""" .. module:: python-etcd :synopsis: A python etcd client. .. moduleauthor:: Jose Plana """ import urllib3 import urllib3.util import json import ssl import etcd try: from urlparse import urlparse except ImportError: from urllib.parse import urlparse class Client(object): """ Client for etcd, the distributed log service using raft. """ _MGET = 'GET' _MPUT = 'PUT' _MPOST = 'POST' _MDELETE = 'DELETE' _comparison_conditions = set(('prevValue', 'prevIndex', 'prevExist')) _read_options = set(('recursive', 'wait', 'waitIndex', 'sorted', 'consistent')) _del_conditions = set(('prevValue', 'prevIndex')) def __init__( self, host='', port=4001, version_prefix='/v2', read_timeout=60, allow_redirect=True, protocol='http', cert=None, ca_cert=None, allow_reconnect=False, use_proxies=False, expected_cluster_id=None, ): """ Initialize the client. Args: host (mixed): If a string, IP to connect to. If a tuple ((host, port), (host, port), ...) port (int): Port used to connect to etcd. version_prefix (str): Url or version prefix in etcd url (default=/v2). read_timeout (int): max seconds to wait for a read. allow_redirect (bool): allow the client to connect to other nodes. + protocol (str): Protocol used to connect to etcd. cert (mixed): If a string, the whole ssl client certificate; if a tuple, the cert and key file names. ca_cert (str): The ca certificate. If pressent it will enable validation. allow_reconnect (bool): allow the client to reconnect to another etcd server in the cluster in the case the default one does not respond. use_proxies (bool): we are using a list of proxies to which we connect, and don't want to connect to the original etcd cluster. expected_cluster_id (str): If a string, recorded as the expected UUID of the cluster (rather than learning it from the first request), reads will raise EtcdClusterIdChanged if they receive a response with a different cluster ID. """ self._protocol = protocol def uri(protocol, host, port): return '%s://%s:%d' % (protocol, host, port) if not isinstance(host, tuple): self._machines_cache = [] self._base_uri = uri(self._protocol, host, port) else: if not allow_reconnect: raise etcd.EtcdException("A list of hosts to connect to was given, but reconnection not allowed?") self._machines_cache = [uri(self._protocol, *conn) for conn in host] self._base_uri = self._machines_cache.pop(0) self.expected_cluster_id = expected_cluster_id self.version_prefix = version_prefix self._read_timeout = read_timeout self._allow_redirect = allow_redirect self._use_proxies = use_proxies self._allow_reconnect = allow_reconnect # SSL Client certificate support kw = {} if self._read_timeout > 0: kw['timeout'] = self._read_timeout if protocol == 'https': # If we don't allow TLSv1, clients using older version of OpenSSL # (<1.0) won't be able to connect. kw['ssl_version'] = ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1 if cert: if isinstance(cert, tuple): # Key and cert are separate kw['cert_file'] = cert[0] kw['key_file'] = cert[1] else: # combined certificate kw['cert_file'] = cert if ca_cert: kw['ca_certs'] = ca_cert kw['cert_reqs'] = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED self.http = urllib3.PoolManager(num_pools=10, **kw) if self._allow_reconnect: # we need the set of servers in the cluster in order to try # reconnecting upon error. The cluster members will be # added to the hosts list you provided. If you are using # proxies, set all # # Beware though: if you input '' as your host and # etcd advertises 'localhost', both will be in the # resulting list. # If we're connecting to the original cluster, we can # extend the list given to the client with what we get # from self.machines if not self._use_proxies: self._machines_cache = list(set(self._machines_cache).union(set(self.machines))) if self._base_uri in self._machines_cache: self._machines_cache.remove(self._base_uri) @property def base_uri(self): """URI used by the client to connect to etcd.""" return self._base_uri @property def host(self): """Node to connect etcd.""" return urlparse(self._base_uri).netloc.split(':')[0] @property def port(self): """Port to connect etcd.""" return int(urlparse(self._base_uri).netloc.split(':')[1]) @property def protocol(self): """Protocol used to connect etcd.""" return self._protocol @property def read_timeout(self): """Max seconds to wait for a read.""" return self._read_timeout @property def allow_redirect(self): """Allow the client to connect to other nodes.""" return self._allow_redirect @property def machines(self): """ Members of the cluster. Returns: list. str with all the nodes in the cluster. >>> print client.machines ['', ''] """ # We can't use api_execute here, or it causes a logical loop try: uri = self._base_uri + self.version_prefix + '/machines' response = self.http.request( self._MGET, uri, timeout=self.read_timeout, redirect=self.allow_redirect) return [ node.strip() for node in self._handle_server_response(response).data.decode('utf-8').split(',') ] except: # We can't get the list of machines, if one server is in the machines cache, try on it if self._machines_cache: self._base_uri = self._machines_cache.pop(0) # Call myself return self.machines else: raise etcd.EtcdException("Could not get the list of servers, maybe you provided the wrong host(s) to connect to?") @property def leader(self): """ Returns: str. the leader of the cluster. >>> print client.leader '' """ return self.api_execute( self.version_prefix + '/leader', self._MGET).data.decode('ascii') @property def key_endpoint(self): """ REST key endpoint. """ return self.version_prefix + '/keys' def __contains__(self, key): """ Check if a key is available in the cluster. >>> print 'key' in client True """ try: self.get(key) return True except etcd.EtcdKeyNotFound: return False def _sanitize_key(self, key): if not key.startswith('/'): key = "/{}".format(key) return key def write(self, key, value, ttl=None, dir=False, append=False, **kwdargs): """ Writes the value for a key, possibly doing atomit Compare-and-Swap Args: key (str): Key. value (object): value to set ttl (int): Time in seconds of expiration (optional). dir (bool): Set to true if we are writing a directory; default is false. append (bool): If true, it will post to append the new value to the dir, creating a sequential key. Defaults to false. Other parameters modifying the write method are accepted: prevValue (str): compare key to this value, and swap only if corresponding (optional). prevIndex (int): modify key only if actual modifiedIndex matches the provided one (optional). prevExist (bool): If false, only create key; if true, only update key. Returns: client.EtcdResult >>> print client.write('/key', 'newValue', ttl=60, prevExist=False).value 'newValue' """ key = self._sanitize_key(key) params = {} if value is not None: params['value'] = value if ttl is not None: params['ttl'] = ttl if dir: if value: raise etcd.EtcdException( 'Cannot create a directory with a value') params['dir'] = "true" for (k, v) in kwdargs.items(): if k in self._comparison_conditions: if type(v) == bool: params[k] = v and "true" or "false" else: params[k] = v method = append and self._MPOST or self._MPUT if '_endpoint' in kwdargs: path = kwdargs['_endpoint'] + key else: path = self.key_endpoint + key response = self.api_execute(path, method, params=params) return self._result_from_response(response) def update(self, obj): """ Updates the value for a key atomically. Typical usage would be: c = etcd.Client() o = c.read("/somekey") o.value += 1 c.update(o) Args: obj (etcd.EtcdResult): The object that needs updating. """ kwdargs = { 'dir': obj.dir, 'ttl': obj.ttl, 'prevExist': True } if not obj.dir: # prevIndex on a dir causes a 'not a file' error. d'oh! kwdargs['prevIndex'] = obj.modifiedIndex return self.write(obj.key, obj.value, **kwdargs) def read(self, key, **kwdargs): """ Returns the value of the key 'key'. Args: key (str): Key. Recognized kwd args recursive (bool): If you should fetch recursively a dir wait (bool): If we should wait and return next time the key is changed waitIndex (int): The index to fetch results from. sorted (bool): Sort the output keys (alphanumerically) timeout (int): max seconds to wait for a read. Returns: client.EtcdResult (or an array of client.EtcdResult if a subtree is queried) Raises: KeyValue: If the key doesn't exists. urllib3.exceptions.TimeoutError: If timeout is reached. >>> print client.get('/key').value 'value' """ key = self._sanitize_key(key) params = {} for (k, v) in kwdargs.items(): if k in self._read_options: if type(v) == bool: params[k] = v and "true" or "false" elif v is not None: params[k] = v timeout = kwdargs.get('timeout', None) response = self.api_execute( self.key_endpoint + key, self._MGET, params=params, timeout=timeout) return self._result_from_response(response) def delete(self, key, recursive=None, dir=None, **kwdargs): """ Removed a key from etcd. Args: key (str): Key. recursive (bool): if we want to recursively delete a directory, set it to true dir (bool): if we want to delete a directory, set it to true prevValue (str): compare key to this value, and swap only if corresponding (optional). prevIndex (int): modify key only if actual modifiedIndex matches the provided one (optional). Returns: client.EtcdResult Raises: KeyValue: If the key doesn't exists. >>> print client.delete('/key').key '/key' """ key = self._sanitize_key(key) kwds = {} if recursive is not None: kwds['recursive'] = recursive and "true" or "false" if dir is not None: kwds['dir'] = dir and "true" or "false" for k in self._del_conditions: if k in kwdargs: kwds[k] = kwdargs[k] response = self.api_execute( self.key_endpoint + key, self._MDELETE, params=kwds) return self._result_from_response(response) # Higher-level methods on top of the basic primitives def test_and_set(self, key, value, prev_value, ttl=None): """ Atomic test & set operation. It will check if