
+ **kw)
+ self.setDataMargins(0, 0, 0.025, 0.025)
+ #self._togglePointsSignal()
+ self.setPanWithArrowKeys(True)
+ self.setWindowType("SCAN")
+ # this two objects are the same
+ self.dataObjectsList = self._curveList
+ # but this is tricky
+ self.dataObjectsDict = {}
+ self.setWindowTitle(name)
+ self.matplotlibDialog = None
+ if PLUGINS_DIR is not None:
+ if type(PLUGINS_DIR) == type([]):
+ pluginDir = PLUGINS_DIR
+ else:
+ pluginDir = [PLUGINS_DIR]
+ self.getPlugins(method="getPlugin1DInstance",
+ directoryList=pluginDir)
+ if info:
+ self.scanWindowInfoWidget = ScanWindowInfoWidget.\
+ ScanWindowInfoWidget()
+ self.infoDockWidget = qt.QDockWidget(self)
+ self.infoDockWidget.layout().setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
+ self.infoDockWidget.setWidget(self.scanWindowInfoWidget)
+ self.infoDockWidget.setWindowTitle(self.windowTitle()+(" Info"))
+ self.addDockWidget(qt.Qt.BottomDockWidgetArea,
+ self.infoDockWidget)
+ controlMenu = qt.QMenu()
+ controlMenu.addAction(QString("Show/Hide Legends"),
+ self.toggleLegendWidget)
+ controlMenu.addAction(QString("Show/Hide Info"),
+ self._toggleInfoWidget)
+ controlMenu.addAction(QString("Toggle Crosshair"),
+ self.toggleCrosshairCursor)
+ controlMenu.addAction(QString("Toggle Arrow Keys Panning"),
+ self.toggleArrowKeysPanning)
+ self.setControlMenu(controlMenu)
+ else:
+ self.scanWindowInfoWidget = None
+ #self.fig = None
+ if fit:
+ self.scanFit = ScanFit.ScanFit(specfit=specfit)
+ self.printPreview = PyMcaPrintPreview.PyMcaPrintPreview(modal = 0)
+ self.simpleMath = SimpleMath.SimpleMath()
+ self.outputDir = None
+ self.outputFilter = None
+ #signals
+ # this one was made in the base class
+ #self.setCallback(self.graphCallback)
+ if fit:
+ from PyMca5.PyMcaGui.math.fitting import SimpleFitGui
+ self.customFit = SimpleFitGui.SimpleFitGui()
+ self.scanFit.sigScanFitSignal.connect(self._scanFitSignalReceived)
+ self.customFit.sigSimpleFitSignal.connect( \
+ self._customFitSignalReceived)
+ self.fitButtonMenu = qt.QMenu()
+ self.fitButtonMenu.addAction(QString("Simple Fit"),
+ self._simpleFitSignal)
+ self.fitButtonMenu.addAction(QString("Customized Fit") ,
+ self._customFitSignal)
+ def _toggleInfoWidget(self):
+ if self.infoDockWidget.isHidden():
+ legend = self.getActiveCurve(just_legend=True)
+ if legend is not None:
+ ddict ={}
+ ddict['event'] = "curveClicked"
+ ddict['label'] = legend
+ ddict['legend'] = legend
+ self.graphCallback(ddict)
+ else:
+ self.infoDockWidget.hide()
+ def _buildLegendWidget(self):
+ if self.legendWidget is None:
+ super(ScanWindow, self)._buildLegendWidget()
+ if hasattr(self, "infoDockWidget") and \
+ hasattr(self, "roiDockWidget"):
+ self.tabifyDockWidget(self.infoDockWidget,
+ self.roiDockWidget,
+ self.legendDockWidget)
+ elif hasattr(self, "infoDockWidget"):
+ self.tabifyDockWidget(self.infoDockWidget,
+ self.legendDockWidget)
+ def _toggleROI(self, position=None):
+ super(ScanWindow, self)._toggleROI(position=position)
+ if hasattr(self, "infoDockWidget"):
+ self.tabifyDockWidget(self.infoDockWidget,
+ self.roiDockWidget)
+ def setDispatcher(self, w):
+ w.sigAddSelection.connect(self._addSelection)
+ w.sigRemoveSelection.connect(self._removeSelection)
+ w.sigReplaceSelection.connect(self._replaceSelection)
+ def _addSelection(self, selectionlist, replot=True):
+ if DEBUG:
+ print("_addSelection(self, selectionlist)",selectionlist)
+ if type(selectionlist) == type([]):
+ sellist = selectionlist
+ else:
+ sellist = [selectionlist]
+ if len(self._curveList):
+ activeCurve = self.getActiveCurve(just_legend=True)
+ else:
+ activeCurve = None
+ nSelection = len(sellist)
+ for selectionIndex in range(nSelection):
+ sel = sellist[selectionIndex]
+ if selectionIndex == (nSelection - 1):
+ actualReplot = replot
+ else:
+ actualReplot = False
+ source = sel['SourceName']
+ key = sel['Key']
+ legend = sel['legend'] #expected form sourcename + scan key
+ if not ("scanselection" in sel): continue
+ if sel['scanselection'] == "MCA":
+ continue
+ if not sel["scanselection"]:continue
+ if len(key.split(".")) > 2: continue
+ dataObject = sel['dataobject']
+ #only one-dimensional selections considered
+ if["selectiontype"] != "1D": continue
+ #there must be something to plot
+ if not hasattr(dataObject, 'y'):
+ continue
+ if not hasattr(dataObject, 'x'):
+ ylen = len(dataObject.y[0])
+ if ylen:
+ xdata = numpy.arange(ylen).astype(numpy.float)
+ else:
+ #nothing to be plot
+ continue
+ if dataObject.x is None:
+ ylen = len(dataObject.y[0])
+ if ylen:
+ xdata = numpy.arange(ylen).astype(numpy.float)
+ else:
+ #nothing to be plot
+ continue
+ elif len(dataObject.x) > 1:
+ if DEBUG:
+ print("Mesh plots")
+ continue
+ else:
+ xdata = dataObject.x[0]
+ sps_source = False
+ if 'SourceType' in sel:
+ if sel['SourceType'] == 'SPS':
+ sps_source = True
+ if sps_source:
+ ycounter = -1
+ if 'selection' not in
+['selection'] = copy.deepcopy(sel['selection'])
+ for ydata in dataObject.y:
+ xlabel = None
+ ylabel = None
+ ycounter += 1
+ if dataObject.m is None:
+ mdata = [numpy.ones(len(ydata)).astype(numpy.float)]
