import re import unittest import pickle import ConfigParser from textwrap import dedent from StringIO import StringIO from iniparse import compat, ini class CaseSensitiveConfigParser(compat.ConfigParser): """Case Sensitive version of ConfigParser""" def optionxform(self, option): """Use str()""" return str(option) class test_optionxform_override(unittest.TestCase): def test_derivedclass(self): c = CaseSensitiveConfigParser() c.add_section('foo') c.set('foo', 'bar', 'a') c.set('foo', 'Bar', 'b') self.assertEqual(c.get('foo', 'bar'), 'a') self.assertEqual(c.get('foo', 'Bar'), 'b') def test_assignment(self): c = compat.ConfigParser() c.optionxform = str c.add_section('foo') c.set('foo', 'bar', 'a') c.set('foo', 'Bar', 'b') self.assertEqual(c.get('foo', 'bar'), 'a') self.assertEqual(c.get('foo', 'Bar'), 'b') def test_dyanamic(self): c = compat.ConfigParser() c.optionxform = str c.add_section('foo') c.set('foo', 'bar', 'a') c.set('foo', 'Bar', 'b') c.set('foo', 'BAR', 'c') c.optionxform = str.upper self.assertEqual(c.get('foo', 'Bar'), 'c') c.optionxform = str.lower self.assertEqual(c.get('foo', 'Bar'), 'a') c.optionxform = str self.assertEqual(c.get('foo', 'Bar'), 'b') class OnlyReadline: def __init__(self, s): self.sio = StringIO(s) def readline(self): return self.sio.readline() class test_readline(unittest.TestCase): """Test that the file object passed to readfp only needs to support the .readline() method. As of Python-2.4.4, this is true of the standard librariy's ConfigParser, and so other code uses that to guide what is sufficiently file-like.""" test_strings = [ """\ [foo] bar=7 baz=8""", """\ [foo] bar=7 baz=8 """, """\ [foo] bar=7 baz=8 """] def test_readline_iniconfig(self): for s in self.test_strings: fp = OnlyReadline(s) c = ini.INIConfig() c._readfp(fp) self.assertEqual(s, str(c)) def test_readline_configparser(self): for s in self.test_strings: fp = OnlyReadline(s) c = compat.ConfigParser() c.readfp(fp) ss = StringIO() c.write(ss) self.assertEqual(s, ss.getvalue()) class test_multiline_with_comments(unittest.TestCase): """Test that multiline values are allowed to span comments.""" s = """\ [sec] opt = 1 2 # comment 3""" def test_read(self): c = ini.INIConfig() c._readfp(StringIO(self.s)) self.assertEqual(c.sec.opt, '1\n2\n\n3') def test_write(self): c = ini.INIConfig() c._readfp(StringIO(self.s)) c.sec.opt = 'xyz' self.assertEqual(str(c), """\ [sec] opt = xyz""") class test_empty_file(unittest.TestCase): """Test if it works with an blank file""" s = "" def test_read(self): c = ini.INIConfig() c._readfp(StringIO(self.s)) self.assertEqual(str(c), '') def test_write(self): c = ini.INIConfig() c._readfp(StringIO(self.s)) c.sec.opt = 'xyz' self.assertEqual(str(c), """\ [sec] opt = xyz""") class test_custom_dict(unittest.TestCase): def test_custom_dict_not_supported(self): self.assertRaises(ValueError, compat.RawConfigParser, None, 'foo') class test_compat(unittest.TestCase): """Miscellaneous compatibility tests.""" s = dedent("""\ [DEFAULT] pi = 3.1415 three = 3 poet = e e cummings NH = live free or die [sec] opt = 6 three = 3.0 no-three = one two four longopt = foo bar # empty line should not be part of value baz bat """) def do_test(self, c): # default section is not acknowledged self.assertEqual(c.sections(), ['sec']) # options in the default section are merged with other sections