import json import struct from functools import partial import requests import requests.exceptions import six import websocket from .build import BuildApiMixin from .config import ConfigApiMixin from .container import ContainerApiMixin from .daemon import DaemonApiMixin from .exec_api import ExecApiMixin from .image import ImageApiMixin from .network import NetworkApiMixin from .plugin import PluginApiMixin from .secret import SecretApiMixin from .service import ServiceApiMixin from .swarm import SwarmApiMixin from .volume import VolumeApiMixin from .. import auth from ..constants import ( DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, DEFAULT_USER_AGENT, IS_WINDOWS_PLATFORM, DEFAULT_DOCKER_API_VERSION, STREAM_HEADER_SIZE_BYTES, DEFAULT_NUM_POOLS, MINIMUM_DOCKER_API_VERSION ) from ..errors import ( DockerException, InvalidVersion, TLSParameterError, create_api_error_from_http_exception ) from ..tls import TLSConfig from ..transport import SSLAdapter, UnixAdapter from ..utils import utils, check_resource, update_headers, config from ..utils.socket import frames_iter, socket_raw_iter from ..utils.json_stream import json_stream try: from ..transport import NpipeAdapter except ImportError: pass class APIClient( requests.Session, BuildApiMixin, ConfigApiMixin, ContainerApiMixin, DaemonApiMixin, ExecApiMixin, ImageApiMixin, NetworkApiMixin, PluginApiMixin, SecretApiMixin, ServiceApiMixin, SwarmApiMixin, VolumeApiMixin): """ A low-level client for the Docker Engine API. Example: >>> import docker >>> client = docker.APIClient(base_url='unix://var/run/docker.sock') >>> client.version() {u'ApiVersion': u'1.33', u'Arch': u'amd64', u'BuildTime': u'2017-11-19T18:46:37.000000000+00:00', u'GitCommit': u'f4ffd2511c', u'GoVersion': u'go1.9.2', u'KernelVersion': u'4.14.3-1-ARCH', u'MinAPIVersion': u'1.12', u'Os': u'linux', u'Version': u'17.10.0-ce'} Args: base_url (str): URL to the Docker server. For example, ``unix:///var/run/docker.sock`` or ``tcp://``. version (str): The version of the API to use. Set to ``auto`` to automatically detect the server's version. Default: ``1.30`` timeout (int): Default timeout for API calls, in seconds. tls (bool or :py:class:`~docker.tls.TLSConfig`): Enable TLS. Pass ``True`` to enable it with default options, or pass a :py:class:`~docker.tls.TLSConfig` object to use custom configuration. user_agent (str): Set a custom user agent for requests to the server. credstore_env (dict): Override environment variables when calling the credential store process. """ __attrs__ = requests.Session.__attrs__ + ['_auth_configs', '_general_configs', '_version', 'base_url', 'timeout'] def __init__(self, base_url=None, version=None, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, tls=False, user_agent=DEFAULT_USER_AGENT, num_pools=DEFAULT_NUM_POOLS, credstore_env=None): super(APIClient, self).__init__() if tls and not base_url: raise TLSParameterError( 'If using TLS, the base_url argument must be provided.' ) self.base_url = base_url self.timeout = timeout self.headers['User-Agent'] = user_agent self._general_configs = config.load_general_config() self._auth_configs = auth.load_config( config_dict=self._general_configs ) self.credstore_env = credstore_env base_url = utils.parse_host( base_url, IS_WINDOWS_PLATFORM, tls=bool(tls) ) if base_url.startswith('http+unix://'): self._custom_adapter = UnixAdapter( base_url, timeout, pool_connections=num_pools ) self.mount('http+docker://', self._custom_adapter) self._unmount('http://', 'https://') # host part of URL should be unused, but is resolved by requests # module in proxy_bypass_macosx_sysconf() self.base_url = 'http+docker://localhost' elif base_url.startswith('npipe://'): if not IS_WINDOWS_PLATFORM: raise DockerException( 'The npipe:// protocol is only supported on Windows' ) try: self._custom_adapter = NpipeAdapter( base_url, timeout, pool_connections=num_pools ) except NameError: raise DockerException( 'Install pypiwin32 package to enable npipe:// support' ) self.mount('http+docker://', self._custom_adapter) self.base_url = 'http+docker://localnpipe' else: # Use SSLAdapter for the ability to specify SSL version if isinstance(tls, TLSConfig): tls.configure_client(self) elif tls: self._custom_adapter = SSLAdapter(pool_connections=num_pools) self.mount('https://', self._custom_adapter) self.base_url = base_url # version detection needs to be after unix adapter mounting if version is None: self._version = DEFAULT_DOCKER_API_VERSION elif isinstance(version, six.string_types): if version.lower() == 'auto': self._version = self._retrieve_server_version() else: self._version = version else: raise DockerException( 'Version parameter must be a string or None. Found {0}'.format( type(version).