+ elif len(dataObject.m[0]) > 0:
+ if len(dataObject.m[0]) == len(ydata):
+ index = numpy.nonzero(dataObject.m[0])[0]
+ if not len(index):
+ continue
+ xdata = numpy.take(xdata, index)
+ ydata = numpy.take(ydata, index)
+ mdata = numpy.take(dataObject.m[0], index)
+ #A priori the graph only knows about plots
+ ydata = ydata/mdata
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Monitor data length different than counter data")
+ else:
+ mdata = [numpy.ones(len(ydata)).astype(numpy.float)]
+ ylegend = 'y%d' % ycounter
+ if['selection'] is not None:
+ if type(['selection']) == type({}):
+ if 'x' in['selection']:
+ #proper scan selection
+ ilabel =['selection']['y'][ycounter]
+ ylegend =['LabelNames'][ilabel]
+ ylabel = ylegend
+ if sel['selection']['x'] is not None:
+ if len(['selection']['x']):
+ xlabel =['LabelNames'] \
+ [['selection']['x'][0]]
+["xlabel"] = xlabel
+["ylabel"] = ylabel
+ newLegend = legend + " " + ylegend
+ self.dataObjectsDict[newLegend] = dataObject
+ self.addCurve(xdata, ydata, legend=newLegend,,
+ xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel, replot=False)
+ # replot=actualReplot)
+ if self.scanWindowInfoWidget is not None:
+ if not self.infoDockWidget.isHidden():
+ activeLegend = self.getActiveCurve(just_legend=True)
+ if activeLegend is not None:
+ if activeLegend == newLegend:
+ self.scanWindowInfoWidget.updateFromDataObject\
+ (dataObject)
+ else:
+ dummyDataObject = DataObject.DataObject()
+ dummyDataObject.y=[numpy.array([])]
+ dummyDataObject.x=[numpy.array([])]
+ self.scanWindowInfoWidget.updateFromDataObject(dummyDataObject)
+ else:
+ #we have to loop for all y values
+ ycounter = -1
+ for ydata in dataObject.y:
+ ylen = len(ydata)
+ if ylen == 1:
+ if len(xdata) > 1:
+ ydata = ydata[0] * numpy.ones(len(xdata)).astype(numpy.float)
+ elif len(xdata) == 1:
+ xdata = xdata[0] * numpy.ones(ylen).astype(numpy.float)
+ ycounter += 1
+ newDataObject = DataObject.DataObject()
+ = copy.deepcopy(
+ if dataObject.m is None:
+ mdata = numpy.ones(len(ydata)).astype(numpy.float)
+ elif len(dataObject.m[0]) > 0:
+ if len(dataObject.m[0]) == len(ydata):
+ index = numpy.nonzero(dataObject.m[0])[0]
+ if not len(index):
+ continue
+ xdata = numpy.take(xdata, index)
+ ydata = numpy.take(ydata, index)
+ mdata = numpy.take(dataObject.m[0], index)
+ #A priori the graph only knows about plots
+ ydata = ydata/mdata
+ elif len(dataObject.m[0]) == 1:
+ mdata = numpy.ones(len(ydata)).astype(numpy.float)
+ mdata *= dataObject.m[0][0]
+ index = numpy.nonzero(dataObject.m[0])[0]
+ if not len(index):
+ continue
+ xdata = numpy.take(xdata, index)
+ ydata = numpy.take(ydata, index)
+ mdata = numpy.take(dataObject.m[0], index)
+ #A priori the graph only knows about plots
+ ydata = ydata/mdata
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Monitor data length different than counter data")
+ else:
+ mdata = numpy.ones(len(ydata)).astype(numpy.float)
+ newDataObject.x = [xdata]
+ newDataObject.y = [ydata]
+ newDataObject.m = [mdata]
+['selection'] = copy.deepcopy(sel['selection'])
+ ylegend = 'y%d' % ycounter
+ xlabel = None
+ ylabel = None
+ if sel['selection'] is not None:
+ if type(sel['selection']) == type({}):
+ if 'x' in sel['selection']:
+ #proper scan selection
+['selection']['x'] = sel['selection']['x']
+['selection']['y'] = [sel['selection']['y'][ycounter]]
+['selection']['m'] = sel['selection']['m']
+ ilabel =['selection']['y'][0]
+ ylegend =['LabelNames'][ilabel]
+ ylabel = ylegend
+ if len(['selection']['x']):
+ ilabel =['selection']['x'][0]
+ xlabel =['LabelNames'][ilabel]
+ else:
+ xlabel = "Point number"
+ if ('operations' in and len(dataObject.y) == 1:
+['legend'] = legend
+ symbol = 'x'
+ else:
+ symbol=None
+['legend'] = legend + " " + ylegend
+['selectionlegend'] = legend
+ yaxis = None
+ if "plot_yaxis" in
+ yaxis =["plot_yaxis"]
+ elif 'operations' in
+ if['operations'][-1] == 'derivate':
+ yaxis = 'right'
+ #print("sending legend = ",['legend'], "replot = ", False)
+ self.dataObjectsDict[['legend']] = newDataObject
+ self.addCurve(xdata, ydata,['legend'],
+ symbol=symbol,
+ yaxis=yaxis,
+ xlabel=xlabel,
+ ylabel=ylabel,
+ replot=False)
+ self.dataObjectsList = self._curveList
+ try:
+ if activeCurve is None:
+ if len(self._curveList) > 0:
+ activeCurve = self._curveList[0]
+ ddict = {}
+ ddict['event'] = "curveClicked"
+ ddict['label'] = activeCurve
+ self.graphCallback(ddict)
+ finally:
+ if replot:
+ #self.replot()
+ self.resetZoom()
+ self.updateLegends()
+ def _removeSelection(self, selectionlist):
+ if DEBUG:
+ print("_removeSelection(self, selectionlist)",selectionlist)
+ if type(selectionlist) == type([]):
+ sellist = selectionlist
+ else:
+ sellist = [selectionlist]
+ removelist = []
+ for sel in sellist:
+ source = sel['SourceName']
+ key = sel['Key']
+ if not ("scanselection" in sel): continue
+ if sel['scanselection'] == "MCA":
+ continue
+ if not sel["scanselection"]:continue
+ if len(key.split(".")) > 2: continue
+ legend = sel['legend'] #expected form sourcename + scan key
+ if type(sel['selection']) == type({}):
