"""Module that implements SSDP protocol.""" import re import select import socket import logging from datetime import datetime, timedelta from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Set # noqa: F401 from xml.etree import ElementTree import requests import zeroconf from netdisco.util import etree_to_dict DISCOVER_TIMEOUT = 2 # MX is a suggested random wait time for a device to reply, so should be # bound by our discovery timeout. SSDP_MX = DISCOVER_TIMEOUT SSDP_TARGET = ("", 1900) RESPONSE_REGEX = re.compile(r'\n(.*?)\: *(.*)\r') MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_SCANS = timedelta(seconds=59) # Devices and services ST_ALL = "ssdp:all" # Devices only, some devices will only respond to this query ST_ROOTDEVICE = "upnp:rootdevice" class SSDP: """Control the scanning of uPnP devices and services and caches output.""" def __init__(self): """Initialize the discovery.""" self.entries = [] # type: List[UPNPEntry] self.last_scan = None def scan(self): """Scan the network.""" self.update() def all(self): """Return all found entries. Will scan for entries if not scanned recently. """ self.update() return list(self.entries) # pylint: disable=invalid-name def find_by_st(self, st): """Return a list of entries that match the ST.""" self.update() return [entry for entry in self.entries if entry.st == st] def find_by_device_description(self, values): """Return a list of entries that match the description. Pass in a dict with values to match against the device tag in the description. """ self.update() seen = set() # type: Set[Optional[str]] results = [] # Make unique based on the location since we don't care about ST here for entry in self.entries: location = entry.location if location not in seen and entry.match_device_description(values): results.append(entry) seen.add(location) return results def update(self, force_update=False): """Scan for new uPnP devices and services.""" if self.last_scan is None or force_update or \ datetime.now()-self.last_scan > MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_SCANS: self.remove_expired() self.entries.extend( entry for entry in scan() if entry not in self.entries) self.last_scan = datetime.now() def remove_expired(self): """Filter out expired entries.""" self.entries = [entry for entry in self.entries if not entry.is_expired] class UPNPEntry: """Found uPnP entry.""" DESCRIPTION_CACHE = {'_NO_LOCATION': {}} # type: Dict[str, Dict] def __init__(self, values): """Initialize the discovery.""" self.values = values self.created = datetime.now() if 'cache-control' in self.values: cache_directive = self.values['cache-control'] max_age = re.findall(r'max-age *= *\d+', cache_directive) if max_age: cache_seconds = int(max_age[0].split('=')[1]) self.expires = self.created + timedelta(seconds=cache_seconds) else: self.expires = None else: self.expires = None @property def is_expired(self): """Return if the entry is expired or not.""" return self.expires is not None and datetime.now() > self.expires # pylint: disable=invalid-name @property def st(self): """Return ST value.""" return self.values.get('st') @property def location(self): """Return Location value.""" return self.values.get('location') @property def description(self): """Return the description from the uPnP entry.""" url = self.values.get('location', '_NO_LOCATION') if url not in UPNPEntry.DESCRIPTION_CACHE: try: xml = requests.get(url, timeout=5).text if not xml: # Samsung Smart TV sometimes returns an empty document the # first time. Retry once. xml = requests.get(url, timeout=5).text tree = ElementTree.fromstring(xml) UPNPEntry.DESCRIPTION_CACHE[url] = \ etree_to_dict(tree).get('root', {}) except requests.RequestException: logging.getLogger(__name__).debug( "Error fetching description at %s", url) UPNPEntry.DESCRIPTION_CACHE[url] = {} except ElementTree.ParseError: logging.getLogger(__name__).debug( "Found malformed XML at %s: %s", url, xml) UPNPEntry.DESCRIPTION_CACHE[url] = {} return UPNPEntry.DESCRIPTION_CACHE[url] def match_device_description(self, values): """Fetch description and matches against it. Values should only contain lowercase keys. """ device = self.description.get('device') if device is None: return False return all(device.get(key) in val if isinstance(val, list) else val == device.get(key) for key, val in values.items()) @classmethod def from_response(cls, response): """Create a uPnP entry from a response.""" return UPNPEntry({key.lower(): item for key, item in RESPONSE_REGEX.findall(response)}) def __eq__(self, other): """Return the comparison.""" return (self.__class__ == other.__class__ and self.values == other.values) def __repr__(self): """Return the entry.""" return "".format(self.location or '', self.st or '') def ssdp_request(ssdp_st, ssdp_mx=SSDP_MX): """Return request bytes for given st and mx.""" return "\r\n".join([ 'M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.1', 'ST: {}'.format(ssdp_st), 'MX: {:d}'.format(ssdp_mx), 'MAN: "ssdp:discover"', 'HOST: {}:{}'.format(*SSDP_TARGET), '', '']).encode('utf-8') # pylint: disable=invalid-name,too-many-locals,too-many-branches def scan(timeout=DISCOVER_TIMEOUT): """Send a message over the network to discover uPnP devices. Inspired by Crimsdings https://github.com/crimsdings/ChromeCast/blob/master/cc_discovery.py Protocol explanation: https://embeddedinn.wordpress.com/tutorials/upnp-device-architecture/ """ ssdp_requests = ssdp_request(ST_ALL), ssdp_request(ST_ROOTDEVICE) stop_wait = datetime.now() + timedelta(seconds=timeout) sockets = [] for addr in zeroconf.get_all_addresses(): try: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # Set the time-to-live for messages for local network sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_TTL, SSDP_MX) sock.bind((addr, 0)) sockets.append(sock) except socket.error: pass entries = {} for sock in [s for s in sockets]: try: for req in ssdp_requests: sock.sendto(req, SSDP_TARGET) sock.setblocking(False) except socket.error: sockets.remove(sock) sock.close() try: while sockets: time_diff = stop_wait - datetime.now() seconds_left = time_diff.total_seconds() if seconds_left <= 0: break ready = select.select(sockets, [], [], seconds_left)[0] for sock in ready: try: data, address = sock.recvfrom(1024) response = data.decode("utf-8") except UnicodeDecodeError: logging.getLogger(__name__).debug( 'Ignoring invalid unicode response from %s', address) continue except socket.error: logging.getLogger(__name__).exception( "Socket error while discovering SSDP devices") sockets.remove(sock) sock.close() continue entry = UPNPEntry.from_response(response) entries[(entry.st, entry.location)] = entry finally: for s in sockets: s.close() return sorted(entries.values(), key=lambda entry: entry.location or '') def main(): """Test SSDP discovery.""" from pprint import pprint print("Scanning SSDP..") pprint(scan()) if __name__ == "__main__": main()