__name__ ) ) if utils.version_lt(self._version, MINIMUM_DOCKER_API_VERSION): raise InvalidVersion( 'API versions below {} are no longer supported by this ' 'library.'.format(MINIMUM_DOCKER_API_VERSION) ) def _retrieve_server_version(self): try: return self.version(api_version=False)["ApiVersion"] except KeyError: raise DockerException( 'Invalid response from docker daemon: key "ApiVersion"' ' is missing.' ) except Exception as e: raise DockerException( 'Error while fetching server API version: {0}'.format(e) ) def _set_request_timeout(self, kwargs): """Prepare the kwargs for an HTTP request by inserting the timeout parameter, if not already present.""" kwargs.setdefault('timeout', self.timeout) return kwargs @update_headers def _post(self, url, **kwargs): return, **self._set_request_timeout(kwargs)) @update_headers def _get(self, url, **kwargs): return self.get(url, **self._set_request_timeout(kwargs)) @update_headers def _put(self, url, **kwargs): return self.put(url, **self._set_request_timeout(kwargs)) @update_headers def _delete(self, url, **kwargs): return self.delete(url, **self._set_request_timeout(kwargs)) def _url(self, pathfmt, *args, **kwargs): for arg in args: if not isinstance(arg, six.string_types): raise ValueError( 'Expected a string but found {0} ({1}) ' 'instead'.format(arg, type(arg)) ) quote_f = partial(six.moves.urllib.parse.quote, safe="/:") args = map(quote_f, args) if kwargs.get('versioned_api', True): return '{0}/v{1}{2}'.format( self.base_url, self._version, pathfmt.format(*args) ) else: return '{0}{1}'.format(self.base_url, pathfmt.format(*args)) def _raise_for_status(self, response): """Raises stored :class:`APIError`, if one occurred.""" try: response.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e: raise create_api_error_from_http_exception(e) def _result(self, response, json=False, binary=False): assert not (json and binary) self._raise_for_status(response) if json: return response.json() if binary: return response.content return response.text def _post_json(self, url, data, **kwargs): # Go <1.1 can't unserialize null to a string # so we do this disgusting thing here. data2 = {} if data is not None and isinstance(data, dict): for k, v in six.iteritems(data): if v is not None: data2[k] = v elif data is not None: data2 = data if 'headers' not in kwargs: kwargs['headers'] = {} kwargs['headers']['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' return self._post(url, data=json.dumps(data2), **kwargs) def _attach_params(self, override=None): return override or { 'stdout': 1, 'stderr': 1, 'stream': 1 } @check_resource('container') def _attach_websocket(self, container, params=None): url = self._url("/containers/{0}/attach/ws", container) req = requests.Request("POST", url, params=self._attach_params(params)) full_url = req.prepare().url full_url = full_url.replace("http://", "ws://", 1) full_url = full_url.replace("https://", "wss://", 1) return self._create_websocket_connection(full_url) def _create_websocket_connection(self, url): return websocket.create_connection(url) def _get_raw_response_socket(self, response): self._raise_for_status(response) if self.base_url == "http+docker://localnpipe": sock = response.raw._fp.fp.raw.sock elif six.PY3: sock = response.raw._fp.fp.raw if self.base_url.startswith("https://"): sock = sock._sock else: sock = response.raw._fp.fp._sock try: # Keep a reference to the response to stop it being garbage # collected. If the response is garbage collected, it will # close TLS sockets. sock._response = response except AttributeError: # UNIX sockets can't have attributes set on them, but that's # fine because we won't be doing TLS over them pass return sock def _stream_helper(self, response, decode=False): """Generator for data coming from a chunked-encoded HTTP response.""" if response.raw._fp.chunked: if decode: for chunk in json_stream(self._stream_helper(response, False)): yield chunk else: reader = response.raw while not reader.closed: # this read call will block until we get a chunk data = if not data: break if reader._fp.chunk_left: data += yield data else: # Response isn't chunked, meaning we probably # encountered an error immediately yield self._result(response, json=decode) def _multiplexed_buffer_helper(self, response): """A generator of multiplexed data blocks read from a buffered response.""" buf = self._result(response, binary=True) buf_length = len(buf) walker = 0 while True: if buf_length - walker < STREAM_HEADER_SIZE_BYTES: break header = buf[walker:walker + STREAM_HEADER_SIZE_BYTES] _, length = struct.unpack_from('>BxxxL', header) start = walker + STREAM_HEADER_SIZE_BYTES end = start + length walker = end yield buf[start:end] def _multiplexed_response_stream_helper(self, response): """A generator of multiplexed data blocks coming from a response stream.""" # Disable timeout on the underlying socket to prevent # Read timed out(s) for long running processes socket = self._get_raw_response_socket(response) self._disable_socket_timeout(socket) while True: header = if not header: break _, length = struct.unpack('>BxxxL', header) if not length: continue data = if not data: break yield data def _stream_raw_result(self, response, chunk_size=1, decode=True): ''' Stream result for TTY-enabled container and raw binary data''' self._raise_for_status(response) for out in response.iter_content(chunk_size, decode): yield out def _read_from_socket(self, response, stream, tty=False): socket = self._get_raw_response_socket(response) gen = None if tty is False: gen = frames_iter(socket) else: gen = socket_raw_iter(socket) if stream: return gen else: return six.binary_type().join(gen) def _disable_socket_timeout(self, socket): """ Depending on the combination of python version and whether we're connecting over http or https, we might need to access _sock, which may or may not exist; or we may need to just settimeout on socket itself, which also may or may not have settimeout on it. To avoid missing the correct one, we try both. We also do not want to set the timeout if it is already disabled, as you run the risk of changing a socket that was non-blocking to blocking, for example when using gevent. """ sockets = [socket, getattr(socket, '_sock', None)] for s in sockets: if not hasattr(s, 'settimeout'): continue timeout = -1 if hasattr(s, 'gettimeout'): timeout = s.gettimeout() # Don't change the timeout if it is already disabled. if timeout is None or timeout == 0.0: continue s.settimeout(None) @check_resource('container') def _check_is_tty(self, container): cont = self.inspect_container(container) return cont['Config']['Tty'] def _get_result(self, container, stream, res): return self._get_result_tty(stream, res, self._check_is_tty(container)) def _get_result_tty(self, stream, res, is_tty): # We should also use raw streaming (without keep-alives) # if we're dealing with a tty-enabled container. if is_tty: return self._stream_raw_result(res) if stream else \ self._result(res, binary=True) self._raise_for_status(res) sep = six.binary_type() if stream: return self._multiplexed_response_stream_helper(res) else: return sep.join( [x for x in self._multiplexed_buffer_helper(res)] ) def _unmount(self, *args): for proto in args: self.adapters.pop(proto) def get_adapter(self, url): try: return super(APIClient, self).get_adapter(url) except requests.exceptions.InvalidSchema as e: if self._custom_adapter: return self._custom_adapter else: raise e @property def api_version(self): return self._version def reload_config(self, dockercfg_path=None): """ Force a reload of the auth configuration Args: dockercfg_path (str): Use a custom path for the Docker config file (default ``$HOME/.docker/config.json`` if present, otherwise``$HOME/.dockercfg``) Returns: None """ self._auth_configs = auth.load_config(dockercfg_path)