+ if 'y' in sel['selection']:
+ for lName in ['cntlist', 'LabelNames']:
+ if lName in sel['selection']:
+ for index in sel['selection']['y']:
+ removelist.append(legend +" "+\
+ sel['selection'][lName][index])
+ if len(removelist):
+ self.removeCurves(removelist)
+ def removeCurves(self, removeList, replot=True):
+ for legend in removeList:
+ if legend == removeList[-1]:
+ self.removeCurve(legend, replot=replot)
+ else:
+ self.removeCurve(legend, replot=False)
+ if legend in self.dataObjectsDict:
+ del self.dataObjectsDict[legend]
+ self.dataObjectsList = self._curveList
+ def _replaceSelection(self, selectionlist):
+ if DEBUG:
+ print("_replaceSelection(self, selectionlist)",selectionlist)
+ if type(selectionlist) == type([]):
+ sellist = selectionlist
+ else:
+ sellist = [selectionlist]
+ doit = 0
+ for sel in sellist:
+ if not ("scanselection" in sel): continue
+ if sel['scanselection'] == "MCA":
+ continue
+ if not sel["scanselection"]:continue
+ if len(sel["Key"].split(".")) > 2: continue
+ dataObject = sel['dataobject']
+ if["selectiontype"] == "1D":
+ if hasattr(dataObject, 'y'):
+ doit = 1
+ break
+ if not doit:
+ return
+ self.clearCurves()
+ self.dataObjectsDict={}
+ self.dataObjectsList=self._curveList
+ self._addSelection(selectionlist, replot=True)
+ def _handleMarkerEvent(self, ddict):
+ if ddict['event'] == 'markerMoved':
+ label = ddict['label']
+ if label.startswith('ROI'):
+ return self._handleROIMarkerEvent(ddict)
+ else:
+ if DEBUG:
+ print("Unhandled marker %s" % label)
+ return
+ def graphCallback(self, ddict):
+ if DEBUG:
+ print("graphCallback", ddict)
+ if ddict['event'] in ['markerMoved', 'markerSelected']:
+ self._handleMarkerEvent(ddict)
+ elif ddict['event'] in ["mouseMoved", "MouseAt"]:
+ if self._toggleCounter > 0:
+ activeCurve = self.getActiveCurve()
+ if activeCurve in [None, []]:
+ self._handleMouseMovedEvent(ddict)
+ else:
+ x, y, legend, info = activeCurve[0:4]
+ # calculate the maximum distance
+ xMin, xMax = self.getGraphXLimits()
+ maxXDistance = abs(xMax - xMin)
+ yMin, yMax = self.getGraphYLimits()
+ maxYDistance = abs(yMax - yMin)
+ if (maxXDistance > 0.0) and (maxYDistance > 0.0):
+ closestIndex = (pow((x - ddict['x'])/maxXDistance, 2) + \
+ pow((y - ddict['y'])/maxYDistance, 2))
+ else:
+ closestIndex = (pow(x - ddict['x'], 2) + \
+ pow(y - ddict['y'], 2))
+ xText = '----'
+ yText = '----'
+ if len(closestIndex):
+ closestIndex = closestIndex.argmin()
+ xCurve = x[closestIndex]
+ if abs(xCurve - ddict['x']) < (0.05 * maxXDistance):
+ yCurve = y[closestIndex]
+ if abs(yCurve - ddict['y']) < (0.05 * maxYDistance):
+ xText = '%.7g' % xCurve
+ yText = '%.7g' % yCurve
+ if xText == '----':
+ if self.getGraphCursor():
+ self._xPos.setStyleSheet("color: rgb(255, 0, 0);")
+ self._yPos.setStyleSheet("color: rgb(255, 0, 0);")
+ xText = '%.7g' % ddict['x']
+ yText = '%.7g' % ddict['y']
+ else:
+ self._xPos.setStyleSheet("color: rgb(0, 0, 0);")
+ self._yPos.setStyleSheet("color: rgb(0, 0, 0);")
+ else:
+ self._xPos.setStyleSheet("color: rgb(0, 0, 0);")
+ self._yPos.setStyleSheet("color: rgb(0, 0, 0);")
+ self._xPos.setText(xText)
+ self._yPos.setText(yText)
+ else:
+ self._xPos.setStyleSheet("color: rgb(0, 0, 0);")
+ self._yPos.setStyleSheet("color: rgb(0, 0, 0);")
+ self._handleMouseMovedEvent(ddict)
+ elif ddict['event'] in ["curveClicked", "legendClicked"]:
+ legend = ddict["label"]
+ if legend is None:
+ if len(self.dataObjectsList):
+ legend = self.dataObjectsList[0]
+ else:
+ return
+ if legend not in self.dataObjectsList:
+ if DEBUG:
+ print("unknown legend %s" % legend)
+ return
+ #force the current x label to the appropriate value
+ dataObject = self.dataObjectsDict[legend]
+ if 'selection' in
+ ilabel =['selection']['y'][0]
+ ylabel =['LabelNames'][ilabel]
+ if len(['selection']['x']):
+ ilabel =['selection']['x'][0]
+ xlabel =['LabelNames'][ilabel]
+ else:
+ xlabel = "Point Number"
+ if len(['selection']['m']):
+ ilabel =['selection']['m'][0]
+ ylabel += "/" +['LabelNames'][ilabel]
+ else:
+ xlabel ='xlabel', None)
+ ylabel ='ylabel', None)
+ if xlabel is not None:
+ self.setGraphXLabel(xlabel)
+ if ylabel is not None:
+ self.setGraphYLabel(ylabel)
+ self.setGraphTitle(legend)
+ self.setActiveCurve(legend)
+ #self.setGraphTitle(legend)
+ if self.scanWindowInfoWidget is not None:
+ if not self.infoDockWidget.isHidden():
+ self.scanWindowInfoWidget.updateFromDataObject\
+ (dataObject)
+ elif ddict['event'] == "removeCurveEvent":
+ legend = ddict['legend']
+ self.removeCurves([legend])
+ elif ddict['event'] == "renameCurveEvent":
+ legend = ddict['legend']
+ newlegend = ddict['newlegend']
+ if legend in self.dataObjectsDict:
+ self.dataObjectsDict[newlegend]= copy.deepcopy(self.dataObjectsDict[legend])
+ self.dataObjectsDict[newlegend].info['legend'] = newlegend
+ self.dataObjectsList.append(newlegend)
+ self.removeCurves([legend], replot=False)
+ self.newCurve(self.dataObjectsDict[newlegend].x[0],
+ self.dataObjectsDict[newlegend].y[0],
+ legend=self.dataObjectsDict[newlegend].info['legend'])