the value of 'key' is 'prev_value', if the the check is correct will change the value for 'key' to 'value' if the the check is false an exception will be raised. Args: key (str): Key. value (object): value to set prev_value (object): previous value. ttl (int): Time in seconds of expiration (optional). Returns: client.EtcdResult Raises: ValueError: When the 'prev_value' is not the current value. >>> print client.test_and_set('/key', 'new', 'old', ttl=60).value 'new' """ return self.write(key, value, prevValue=prev_value, ttl=ttl) def set(self, key, value, ttl=None): """ Compatibility: sets the value of the key 'key' to the value 'value' Args: key (str): Key. value (object): value to set ttl (int): Time in seconds of expiration (optional). Returns: client.EtcdResult Raises: etcd.EtcdException: when something weird goes wrong. """ return self.write(key, value, ttl=ttl) def get(self, key): """ Returns the value of the key 'key'. Args: key (str): Key. Returns: client.EtcdResult Raises: KeyError: If the key doesn't exists. >>> print client.get('/key').value 'value' """ return self.read(key) def watch(self, key, index=None, timeout=None, recursive=None): """ Blocks until a new event has been received, starting at index 'index' Args: key (str): Key. index (int): Index to start from. timeout (int): max seconds to wait for a read. Returns: client.EtcdResult Raises: KeyValue: If the key doesn't exists. urllib3.exceptions.TimeoutError: If timeout is reached. >>> print client.watch('/key').value 'value' """ if index: return self.read(key, wait=True, waitIndex=index, timeout=timeout, recursive=recursive) else: return self.read(key, wait=True, timeout=timeout, recursive=recursive) def eternal_watch(self, key, index=None, recursive=None): """ Generator that will yield changes from a key. Note that this method will block forever until an event is generated. Args: key (str): Key to subcribe to. index (int): Index from where the changes will be received. Yields: client.EtcdResult >>> for event in client.eternal_watch('/subcription_key'): ... print event.value ... value1 value2 """ local_index = index while True: response = self.watch(key, index=local_index, timeout=0, recursive=recursive) if local_index is not None: local_index += 1 yield response def get_lock(self, *args, **kwargs): return etcd.Lock(self, *args, **kwargs) @property def election(self): return etcd.LeaderElection(self) def _result_from_response(self, response): """ Creates an EtcdResult from json dictionary """ try: res = json.loads(response.data.decode('utf-8')) r = etcd.EtcdResult(**res) if response.status == 201: r.newKey = True r.parse_headers(response) return r except Exception as e: raise etcd.EtcdException( 'Unable to decode server response: %s' % e) def _next_server(self): """ Selects the next server in the list, refreshes the server list. """ try: return self._machines_cache.pop() except IndexError: raise etcd.EtcdException('No more machines in the cluster') def api_execute(self, path, method, params=None, timeout=None): """ Executes the query. """ some_request_failed = False response = False if timeout is None: timeout = self.read_timeout if timeout == 0: timeout = None if not path.startswith('/'): raise ValueError('Path does not start with /') while not response: try: url = self._base_uri + path if (method == self._MGET) or (method == self._MDELETE): response = self.http.request( method, url, timeout=timeout, fields=params, redirect=self.allow_redirect, preload_content=False) elif (method == self._MPUT) or (method == self._MPOST): response = self.http.request_encode_body( method, url, fields=params, timeout=timeout, encode_multipart=False, redirect=self.allow_redirect, preload_content=False) else: raise etcd.EtcdException( 'HTTP method {} not supported'.format(method)) except urllib3.exceptions.MaxRetryError: self._base_uri = self._next_server() some_request_failed = True else: # Check the cluster ID hasn't changed under us. # We need preload_content == False above to ensure we can read # the headers here before waiting for the content of a watch # below. cluster_id = response.getheader("x-etcd-cluster-id") if self.expected_cluster_id: if self.expected_cluster_id != cluster_id: raise etcd.EtcdClusterIdChanged( 'The UUID of the cluster changed from {} to ' '{}.'.format(self.expected_cluster_id, cluster_id)) else: self.expected_cluster_id = cluster_id if some_request_failed: if not self._use_proxies: # The cluster may have changed since last invokation self._machines_cache = self.machines self._machines_cache.remove(self._base_uri) return self._handle_server_response(response) def _handle_server_response(self, response): """ Handles the server response """ if response.status in [200, 201]: return response else: resp = response.data.decode('utf-8') # throw the appropriate exception try: r = json.loads(resp) except ValueError: r = None if r: etcd.EtcdError.handle(**r) else: raise etcd.EtcdException(resp)