import unittest from StringIO import StringIO from iniparse import ini from iniparse import compat from iniparse import config class test_section_line(unittest.TestCase): invalid_lines = [ '# this is a comment', '; this is a comment', ' [sections must start on column1]', '[incomplete', '[ no closing ]brackets]', 'ice-cream = mmmm', 'ic[e-c]ream = mmmm', '[ice-cream] = mmmm', '-$%^', ] def test_invalid(self): for l in self.invalid_lines: p = ini.SectionLine.parse(l) self.assertEqual(p, None) lines = [ ('[section]' , ('section', None, None, -1)), ('[se\ct%[ion\t]' , ('se\ct%[ion\t', None, None, -1)), ('[sec tion] ; hi' , ('sec tion', ' hi', ';', 12)), ('[section] #oops!' , ('section', 'oops!', '#', 11)), ('[section] ; ' , ('section', '', ';', 12)), ('[section] ' , ('section', None, None, -1)), ] def test_parsing(self): for l in self.lines: p = ini.SectionLine.parse(l[0]) self.assertNotEqual(p, None) self.assertEqual(, l[1][0]) self.assertEqual(p.comment, l[1][1]) self.assertEqual(p.comment_separator, l[1][2]) self.assertEqual(p.comment_offset, l[1][3]) def test_printing(self): for l in self.lines: p = ini.SectionLine.parse(l[0]) self.assertEqual(str(p), l[0]) self.assertEqual(p.to_string(), l[0].strip()) indent_test_lines = [ ('[oldname] ; comment', 'long new name', '[long new name] ; comment'), ('[oldname] ; comment', 'short', '[short] ; comment'), ('[oldname] ; comment', 'really long new name', '[really long new name] ; comment'), ] def test_preserve_indentation(self): for l in self.indent_test_lines: p = ini.SectionLine.parse(l[0]) = l[1] self.assertEqual(str(p), l[2]) class test_option_line(unittest.TestCase): lines = [ ('option = value', 'option', ' = ', 'value', None, None, -1), ('option: value', 'option', ': ', 'value', None, None, -1), ('option=value', 'option', '=', 'value', None, None, -1), ('op[ti]on=value', 'op[ti]on', '=', 'value', None, None, -1), ('option = value # no comment', 'option', ' = ', 'value # no comment', None, None, -1), ('option = value ;', 'option', ' = ', 'value', ';', '', 19), ('option = value ; comment', 'option', ' = ', 'value', ';', ' comment', 19), ('option = value;1 ; comment', 'option', ' = ', 'value;1 ; comment', None, None, -1), ('op;ti on = value ;; comm;ent', 'op;ti on', ' = ', 'value', ';', '; comm;ent', 22), ] def test_parsing(self): for l in self.lines: p = ini.OptionLine.parse(l[0]) self.assertEqual(, l[1]) self.assertEqual(p.separator, l[2]) self.assertEqual(p.value, l[3]) self.assertEqual(p.comment_separator, l[4]) self.assertEqual(p.comment, l[5]) self.assertEqual(p.comment_offset, l[6]) invalid_lines = [ ' option = value', '# comment', '; comment', '[section 7]', '[section=option]', 'option', ] def test_invalid(self): for l in self.invalid_lines: p = ini.OptionLine.parse(l) self.assertEqual(p, None) print_lines = [ 'option = value', 'option= value', 'option : value', 'option: value ', 'option = value ', 'option = value ;', 'option = value;2 ;; 4 5', 'option = value ; hi!', ] def test_printing(self): for l in self.print_lines: p = ini.OptionLine.parse(l) self.assertEqual(str(p), l) self.assertEqual(p.to_string(), l.rstrip()) indent_test_lines = [ ('option = value ;comment', 'newoption', 'newval', 'newoption = newval ;comment'), ('option = value ;comment', 'newoption', 'newval', 'newoption = newval ;comment'), ] def test_preserve_indentation(self): for l in self.indent_test_lines: p = ini.OptionLine.parse(l[0]) = l[1] p.value = l[2] self.assertEqual(str(p), l[3]) class test_comment_line(unittest.TestCase): invalid_lines = [ '[section]', 'option = value ;comment', ' # must start on first column', ] def test_invalid(self): for l in self.invalid_lines: p = ini.CommentLine.parse(l) self.assertEqual(p, None) lines = [ '#this is a comment', ';; this is also a comment', '; so is this ', 'Rem and this', 'remthis too!' ] def test_parsing(self): for l in self.lines: p = ini.CommentLine.parse(l) self.assertEqual(str(p), l) self.assertEqual(p.to_string(), l.rstrip()) class test_other_lines(unittest.TestCase): def test_empty(self): for s in ['asdf', '; hi', ' #rr', '[sec]', 'opt=val']: self.assertEqual(ini.EmptyLine.parse(s), None) for s in ['', ' ', '\t \t']: self.assertEqual(str(ini.EmptyLine.parse(s)), s) def test_continuation(self): for s in ['asdf', '; hi', '[sec]', 'a=3']: self.assertEqual(ini.ContinuationLine.parse(s), None) for