+ #make sure the plot signal is forwarded because we have overwritten
+ #its handling
+ self.sigPlotSignal.emit(ddict)
+ def _customFitSignalReceived(self, ddict):
+ if ddict['event'] == "FitFinished":
+ newDataObject = self.__customFitDataObject
+ xplot = ddict['x']
+ yplot = ddict['yfit']
+ newDataObject.x = [xplot]
+ newDataObject.y = [yplot]
+ newDataObject.m = [numpy.ones(len(yplot)).astype(numpy.float)]
+ #here I should check the log or linear status
+ self.dataObjectsDict[['legend']] = newDataObject
+ self.addCurve(xplot,
+ yplot,
+ def _scanFitSignalReceived(self, ddict):
+ if DEBUG:
+ print("_scanFitSignalReceived", ddict)
+ if ddict['event'] == "EstimateFinished":
+ return
+ if ddict['event'] == "FitFinished":
+ newDataObject = self.__fitDataObject
+ xplot = self.scanFit.specfit.xdata * 1.0
+ yplot = self.scanFit.specfit.gendata(parameters=ddict['data'])
+ newDataObject.x = [xplot]
+ newDataObject.y = [yplot]
+ newDataObject.m = [numpy.ones(len(yplot)).astype(numpy.float)]
+ self.dataObjectsDict[['legend']] = newDataObject
+ self.addCurve(x=xplot, y=yplot,['legend'])
+ def _fitIconSignal(self):
+ if DEBUG:
+ print("_fitIconSignal")
+ self.fitButtonMenu.exec_(self.cursor().pos())
+ def _simpleFitSignal(self):
+ if DEBUG:
+ print("_simpleFitSignal")
+ self._QSimpleOperation("fit")
+ def _customFitSignal(self):
+ if DEBUG:
+ print("_customFitSignal")
+ self._QSimpleOperation("custom_fit")
+ def _saveIconSignal(self):
+ if DEBUG:
+ print("_saveIconSignal")
+ self._QSimpleOperation("save")
+ def _averageIconSignal(self):
+ if DEBUG:
+ print("_averageIconSignal")
+ self._QSimpleOperation("average")
+ def _smoothIconSignal(self):
+ if DEBUG:
+ print("_smoothIconSignal")
+ self._QSimpleOperation("smooth")
+ def _getOutputFileName(self):
+ #get outputfile
+ self.outputDir = PyMcaDirs.outputDir
+ if self.outputDir is None:
+ self.outputDir = os.getcwd()
+ wdir = os.getcwd()
+ elif os.path.exists(self.outputDir):
+ wdir = self.outputDir
+ else:
+ self.outputDir = os.getcwd()
+ wdir = self.outputDir
+ filterlist = ['Specfile MCA *.mca',
+ 'Specfile Scan *.dat',
+ 'Specfile MultiScan *.dat',
+ 'Raw ASCII *.txt',
+ '","-separated CSV *.csv',
+ '";"-separated CSV *.csv',
+ '"tab"-separated CSV *.csv',
+ 'OMNIC CSV *.csv',
+ 'Widget PNG *.png',
+ 'Widget JPG *.jpg',
+ 'Graphics PNG *.png',
+ 'Graphics EPS *.eps',
+ 'Graphics SVG *.svg']
+ fileList, fileFilter = PyMcaFileDialogs.getFileList(self,
+ filetypelist=filterlist,
+ message="Output File Selection",
+ currentdir=wdir,
+ single=True,
+ mode="SAVE",
+ getfilter=True,
+ currentfilter=self.outputFilter)
+ if not len(fileList):
+ return
+ filterused = fileFilter.split()
+ filetype = filterused[1]
+ extension = filterused[2]
+ outdir = qt.safe_str(fileList[0])
+ try:
+ self.outputDir = os.path.dirname(outdir)
+ PyMcaDirs.outputDir = os.path.dirname(outdir)
+ except:
+ print("setting output directory to default")
+ self.outputDir = os.getcwd()
+ try:
+ outputFile = os.path.basename(outdir)
+ except:
+ outputFile = outdir
+ if len(outputFile) < 5:
+ outputFile = outputFile + extension[-4:]
+ elif outputFile[-4:] != extension[-4:]:
+ outputFile = outputFile + extension[-4:]
+ return os.path.join(self.outputDir, outputFile), filetype, filterused
+ def _QSimpleOperation(self, operation):
+ try:
+ self._simpleOperation(operation)
+ except:
+ msg = qt.QMessageBox(self)
+ msg.setIcon(qt.QMessageBox.Critical)
+ msg.setInformativeText(str(sys.exc_info()[1]))
+ msg.setDetailedText(traceback.format_exc())
+ msg.exec_()
+ def _saveOperation(self, fileName, fileType, fileFilter):
+ filterused = fileFilter
+ filetype = fileType
+ filename = fileName
+ if os.path.exists(filename):
+ os.remove(filename)
+ if filterused[0].upper() == "WIDGET":
+ fformat = filename[-3:].upper()
+ if hasattr(qt.QPixmap,"grabWidget"):
+ pixmap = qt.QPixmap.grabWidget(self)
+ else:
+ pixmap = self.grab()
+ if not, fformat):
+ qt.QMessageBox.critical(self,
+ "Save Error",
+ "%s" % sys.exc_info()[1])
+ return
+ try:
+ if filename[-3:].upper() in ['EPS', 'PNG', 'SVG']:
+ self.graphicsSave(filename)
+ return
+ except:
+ msg = qt.QMessageBox(self)
+ msg.setIcon(qt.QMessageBox.Critical)
+ msg.setText("Graphics Saving Error: %s" % (sys.exc_info()[1]))
+ msg.exec_()
+ return
+ systemline = os.linesep
+ os.linesep = '\n'
+ try:
+ if sys.version < "3.0":
+ ffile=open(filename, "wb")
+ else:
+ ffile=open(filename, "w", newline='')
+ except IOError:
+ msg = qt.QMessageBox(self)
+ msg.setIcon(qt.QMessageBox.Critical)
+ msg.setText("Input Output Error: %s" % (sys.exc_info()[1]))
+ msg.exec_()
+ return
+ x, y, legend, info = self.getActiveCurve()
+ xlabel = info.get("xlabel", "X")
+ ylabel = info.get("ylabel", "Y")
+ if 0:
+ if "selection" in info:
+ if type(info['selection']) == type({}):
+ if 'x' in info['selection']:
+ #proper scan selection
+ ilabel = info['selection']['y'][0]
+ ylegend = info['LabelNames'][ilabel]
+ ylabel = ylegend
+ if info['selection']['x'] is not None:
+ if len(info['selection']['x']):
+ xlabel = info['LabelNames'] [info['selection']['x'][0]]
+ else:
+ xlabel = "Point number"
