from distutils.core import setup from distutils.extension import Extension from Cython.Distutils import build_ext import glob import sys source_files = ["enet.pyx"] _enet_files = glob.glob("enet/*.c") if not _enet_files: print("You need to download and extract the enet 1.3 source to enet/") print("Download the source from:") print("See the README for more instructions") sys.exit(1) source_files.extend(_enet_files) define_macros = [('HAS_POLL', None), ('HAS_FCNTL', None), ('HAS_MSGHDR_FLAGS', None), ('HAS_SOCKLEN_T', None) ] libraries = [] if sys.platform == 'win32': define_macros.extend([('WIN32', None)]) libraries.extend(['ws2_32', 'Winmm']) if sys.platform != 'darwin': define_macros.extend([('HAS_GETHOSTBYNAME_R', None), ('HAS_GETHOSTBYADDR_R', None)]) ext_modules = [ Extension( "enet", extra_compile_args=["-O3"], sources=source_files, include_dirs=["enet/include/"], define_macros=define_macros, libraries=libraries)] setup( name = 'enet', cmdclass = {'build_ext': build_ext}, ext_modules = ext_modules )