ofxparse ======== ofxparse is a parser for Open Financial Exchange (.ofx) format files. OFX files are available from almost any online banking site, so they work well if you want to pull together your finances from multiple sources. Online trading accounts also provide account statements in OFX files. There are three different types of OFX files, called BankAccount, CreditAccount and InvestmentAccount files. This library has been tested with real-world samples of all three types. If you find a file that does not work with this library, please consider contributing the file so ofxparse can be improved. See the Help! section below for directions on how to do this. Example Usage ============= Here's a sample program .. code:: python from ofxparse import OfxParser with codecs.open('file.ofx') as fileobj: ofx = OfxParser.parse(fileobj) # The OFX object ofx.account # An Account object # AccountType # (Unknown, Bank, CreditCard, Investment) # Account account = ofx.occount account.account_id # The account number account.number # The account number (deprecated -- returns account_id) account.routing_number # The bank routing number account.branch_id # Transit ID / branch number account.type # An AccountType object account.statement # A Statement object account.institution # An Institution object # InvestmentAccount(Account) account.brokerid # Investment broker ID account.statement # An InvestmentStatement object # Institution institution = account.institution institution.organization institution.fid # Statement statement = account.statement statement.start_date # The start date of the transactions statement.end_date # The end date of the transactions statement.balance # The money in the account as of the statement date statement.available_balance # The money available from the account as of the statement date statement.transactions # A list of Transaction objects # InvestmentStatement statement = account.statement statement.positions # A list of Position objects statement.transactions # A list of InvestmentTransaction objects # Transaction for transaction in statement.transactions: transaction.payee transaction.type transaction.date transaction.amount transaction.id transaction.memo transaction.sic transaction.mcc transaction.checknum # InvestmentTransaction for transaction in statement.transactions: transaction.type transaction.tradeDate transaction.settleDate transaction.memo transaction.security # A Security object transaction.income_type transaction.units transaction.unit_price transaction.comission transaction.fees transaction.total transaction.tferaction # Positions for position in statement.positions: position.security # A Security object position.units position.unit_price position.market_value # Security security = transaction.security # or security = position.security security.uniqueid security.name security.ticker security.memo Help! ===== Sample ``.ofx`` and ``.qfx`` files are very useful. If you want to help us out, please edit all identifying information from the file and then email it to jseutter dot ofxparse at gmail dot com. Development =========== Prerequisites:: # Ubuntu sudo apt-get install python-beautifulsoup python-nose python-coverage-test-runner # Python 3 (pip) pip install BeautifulSoup4 six lxml nose coverage # Python 2 (pip) pip install BeautifulSoup six nose coverage The `six` package is required for python 2.X compatibility Tests: Simply running the ``nosetests`` command should run the tests. .. code:: bash nosetests If you don't have nose installed, the following might also work: .. code:: bash python -m unittest tests.test_parse Test Coverage Report: .. code:: bash coverage run -m unittest tests.test_parse # text report coverage report # html report coverage html firefox htmlcov/index.html Homepage ======== | Homepage: https://sites.google.com/site/ofxparse | Source: https://github.com/jseutter/ofxparse License ======= ofxparse is released under an MIT license. See the LICENSE file for the actual license text. The basic idea is that if you can use Python to do what you are doing, you can also use this library.