+ try:
+ if filetype in ['Scan', 'MultiScan']:
+ ffile.write("#F %s\n" % filename)
+ savingDate = "#D %s\n"%(time.ctime(time.time()))
+ ffile.write(savingDate)
+ ffile.write("\n")
+ ffile.write("#S 1 %s\n" % legend)
+ ffile.write(savingDate)
+ ffile.write("#N 2\n")
+ ffile.write("#L %s %s\n" % (xlabel, ylabel) )
+ for i in range(len(y)):
+ ffile.write("%.7g %.7g\n" % (x[i], y[i]))
+ ffile.write("\n")
+ if filetype == 'MultiScan':
+ scan_n = 1
+ curveList = self.getAllCurves()
+ for x, y, key, info in curveList:
+ if key == legend:
+ continue
+ xlabel = info.get("xlabel", "X")
+ ylabel = info.get("ylabel", "Y")
+ if 0:
+ if "selection" in info:
+ if type(info['selection']) == type({}):
+ if 'x' in info['selection']:
+ #proper scan selection
+ ilabel = info['selection']['y'][0]
+ ylegend = info['LabelNames'][ilabel]
+ ylabel = ylegend
+ if info['selection']['x'] is not None:
+ if len(info['selection']['x']):
+ xlabel = info['LabelNames'] [info['selection']['x'][0]]
+ else:
+ xlabel = "Point number"
+ scan_n += 1
+ ffile.write("#S %d %s\n" % (scan_n, key))
+ ffile.write(savingDate)
+ ffile.write("#N 2\n")
+ ffile.write("#L %s %s\n" % (xlabel, ylabel) )
+ for i in range(len(y)):
+ ffile.write("%.7g %.7g\n" % (x[i], y[i]))
+ ffile.write("\n")
+ elif filetype == 'ASCII':
+ for i in range(len(y)):
+ ffile.write("%.7g %.7g\n" % (x[i], y[i]))
+ elif filetype == 'CSV':
+ if "," in filterused[0]:
+ csvseparator = ","
+ elif ";" in filterused[0]:
+ csvseparator = ";"
+ elif "OMNIC" in filterused[0]:
+ csvseparator = ","
+ else:
+ csvseparator = "\t"
+ if "OMNIC" not in filterused[0]:
+ ffile.write('"%s"%s"%s"\n' % (xlabel,csvseparator,ylabel))
+ for i in range(len(y)):
+ ffile.write("%.7E%s%.7E\n" % (x[i], csvseparator,y[i]))
+ else:
+ ffile.write("#F %s\n" % filename)
+ ffile.write("#D %s\n"%(time.ctime(time.time())))
+ ffile.write("\n")
+ ffile.write("#S 1 %s\n" % legend)
+ ffile.write("#D %s\n"%(time.ctime(time.time())))
+ ffile.write("#@MCA %16C\n")
+ ffile.write("#@CHANN %d %d %d 1\n" % (len(y), x[0], x[-1]))
+ ffile.write("#@CALIB %.7g %.7g %.7g\n" % (0, 1, 0))
+ ffile.write(self.array2SpecMca(y))
+ ffile.write("\n")
+ ffile.close()
+ os.linesep = systemline
+ except:
+ os.linesep = systemline
+ raise
+ return
+ def _simpleOperation(self, operation):
+ if operation == 'subtract':
+ self._subtractOperation()
+ return
+ if operation == "save":
+ #getOutputFileName
+ filename = self._getOutputFileName()
+ if filename is None:
+ return
+ self._saveOperation(filename[0], filename[1], filename[2])
+ return
+ if operation != "average":
+ #get active curve
+ legend = self.getActiveCurveLegend()
+ if legend is None:return
+ found = False
+ for key in self.dataObjectsList:
+ if key == legend:
+ found = True
+ break
+ if found:
+ dataObject = self.dataObjectsDict[legend]
+ else:
+ print("I should not be here")
+ print("active curve =",legend)
+ print("but legend list = ",self.dataObjectsList)
+ return
+ y = dataObject.y[0]
+ if dataObject.x is not None:
+ x = dataObject.x[0]
+ else:
+ x = numpy.arange(len(y)).astype(numpy.float)
+ ilabel =['selection']['y'][0]
+ ylabel =['LabelNames'][ilabel]
+ if len(['selection']['x']):
+ ilabel =['selection']['x'][0]
+ xlabel =['LabelNames'][ilabel]
+ else:
+ xlabel = "Point Number"
+ else:
+ x = []
+ y = []
+ legend = ""
+ i = 0
+ ndata = 0
+ for key in self._curveList:
+ if DEBUG:
+ print("key -> ", key)
+ if key in self.dataObjectsDict:
+ x.append(self.dataObjectsDict[key].x[0]) #only the first X
+ if len(self.dataObjectsDict[key].y) == 1:
+ y.append(self.dataObjectsDict[key].y[0])
+ else:
+ sel_legend = self.dataObjectsDict[key].info['legend']
+ ilabel = 0
+ #I have to get the proper y associated to the legend
+ if sel_legend in key:
+ if key.index(sel_legend) == 0:
+ label = key[len(sel_legend):]
+ while (label.startswith(' ')):
+ label = label[1:]
+ if not len(label):
+ break
+ if label in self.dataObjectsDict[key].info['LabelNames']:
+ ilabel = self.dataObjectsDict[key].info['LabelNames'].index(label)
+ if DEBUG:
+ print("LABEL = ", label)
+ print("ilabel = ", ilabel)
+ y.append(self.dataObjectsDict[key].y[ilabel])
+ if i == 0:
+ legend = key
+ firstcurve = key
+ i += 1
+ else:
+ legend += " + " + key
+ lastcurve = key
+ ndata += 1
+ if ndata == 0: return #nothing to average
+ dataObject = self.dataObjectsDict[firstcurve]
+ #create the output data object
+ newDataObject = DataObject.DataObject()
+ = None
+ = copy.deepcopy(
+ if 'selectionlegend' in
+ del['selectionlegend']
+ if not ('operations' in
+['operations'] = []
+ sel = {}
+ sel['SourceType'] = "Operation"
+ #get new x and new y
+ if operation == "derivate":
+ #xmin and xmax
+ xlimits=self.getGraphXLimits()
+ xplot, yplot = self.simpleMath.derivate(x, y, xlimits=xlimits)
+ ilabel =['selection']['y'][0]
+ ylabel =['LabelNames'][ilabel]
+['LabelNames'][ilabel] = ylabel+"'"
+['plot_yaxis'] = "right"
+ sel['SourceName'] = legend
+ sel['Key'] = "'"
+ sel['legend'] = legend + sel['Key']
+ outputlegend = legend + sel['Key']
+ elif operation == "average":
+ xplot, yplot = self.simpleMath.average(x, y)
