from .. import errors from ..utils import normalize_links, version_lt class EndpointConfig(dict): def __init__(self, version, aliases=None, links=None, ipv4_address=None, ipv6_address=None, link_local_ips=None, driver_opt=None): if version_lt(version, '1.22'): raise errors.InvalidVersion( 'Endpoint config is not supported for API version < 1.22' ) if aliases: self["Aliases"] = aliases if links: self["Links"] = normalize_links(links) ipam_config = {} if ipv4_address: ipam_config['IPv4Address'] = ipv4_address if ipv6_address: ipam_config['IPv6Address'] = ipv6_address if link_local_ips is not None: if version_lt(version, '1.24'): raise errors.InvalidVersion( 'link_local_ips is not supported for API version < 1.24' ) ipam_config['LinkLocalIPs'] = link_local_ips if ipam_config: self['IPAMConfig'] = ipam_config if driver_opt: if version_lt(version, '1.32'): raise errors.InvalidVersion( 'DriverOpts is not supported for API version < 1.32' ) if not isinstance(driver_opt, dict): raise TypeError('driver_opt must be a dictionary') self['DriverOpts'] = driver_opt class NetworkingConfig(dict): def __init__(self, endpoints_config=None): if endpoints_config: self["EndpointsConfig"] = endpoints_config class IPAMConfig(dict): """ Create an IPAM (IP Address Management) config dictionary to be used with :py:meth:``. Args: driver (str): The IPAM driver to use. Defaults to ``default``. pool_configs (:py:class:`list`): A list of pool configurations (:py:class:`~docker.types.IPAMPool`). Defaults to empty list. options (dict): Driver options as a key-value dictionary. Defaults to `None`. Example: >>> ipam_config = docker.types.IPAMConfig(driver='default') >>> network = client.create_network('network1', ipam=ipam_config) """ def __init__(self, driver='default', pool_configs=None, options=None): self.update({ 'Driver': driver, 'Config': pool_configs or [] }) if options: if not isinstance(options, dict): raise TypeError('IPAMConfig options must be a dictionary') self['Options'] = options class IPAMPool(dict): """ Create an IPAM pool config dictionary to be added to the ``pool_configs`` parameter of :py:class:`~docker.types.IPAMConfig`. Args: subnet (str): Custom subnet for this IPAM pool using the CIDR notation. Defaults to ``None``. iprange (str): Custom IP range for endpoints in this IPAM pool using the CIDR notation. Defaults to ``None``. gateway (str): Custom IP address for the pool's gateway. aux_addresses (dict): A dictionary of ``key -> ip_address`` relationships specifying auxiliary addresses that need to be allocated by the IPAM driver. Example: >>> ipam_pool = docker.types.IPAMPool( subnet='', iprange='', gateway='', aux_addresses={ 'reserved1': '' } ) >>> ipam_config = docker.types.IPAMConfig( pool_configs=[ipam_pool]) """ def __init__(self, subnet=None, iprange=None, gateway=None, aux_addresses=None): self.update({ 'Subnet': subnet, 'IPRange': iprange, 'Gateway': gateway, 'AuxiliaryAddresses': aux_addresses })