Python-etcd documentation ========================= A python client for Etcd Installation ------------ Pre-requirements ................ Install etcd From source ........... .. code-block:: bash $ python install Usage ----- Create a client object ...................... .. code-block:: python import etcd client = etcd.Client() # this will create a client against etcd server running on localhost on port 4001 client = etcd.Client(port=4002) client = etcd.Client(host='', port=4003) client = etcd.Client(host='', port=4003, allow_redirect=False) # wont let you run sensitive commands on non-leader machines, default is true client = etcd.Client( host='', port=4003, allow_reconnect=True, protocol='https',) Set a key ......... .. code-block:: python client.write('/nodes/n1', 1) # with ttl client.write('/nodes/n2', 2, ttl=4) # sets the ttl to 4 seconds # create only client.write('/nodes/n3', 'test', prevExist=False) # Compare and swap values atomically client.write('/nodes/n3', 'test2', prevValue='test1') #this fails to write client.write('/nodes/n3', 'test2', prevIndex=10) #this fails to write # mkdir client.write('/nodes/queue', dir=True) # Append a value to a queue dir client.write('/nodes/queue', 'test', append=True) #will write i.e. /nodes/queue/11 client.write('/nodes/queue', 'test2', append=True) #will write i.e. /nodes/queue/12 You can also atomically update a result: .. code:: python result ='/foo') print(result.value) # bar result.value += u'bar' updated = client.update(result) # if any other client wrote '/foo' in the meantime this will fail print(updated.value) # barbar Get a key ......... .. code-block:: python'/nodes/n2').value #recursively read a directory r ='/nodes', recursive=True, sorted=True) for child in r.children: print("%s: %s" % (child.key,child.value))'/nodes/n2', wait=True) #Waits for a change in value in the key before returning.'/nodes/n2', wait=True, waitIndex=10) Delete a key ............ .. code-block:: python client.delete('/nodes/n1') client.delete('/nodes', dir=True) #spits an error if dir is not empty client.delete('/nodes', recursive=True) #this works recursively Use lock primitives ................... .. code-block:: python # Initialize the lock object: # NOTE: this does not acquire a lock yet client = etcd.Client() lock = client.get_lock('/customer1', ttl=60) # Use the lock object: lock.acquire() lock.is_locked() # True lock.renew(60) lock.release() lock.is_locked() # False # The lock object may also be used as a context manager: client = etcd.Client() lock = client.get_lock('/customer1', ttl=60) with lock as my_lock: do_stuff() lock.is_locked() # True lock.renew(60) lock.is_locked() # False Use the leader election primitives .................................. .. code-block:: python # Set a leader object with a name; if no name is given, the local hostname # is used. # Zero or no ttl means the leader object is persistent. client = etcd.Client() client.election.set('/mysql', name='', ttl=120) # returns the etcd index # Get the name print(client.election.get('/mysql')) # '' # Delete it! print(client.election.delete('/mysql', name='')) Get machines in the cluster ........................... .. code-block:: python client.machines Get leader of the cluster ......................... .. code-block:: python client.leader Development setup ----------------- To create a buildout, .. code-block:: bash $ python $ bin/buildout to test you should have etcd available in your system path: .. code-block:: bash $ bin/test to generate documentation, .. code-block:: bash $ cd docs $ make Release HOWTO ------------- To make a release, 1) Update release date/version in NEWS.txt and 2) Run 'python sdist' 3) Test the generated source distribution in dist/ 4) Upload to PyPI: 'python sdist register upload' 5) Increase version in (for next release) List of contributors at Code documentation ------------------ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 api.rst