+ if len(legend) < 80:
+ sel['SourceName'] = legend
+ sel['Key'] = ""
+ sel['legend'] = "(%s)/%d" % (legend, ndata)
+ outputlegend = "(%s)/%d" % (legend, ndata)
+ else:
+ sel['SourceName'] = legend
+ legend = "Average of %d from %s to %s" % (ndata, firstcurve, lastcurve)
+ sel['Key'] = ""
+ sel['legend'] = legend
+ outputlegend = legend
+ elif operation == "swapsign":
+ xplot = x * 1
+ yplot = -y
+ sel['SourceName'] = legend
+ sel['Key'] = ""
+ sel['legend'] = "-(%s)" % legend
+ outputlegend = "-(%s)" % legend
+ elif operation == "smooth":
+ xplot = x * 1
+ yplot = self.simpleMath.smooth(y)
+ sel['SourceName'] = legend
+ sel['Key'] = ""
+ sel['legend'] = "%s Smooth" % legend
+ outputlegend = "%s Smooth" % legend
+ if 'operations' in
+ if len(['operations']):
+ if['operations'][-1] == "smooth":
+ sel['legend'] = legend
+ outputlegend = legend
+ elif operation == "forceymintozero":
+ xplot = x * 1
+ yplot = y - min(y)
+ sel['SourceName'] = legend
+ sel['Key'] = ""
+ sel['legend'] = "(%s) - ymin" % legend
+ outputlegend = "(%s) - ymin" % legend
+ elif operation == "fit":
+ #remove a existing fit if present
+ xmin,xmax=self.getGraphXLimits()
+ outputlegend = legend + " Fit"
+ for key in self._curveList:
+ if key == outputlegend:
+ self.removeCurves([outputlegend], replot=False)
+ break
+ self.scanFit.setData(x = x,
+ y = y,
+ xmin = xmin,
+ xmax = xmax,
+ legend = legend)
+ if self.scanFit.isHidden():
+ self.scanFit.raise_()
+ elif operation == "custom_fit":
+ #remove a existing fit if present
+ xmin, xmax=self.getGraphXLimits()
+ outputlegend = legend + "Custom Fit"
+ keyList = list(self._curveList)
+ for key in keyList:
+ if key == outputlegend:
+ self.removeCurves([outputlegend], replot=False)
+ break
+ self.customFit.setData(x = x,
+ y = y,
+ xmin = xmin,
+ xmax = xmax,
+ legend = legend)
+ if self.customFit.isHidden():
+ self.customFit.raise_()
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Unknown operation %s" % operation)
+ if operation not in ["fit", "custom_fit"]:
+ newDataObject.x = [xplot]
+ newDataObject.y = [yplot]
+ newDataObject.m = [numpy.ones(len(yplot)).astype(numpy.float)]
+ #and add it to the plot
+ if True and (operation not in ['fit', 'custom_fit']):
+ sel['dataobject'] = newDataObject
+ sel['scanselection'] = True
+ sel['selection'] = copy.deepcopy(['selection'])
+ sel['selectiontype'] = "1D"
+ if operation == 'average':
+ self._replaceSelection([sel])
+ elif operation != 'fit':
+ self._addSelection([sel])
+ else:
+ self.__fitDataObject = newDataObject
+ return
+ else:
+['legend'] = outputlegend
+ if operation == 'fit':
+ self.__fitDataObject = newDataObject
+ return
+ if operation == 'custom_fit':
+ self.__customFitDataObject = newDataObject
+ return
+ self.dataObjectsDict[['legend']] = newDataObject
+ #here I should check the log or linear status
+ self.addCurve(x=xplot, y=yplot,['legend'], replot=False)
+ self.replot()
+ def graphicsSave(self, filename):
+ #use the plugin interface
+ x, y, legend, info = self.getActiveCurve()[:4]
+ curveList = self.getAllCurves()
+ size = (6, 3) #in inches
+ bw = False
+ if len(curveList) > 1:
+ legends = True
+ else:
+ legends = False
+ if self.matplotlibDialog is None:
+ self.matplotlibDialog = QPyMcaMatplotlibSave1D.\
+ QPyMcaMatplotlibSaveDialog(size=size,
+ logx=self._logX,
+ logy=self._logY,
+ legends=legends,
+ bw = bw)
+ mtplt = self.matplotlibDialog.plot
+ mtplt.setParameters({'logy':self._logY,
+ 'logx':self._logX,
+ 'legends':legends,
+ 'bw':bw})
+ xmin, xmax = self.getGraphXLimits()
+ ymin, ymax = self.getGraphYLimits()
+ mtplt.setLimits(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
+ legend0 = legend
+ xdata = x
+ ydata = y
+ dataCounter = 1
+ alias = "%c" % (96+dataCounter)
+ mtplt.addDataToPlot( xdata, ydata, legend=legend0, alias=alias )
+ for curve in curveList:
+ xdata, ydata, legend, info = curve[0:4]
+ if legend == legend0:
+ continue
+ dataCounter += 1
+ alias = "%c" % (96+dataCounter)
+ mtplt.addDataToPlot( xdata, ydata, legend=legend, alias=alias )
+ if sys.version < '3.0':
+ self.matplotlibDialog.setXLabel(qt.safe_str(self.getGraphXLabel()))
+ self.matplotlibDialog.setYLabel(qt.safe_str(self.getGraphYLabel()))
+ else:
+ self.matplotlibDialog.setXLabel(self.getGraphXLabel())
+ self.matplotlibDialog.setYLabel(self.getGraphYLabel())
+ if legends:
+ mtplt.plotLegends()
+ ret = self.matplotlibDialog.exec_()
+ if ret == qt.QDialog.Accepted:
+ mtplt.saveFile(filename)
+ return
+ def getActiveCurveLegend(self):
+ return super(ScanWindow,self).getActiveCurve(just_legend=True)
+ def _deriveIconSignal(self):
+ if DEBUG:
+ print("_deriveIconSignal")
+ self._QSimpleOperation('derivate')
+ def _swapSignIconSignal(self):
+ if DEBUG:
+ print("_swapSignIconSignal")
+ self._QSimpleOperation('swapsign')
+ def _yMinToZeroIconSignal(self):
+ if DEBUG:
+ print("_yMinToZeroIconSignal")
+ self._QSimpleOperation('forceymintozero')
+ def _subtractIconSignal(self):
+ if DEBUG:
+ print("_subtractIconSignal")
+ self._QSimpleOperation('subtract')
+ def _subtractOperation(self):