s in [' asdfasd ', '\t mmmm']: self.assertEqual(ini.ContinuationLine.parse(s).value, s.strip()) self.assertEqual(ini.ContinuationLine.parse(s).to_string(), s.rstrip().replace('\t',' ')) class test_ini(unittest.TestCase): s1 = """ [section1] help = me I'm = desperate ; really! [section2] # comment and empty line before the first option just = what? just = kidding [section1] help = yourself but = also me """ def test_basic(self): sio = StringIO(self.s1) p = ini.INIConfig(sio) self.assertEqual(str(p), self.s1) self.assertEqual(p._data.find('section1').find('but').value, 'also me') self.assertEqual(p._data.find('section1').find('help').value, 'yourself') self.assertEqual(p._data.find('section2').find('just').value, 'kidding') itr = p._data.finditer('section1') v = self.assertEqual(v.find('help').value, 'yourself') self.assertEqual(v.find('but').value, 'also me') v = self.assertEqual(v.find('help').value, 'me') self.assertEqual(v.find('I\'m').value, 'desperate') self.assertRaises(StopIteration, self.assertRaises(KeyError, p._data.find, 'section') self.assertRaises(KeyError, p._data.find('section2').find, 'ahem') def test_lookup(self): sio = StringIO(self.s1) p = ini.INIConfig(sio) self.assertEqual(, 'yourself') self.assertEqual(p.section1.but, 'also me') self.assertEqual(getattr(p.section1, 'I\'m'), 'desperate') self.assertEqual(p.section2.just, 'kidding') self.assertEqual(p.section1.just.__class__, config.Undefined) self.assertEqual(, config.Undefined) def test_newsection(self): sio = StringIO(self.s1) p = ini.INIConfig(sio) p.new1.created = 1 setattr(getattr(p, 'new2'), 'created', 1) self.assertEqual(p.new1.created, 1) self.assertEqual(p.new2.created, 1) def test_order(self): sio = StringIO(self.s1) p = ini.INIConfig(sio) self.assertEqual(list(p), ['section1','section2']) self.assertEqual(list(p.section1), ['help', "i'm", 'but']) self.assertEqual(list(p.section2), ['just']) def test_delete(self): sio = StringIO(self.s1) p = ini.INIConfig(sio) del self.assertEqual(list(p.section1), ["i'm", 'but']) self.assertEqual(str(p), """ [section1] I'm = desperate ; really! [section2] # comment and empty line before the first option just = what? just = kidding [section1] but = also me """) del p.section2 self.assertEqual(str(p), """ [section1] I'm = desperate ; really! [section1] but = also me """) def check_order(self, c): sio = StringIO(self.s1) c = c({'pi':'3.14153'}) c.readfp(sio) self.assertEqual(c.sections(), ['section1','section2']) self.assertEqual(c.options('section1'), ['help', "i'm", 'but', 'pi']) self.assertEqual(c.items('section1'), [ ('help', 'yourself'), ("i'm", 'desperate'), ('but', 'also me'), ('pi', '3.14153'), ]) def test_compat_order(self): self.check_order(compat.RawConfigParser) self.check_order(compat.ConfigParser) inv = ( (""" # values must be in a section value = 5 """, """ # values must be in a section #value = 5 """), (""" # continuation lines only allowed after options [section] op1 = qwert yuiop op2 = qwert yuiop op3 = qwert # yup yuiop [another section] hmmm """, """ # continuation lines only allowed after options [section] op1 = qwert yuiop op2 = qwert yuiop op3 = qwert # yup yuiop [another section] # hmmm """)) def test_invalid(self): for (org, mod) in self.inv: ip = ini.INIConfig(StringIO(org), parse_exc=False) self.assertEqual(str(ip), mod) # test multi-line values s2 = ( """ [section] option = foo bar baz yam """ ) s3 = ( """ [section] option = foo bar mum baz yam """ ) def test_option_continuation(self): ip = ini.INIConfig(StringIO(self.s2)) self.assertEqual(str(ip), self.s2) value = ip.section.option.split('\n') value.insert(3, 'mum') ip.section.option = '\n'.join(value) self.assertEqual(str(ip), self.s3) s5 = ( """ [section] option = foo bar """ ) s6 = ( """ [section] option = foo another = baz """ ) def test_option_continuation_single(self): ip = ini.INIConfig(StringIO(self.s5)) self.assertEqual(str(ip), self.s5) ip.section.option = '\n'.join(['', '', '', 'foo', '', '', '']) ip.section.another = 'baz' self.assertEqual(str(ip), self.s6) class suite(unittest.TestSuite): def __init__(self): unittest.TestSuite.__init__(self, [ unittest.makeSuite(test_section_line, 'test'), unittest.makeSuite(test_option_line, 'test'), unittest.makeSuite(test_comment_line, 'test'), unittest.makeSuite(test_other_lines, 'test'), unittest.makeSuite(test_ini, 'test'), ])