import re import os import random import unittest import ConfigParser from StringIO import StringIO from iniparse import compat, ini, tidy # TODO: # tabs # substitutions def random_string(maxlen=200): length = random.randint(0, maxlen) s = [] for i in range(length): s.append(chr(random.randint(32, 126))) return ''.join(s) def random_space(maxlen=10): length = random.randint(0, maxlen) return ' '*length def random_ini_file(): num_lines = random.randint(0, 100) lines = [] for i in range(num_lines): x = random.random() if x < 0.1: # empty line lines.append(random_space()) elif x < 0.3: # comment sep = random.choice(['#', ';']) lines.append(sep + random_string()) elif x < 0.5: # section if random.random() < 0.1: name = 'DEFAULT' else: name = random_string() name = re.sub(']', '' , name) l = '[' + name + ']' if random.randint(0,1): l += random_space() if random.randint(0,1): sep = random.choice(['#', ';']) l += sep + random_string() lines.append(l) elif x < 0.7: # option name = random_string() name = re.sub(':|=| |\[', '', name) sep = random.choice([':', '=']) l = name + random_space() + sep + random_space() + random_string() if random.randint(0,1): l += ' ' + random_space() + ';' +random_string() lines.append(l) elif x < 0.9: # continuation lines.append(' ' + random_space() + random_string()) else: # junk lines.append(random_string()) return '\n'.join(lines) class test_fuzz(unittest.TestCase): def test_fuzz(self): random.seed(42) try: num_iter = int(os.environ['INIPARSE_FUZZ_ITERATIONS']) except (KeyError, ValueError): num_iter = 100 for fuzz_iter in range(num_iter): try: # parse random file with errors disabled s = random_ini_file() c = ini.INIConfig(parse_exc=False) c._readfp(StringIO(s)) # check that file is preserved, except for # commenting out erroneous lines l1 = s.split('\n') l2 = str(c).split('\n') self.assertEqual(len(l1), len(l2)) good_lines = [] for i in range(len(l1)): try: self.assertEqual(l1[i], l2[i]) good_lines.append(l1[i]) except AssertionError: self.assertEqual('#'+l1[i], l2[i]) # parse the good subset of the file # using ConfigParser s = '\n'.join(good_lines) cc = compat.RawConfigParser() cc.readfp(StringIO(s)) cc_py = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() cc_py.readfp(StringIO(s)) # compare the two configparsers self.assertEqualConfig(cc_py, cc) # check that tidy does not change semantics tidy(cc) cc_tidy = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() cc_tidy.readfp(StringIO(str( self.assertEqualConfig(cc_py, cc_tidy) except AssertionError: fname = 'fuzz-test-iter-%d.ini' % fuzz_iter print 'Fuzz test failed at iteration', fuzz_iter print 'Writing out failing INI file as', fname f = open(fname, 'w') f.write(s) f.close() raise def assertEqualConfig(self, c1, c2): self.assertEqualSorted(c1.sections(), c2.sections()) self.assertEqualSorted(c1.defaults().items(), c2.defaults().items()) for sec in c1.sections(): self.assertEqualSorted(c1.options(sec), c2.options(sec)) for opt in c1.options(sec): self.assertEqual(c1.get(sec, opt), c2.get(sec, opt)) def assertEqualSorted(self, l1, l2): l1.sort() l2.sort() self.assertEqual(l1, l2) class suite(unittest.TestSuite): def __init__(self): unittest.TestSuite.__init__(self, [ unittest.makeSuite(test_fuzz, 'test'), ])