+ #identical to twice the average with the negative active curve
+ #get active curve
+ legend = self.getActiveCurveLegend()
+ if legend is None:
+ return
+ found = False
+ for key in self.dataObjectsList:
+ if key == legend:
+ found = True
+ break
+ if found:
+ dataObject = self.dataObjectsDict[legend]
+ else:
+ print("I should not be here")
+ print("active curve =",legend)
+ print("but legend list = ",self.dataObjectsList)
+ return
+ x = dataObject.x[0]
+ y = dataObject.y[0]
+ ilabel =['selection']['y'][0]
+ ylabel =['LabelNames'][ilabel]
+ if len(['selection']['x']):
+ ilabel =['selection']['x'][0]
+ xlabel =['LabelNames'][ilabel]
+ else:
+ xlabel = "Point Number"
+ xActive = x
+ yActive = y
+ yActiveLegend = legend
+ yActiveLabel = ylabel
+ xActiveLabel = xlabel
+ operation = "subtract"
+ sel_list = []
+ i = 0
+ ndata = 0
+ keyList = list(self._curveList)
+ for key in keyList:
+ legend = ""
+ x = [xActive]
+ y = [-yActive]
+ if DEBUG:
+ print("key -> ", key)
+ if key in self.dataObjectsDict:
+ x.append(self.dataObjectsDict[key].x[0]) #only the first X
+ if len(self.dataObjectsDict[key].y) == 1:
+ y.append(self.dataObjectsDict[key].y[0])
+ ilabel = self.dataObjectsDict[key].info['selection']['y'][0]
+ else:
+ sel_legend = self.dataObjectsDict[key].info['legend']
+ ilabel = self.dataObjectsDict[key].info['selection']['y'][0]
+ #I have to get the proper y associated to the legend
+ if sel_legend in key:
+ if key.index(sel_legend) == 0:
+ label = key[len(sel_legend):]
+ while (label.startswith(' ')):
+ label = label[1:]
+ if not len(label):
+ break
+ if label in self.dataObjectsDict[key].info['LabelNames']:
+ ilabel = self.dataObjectsDict[key].info['LabelNames'].index(label)
+ if DEBUG:
+ print("LABEL = ", label)
+ print("ilabel = ", ilabel)
+ y.append(self.dataObjectsDict[key].y[ilabel])
+ outputlegend = "(%s - %s)" % (key, yActiveLegend)
+ ndata += 1
+ xplot, yplot = self.simpleMath.average(x, y)
+ yplot *= 2
+ #create the output data object
+ newDataObject = DataObject.DataObject()
+ = None
+ if not ('operations' in
+['operations'] = []
+['LabelNames'][ilabel] = "(%s - %s)" % \
+ (['LabelNames'][ilabel], yActiveLabel)
+ newDataObject.x = [xplot]
+ newDataObject.y = [yplot]
+ newDataObject.m = None
+ sel = {}
+ sel['SourceType'] = "Operation"
+ sel['SourceName'] = key
+ sel['Key'] = ""
+ sel['legend'] = outputlegend
+ sel['dataobject'] = newDataObject
+ sel['scanselection'] = True
+ sel['selection'] = copy.deepcopy(['selection'])
+ #sel['selection']['y'] = [ilabel]
+ sel['selectiontype'] = "1D"
+ sel_list.append(sel)
+ if True:
+ #The legend menu was not working with the next line
+ #but if works if I add the list
+ self._replaceSelection(sel_list)
+ else:
+ oldlist = list(self.dataObjectsDict)
+ self._addSelection(sel_list)
+ self.removeCurves(oldlist)
+ #The plugins interface
+ def getGraphYLimits(self):
+ #if the active curve is mapped to second axis
+ #I should give the second axis limits
+ return super(ScanWindow, self).getGraphYLimits()
+ #end of plugins interface
+ def addCurve(self, x, y, legend=None, info=None, replace=False, replot=True,
+ color=None, symbol=None, linestyle=None,
+ xlabel=None, ylabel=None, yaxis=None,
+ xerror=None, yerror=None, **kw):
+ if legend in self._curveList:
+ if info is None:
+ info = {}
+ oldStuff = self.getCurve(legend)
+ if len(oldStuff):
+ oldX, oldY, oldLegend, oldInfo = oldStuff
+ else:
+ oldInfo = {}
+ if color is None:
+ color = info.get("plot_color", oldInfo.get("plot_color", None))
+ if symbol is None:
+ symbol = info.get("plot_symbol",oldInfo.get("plot_symbol", None))
+ if linestyle is None:
+ linestyle = info.get("plot_linestyle",oldInfo.get("plot_linestyle", None))
+ if yaxis is None:
+ yaxis = info.get("plot_yaxis",oldInfo.get("plot_yaxis", None))
+ else:
+ if info is None:
+ info = {}
+ if color is None:
+ color = info.get("plot_color", None)
+ if symbol is None:
+ symbol = info.get("plot_symbol", None)
+ if linestyle is None:
+ linestyle = info.get("plot_linestyle", None)
+ if yaxis is None:
+ yaxis = info.get("plot_yaxis", None)
+ if legend in self.dataObjectsDict:
+ # the info is changing
+ super(ScanWindow, self).addCurve(x, y, legend=legend, info=info,
+ replace=replace, replot=replot, color=color, symbol=symbol,
+ linestyle=linestyle, xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel, yaxis=yaxis,
+ xerror=xerror, yerror=yerror, **kw)
+ else:
+ # create the data object
+ self.newCurve(x, y, legend=legend, info=info,
+ replace=replace, replot=replot, color=color, symbol=symbol,
+ linestyle=linestyle, xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel, yaxis=yaxis,
+ xerror=xerror, yerror=yerror, **kw)
+ def newCurve(self, x, y, legend=None, info=None, replace=False, replot=True,
+ color=None, symbol=None, linestyle=None,
+ xlabel=None, ylabel=None, yaxis=None,
+ xerror=None, yerror=None, **kw):
+ if legend is None:
+ legend = "Unnamed curve 1.1"
+ if xlabel is None:
+ xlabel = "X"
+ if ylabel is None:
+ ylabel = "Y"
+ if info is None:
+ info = {}
+ # this is awfull but I have no other way to pass the plot information ...