self.assertEqual(sorted(c.options('sec')), ['longopt', 'nh', 'no-three', 'opt', 'pi', 'poet', 'three']) # empty lines are stripped from multi-line values self.assertEqual(c.get('sec', 'poet').split('\n'), ['e e', 'cummings']) self.assertEqual(c.get('DEFAULT', 'poet').split('\n'), ['e e', 'cummings']) self.assertEqual(c.get('sec', 'longopt').split('\n'), ['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'bat']) self.assertEqual(c.get('sec', 'NH').split('\n'), ['', 'live free', 'or die']) # check that empy-line stripping happens on all access paths # defaults() self.assertEqual(c.defaults(), { 'poet': 'e e\ncummings', 'nh': '\nlive free\nor die', 'pi': '3.1415', 'three': '3', }) # items() l = c.items('sec') l.sort() self.assertEqual(l, [ ('longopt', 'foo\nbar\nbaz\nbat'), ('nh', '\nlive free\nor die'), ('no-three', 'one\ntwo\nfour'), ('opt', '6'), ('pi', '3.1415'), ('poet', 'e e\ncummings'), ('three', '3.0'), ]) # empty lines are preserved on explicitly set values c.set('sec', 'longopt', '\n'.join(['a', 'b', '', 'c', '', '', 'd'])) c.set('DEFAULT', 'NH', '\nlive free\n\nor die') self.assertEqual(c.get('sec', 'longopt').split('\n'), ['a', 'b', '', 'c', '', '', 'd']) self.assertEqual(c.get('sec', 'NH').split('\n'), ['', 'live free', '', 'or die']) self.assertEqual(c.defaults(), { 'poet': 'e e\ncummings', 'nh': '\nlive free\n\nor die', 'pi': '3.1415', 'three': '3', }) # items() l = c.items('sec') l.sort() self.assertEqual(l, [ ('longopt', 'a\nb\n\nc\n\n\nd'), ('nh', '\nlive free\n\nor die'), ('no-three', 'one\ntwo\nfour'), ('opt', '6'), ('pi', '3.1415'), ('poet', 'e e\ncummings'), ('three', '3.0'), ]) # empty line special magic goes away after remove_option() self.assertEqual(c.get('sec', 'no-three').split('\n'), ['one', 'two','four']) c.remove_option('sec', 'no-three') c.set('sec', 'no-three', 'q\n\nw') self.assertEqual(c.get('sec', 'no-three'), 'q\n\nw') c.remove_option('sec', 'no-three') def do_configparser_test(self, cfg_class): c = cfg_class() c.readfp(StringIO(self.s)) self.do_test(c) o = StringIO() c.write(o) self.assertEqual(o.getvalue().split('\n'), [ '[DEFAULT]', 'poet = e e', '\tcummings', 'nh = ', '\tlive free', '\t', '\tor die', 'pi = 3.1415', 'three = 3', '', '[sec]', 'opt = 6', 'longopt = a', '\tb', '\t', '\tc', '\t', '\t', '\td', 'three = 3.0', '', '']) def test_py_rawcfg(self): self.do_configparser_test(ConfigParser.RawConfigParser) def test_py_cfg(self): self.do_configparser_test(ConfigParser.ConfigParser) def test_py_safecfg(self): self.do_configparser_test(ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser) def do_compat_test(self, cfg_class): c = cfg_class() c.readfp(StringIO(self.s)) self.do_test(c) o = StringIO() c.write(o) self.assertEqual(o.getvalue().split('\n'), [ '[DEFAULT]', 'pi = 3.1415', 'three = 3', 'poet = e e', '', ' cummings', 'NH =', ' live free', '', ' or die', '', '[sec]', 'opt = 6', 'three = 3.0', 'longopt = a', ' b', '', ' c', '', '', ' d', '', '']) def test_py_rawcfg(self): self.do_compat_test(compat.RawConfigParser) def test_py_cfg(self): self.do_compat_test(compat.ConfigParser) def test_py_safecfg(self): self.do_compat_test(compat.SafeConfigParser) class test_pickle(unittest.TestCase): s = dedent("""\ [DEFAULT] pi = 3.1415 three = 3 poet = e e cummings NH = live free or die [sec] opt = 6 three = 3.0 no-three = one two four james = bond """) def