+ if color is not None:
+ info["plot_color"] = color
+ if symbol is not None:
+ info["plot_symbol"] = symbol
+ if linestyle is not None:
+ info["plot_linestyle"] = linestyle
+ if yaxis is not None:
+ info["plot_yaxis"] = yaxis
+ newDataObject = DataObject.DataObject()
+ newDataObject.x = [x]
+ newDataObject.y = [y]
+ newDataObject.m = None
+ = copy.deepcopy(info)
+['legend'] = legend
+['SourceName'] = legend
+['Key'] = ""
+['selectiontype'] = "1D"
+['LabelNames'] = [xlabel, ylabel]
+['selection'] = {'x':[0], 'y':[1]}
+ sel_list = []
+ sel = {}
+ sel['SourceType'] = "Operation"
+ sel['SourceName'] = legend
+ sel['Key'] = ""
+ sel['legend'] = legend
+ sel['dataobject'] = newDataObject
+ sel['scanselection'] = True
+ sel['selection'] = {'x':[0], 'y':[1], 'm':[], 'cntlist':[xlabel, ylabel]}
+ #sel['selection']['y'] = [ilabel]
+ sel['selectiontype'] = "1D"
+ sel_list.append(sel)
+ if replace:
+ self._replaceSelection(sel_list)
+ else:
+ self._addSelection(sel_list, replot=replot)
+ def printGraph(self):
+ if self.printPreview.printer is None:
+ # setup needed
+ self.printPreview.setup()
+ self._printer = self.printPreview.printer
+ if self._printer is None:
+ # printer was not selected
+ return
+ #self._printer = None
+ if PlotWindow.PlotWidget.SVG:
+ svg = True
+ self._svgRenderer = self.getSvgRenderer()
+ else:
+ svg = False
+ if hasattr(self, "getWidgetHandle"):
+ widget = self.getWidgetHandle()
+ else:
+ widget = self.centralWidget()
+ if hasattr(widget, "grab"):
+ pixmap = widget.grab()
+ else:
+ pixmap = qt.QPixmap.grabWidget(widget)
+ title = None
+ comment = None
+ if self.scanWindowInfoWidget is not None:
+ if not self.infoDockWidget.isHidden():
+ info = self.scanWindowInfoWidget.getInfo()
+ title = info['scan'].get('source', None)
+ comment = info['scan'].get('scan', None)+"\n"
+ h, k, l = info['scan'].get('hkl')
+ if h != "----":
+ comment += "H = %s K = %s L = %s\n" % (h, k, l)
+ peak = info['graph']['peak']
+ peakAt = info['graph']['peakat']
+ fwhm = info['graph']['fwhm']
+ fwhmAt = info['graph']['fwhmat']
+ com = info['graph']['com']
+ mean = info['graph']['mean']
+ std = info['graph']['std']
+ minimum = info['graph']['min']
+ maximum = info['graph']['max']
+ delta = info['graph']['delta']
+ xLabel = self.getGraphXLabel()
+ comment += "Peak %s at %s = %s\n" % (peak, xLabel, peakAt)
+ comment += "FWHM %s at %s = %s\n" % (fwhm, xLabel, fwhmAt)
+ comment += "COM = %s Mean = %s STD = %s\n" % (com, mean, std)
+ comment += "Min = %s Max = %s Delta = %s\n" % (minimum,
+ maximum,
+ delta)
+ if hasattr(self, "scanFit"):
+ if not self.scanFit.isHidden():
+ if comment is None:
+ comment = ""
+ comment += "\n"
+ comment += self.scanFit.getText()
+ if svg:
+ self.printPreview.addSvgItem(self._svgRenderer,
+ title=None,
+ comment=comment,
+ commentPosition="LEFT")
+ else:
+ self.printPreview.addPixmap(pixmap,
+ title=None,
+ comment=comment,
+ commentPosition="LEFT")
+ if self.printPreview.isHidden():
+ self.printPreview.raise_()
+ def getSvgRenderer(self, printer=None):
+ if printer is None:
+ if self.printPreview.printer is None:
+ # setup needed
+ self.printPreview.setup()
+ self._printer = self.printPreview.printer
+ printer = self._printer
+ if printer is None:
+ # printer was not selected
+ # return a renderer without adjusting the viewbox
+ if sys.version < '3.0':
+ import cStringIO as StringIO
+ imgData = StringIO.StringIO()
+ else:
+ from io import StringIO
+ imgData = StringIO()
+ self.saveGraph(imgData, fileFormat='svg')
+ imgData.flush()
+ svgData =
+ imgData = None
+ svgRenderer = qt.QSvgRenderer()
+ svgRenderer._svgRawData = svgData
+ svgRenderer._svgRendererData = qt.QXmlStreamReader(svgData)
+ if not svgRenderer.load(svgRenderer._svgRendererData):
+ raise RuntimeError("Cannot interpret svg data")
+ return svgRenderer
+ # we have what is to be printed
+ if sys.version < '3.0':
+ import cStringIO as StringIO
+ imgData = StringIO.StringIO()
+ else:
+ from io import StringIO
+ imgData = StringIO()
+ self.saveGraph(imgData, fileFormat='svg')
+ imgData.flush()
+ svgData =
+ imgData = None
+ svgRenderer = qt.QSvgRenderer()
+ #svgRenderer = PlotWindow.PlotWindow.getSvgRenderer(self)
+ # we have to specify the bounding box
+ config = self.getPrintConfiguration()
+ width = config['width']
+ height = config['height']
+ xOffset = config['xOffset']
+ yOffset = config['yOffset']
+ units = config['units']
+ keepAspectRatio = config['keepAspectRatio']
+ dpix = printer.logicalDpiX()
+ dpiy = printer.logicalDpiY()
+ # get the available space
+ availableWidth = printer.width()
+ availableHeight = printer.height()
+ # convert the offsets to dpi
+ if units.lower() in ['inch', 'inches']:
+ xOffset = xOffset * dpix
+ yOffset = yOffset * dpiy
+ if width is not None:
+ width = width * dpix
+ if height is not None:
+ height = height * dpiy
+ elif units.lower() in ['cm', 'centimeters']:
+ xOffset = (xOffset/2.54) * dpix
+ yOffset = (yOffset/2.54) * dpiy
+ if width is not None:
+ width = (width/2.54) * dpix
+ if height is not None:
+ height = (height/2.54) * dpiy
+ else:
+ # page units
+ xOffset = availableWidth * xOffset
+ yOffset = availableHeight * yOffset
+ if width is not None:
+ width = availableWidth * width
+ if height is not None:
+ height = availableHeight * height
+ availableWidth -= xOffset
+ availableHeight -= yOffset
+ if width is not None:
+ if (availableWidth + 0.1) < width:
+ txt = "Available width %f is less than requested width %f" % \
+ (availableWidth, width)
+ raise ValueError(txt)
+ availableWidth = width
+ if height is not None:
+ if (availableHeight + 0.1) < height:
+ txt = "Available height %f is less than requested height %f" % \
+ (availableHeight, height)
+ raise ValueError(txt)
+ availableHeight = height
+ if keepAspectRatio:
+ #get the aspect ratio
+ widget = self.getWidgetHandle()
+ if widget is None:
+ # does this make sense?
+ graphWidth = availableWidth
+ graphHeight = availableHeight
+ else:
+ graphWidth = float(widget.width())
+ graphHeight = float(widget.height())
+ graphRatio = graphHeight / graphWidth
+ # that ratio has to be respected
+ bodyWidth = availableWidth
+ bodyHeight = availableWidth * graphRatio
+ if bodyHeight > availableHeight:
+ bodyHeight = availableHeight
+ bodyWidth = bodyHeight / graphRatio
+ else:
+ bodyWidth = availableWidth
+ bodyHeight = availableHeight
+ body = qt.QRectF(xOffset,
+ yOffset,
+ bodyWidth,
+ bodyHeight)
+ # this does not work if I set the svgData before
+ svgRenderer.setViewBox(body)
+ svgRenderer._viewBox = body
+ if not sys.version.startswith("2"):
+ svgData = svgData.encode(encoding="utf-8",
+ errors="replace")
+ svgRenderer._svgRawData = svgData
+ svgRenderer._svgRendererData = qt.QXmlStreamReader(svgData)
+ if not svgRenderer.load(svgRenderer._svgRendererData):
+ raise RuntimeError("Cannot interpret svg data")
+ return svgRenderer
+def test():
+ w = ScanWindow()
+ x = numpy.arange(1000.)
+ y = 10 * x + 10000. * numpy.exp(-0.5*(x-500)*(x-500)/400)
+ w.addCurve(x, y, legend="dummy", replot=True, replace=True)
+ w.resetZoom()
+ app.lastWindowClosed.connect(app.quit)
+ app.exec_()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ test()