do_compat_checks(self, c): self.assertEqual(c.sections(), ['sec']) self.assertEqual(sorted(c.options('sec')), ['james', 'nh', 'no-three', 'opt', 'pi', 'poet', 'three']) self.assertEqual(c.defaults(), { 'poet': 'e e\ncummings', 'nh': '\nlive free\nor die', 'pi': '3.1415', 'three': '3', }) l = c.items('sec') l.sort() self.assertEqual(l, [ ('james', 'bond'), ('nh', '\nlive free\nor die'), ('no-three', 'one\ntwo\nfour'), ('opt', '6'), ('pi', '3.1415'), ('poet', 'e e\ncummings'), ('three', '3.0'), ]) self.do_ini_checks( def do_ini_checks(self, c): self.assertEqual(list(c), ['sec']) self.assertEqual(sorted(c['sec']), ['james', 'nh', 'no-three', 'opt', 'pi', 'poet', 'three']) self.assertEqual(c._defaults['pi'], '3.1415') self.assertEqual(c.sec.opt, '6') self.assertEqual(c.sec.three, '3.0') self.assertEqual(c.sec['no-three'], 'one\ntwo\n\nfour') self.assertEqual(c.sec.james, 'bond') self.assertEqual(c.sec.pi, '3.1415') self.assertEqual(c.sec.poet, 'e e\n\ncummings') self.assertEqual(c.sec.NH, '\nlive free\n\nor die') self.assertEqual(str(c), self.s) def test_compat(self): for cfg_class in (compat.ConfigParser, compat.RawConfigParser, compat.SafeConfigParser): c = cfg_class() c.readfp(StringIO(self.s)) self.do_compat_checks(c) for i in range(0, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL+1): p = pickle.dumps(c, protocol=i) c2 = pickle.loads(p) self.do_compat_checks(c2) def test_ini(self): c = ini.INIConfig() c._readfp(StringIO(self.s)) self.do_ini_checks(c) for i in range(0, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL+1): p = pickle.dumps(c, protocol=i) c2 = pickle.loads(p) self.do_ini_checks(c2) class test_comment_syntax(unittest.TestCase): """Test changing comment syntax with change_comment_syntax""" def test_regex(self): # original regular expression org_regex = re.compile(r'^(?P[;#]|[rR][eE][mM])(?P.*)$') ini.change_comment_syntax(';#', True) self.assertEqual(ini.CommentLine.regex, org_regex) # mercurial-safe comment line regex, as given by Steve Borho & Paul Lambert # # hg_regex = re.compile(r'^(?P[%;#])(?P.*)$') ini.change_comment_syntax('%;#', False) self.assertEqual(ini.CommentLine.regex, hg_regex) # change_comment_syntax() defaults to hg regex ini.change_comment_syntax() self.assertEqual(ini.CommentLine.regex, hg_regex) # test escaping of special chars in pattern regex = re.compile(r'^(?P[;#\-\^[\]])(?P.*)$') ini.change_comment_syntax(';#-^[]') self.assertEqual(ini.CommentLine.regex, regex) def test_ignore_includes(self): ini.change_comment_syntax() cfg = ini.INIConfig(StringIO(dedent(""" # This is a mercurial-style config % include foobar [ui] username = Firstname Lastname """))) self.assertEqual(cfg.ui.username, 'Firstname Lastname ') self.assertEqual(str(cfg), dedent(""" # This is a mercurial-style config % include foobar [ui] username = Firstname Lastname """)) def tearDown(self): ini.change_comment_syntax(';#', True) class suite(unittest.TestSuite): def __init__(self): unittest.TestSuite.__init__(self, [ unittest.makeSuite(test_optionxform_override, 'test'), unittest.makeSuite(test_readline, 'test'), unittest.makeSuite(test_multiline_with_comments, 'test'), unittest.makeSuite(test_empty_file, 'test'), unittest.makeSuite(test_custom_dict, 'test'), unittest.makeSuite(test_compat, 'test'), unittest.makeSuite(test_pickle, 'test'), unittest.makeSuite(test_comment_syntax, 'test'), ])