class OfxPrinter(): ofx = None out_filename = None out_handle = None term = "\r\n" def __init__(self, ofx, filename, term="\r\n"): self.ofx = ofx self.out_filename = filename self.term = term def writeLine(self, data, tabs=0, term=None): if term is None: term = self.term tabbing = (tabs * "\t") if (tabs > 0) else '' return self.out_handle.write( "{0}{1}{2}".format( tabbing, data, term ) ) def writeHeaders(self): for k, v in self.ofx.headers.iteritems(): if v is None: self.writeLine("{0}:NONE".format(k)) else: self.writeLine("{0}:{1}".format(k, v)) self.writeLine("") def writeSignOn(self, tabs=0): # signon already has newlines and tabs in it # TODO: reimplement signon printing with tabs self.writeLine(self.ofx.signon.__str__(), term="") def printDate(self, dt, msec_digs=3): strdt = dt.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S') strdt_msec = dt.strftime('%f') if len(strdt_msec) < msec_digs: strdt_msec += ('0' * (msec_digs - len(strdt_msec))) elif len(strdt_msec) > msec_digs: strdt_msec = strdt_msec[:msec_digs] return strdt + '.' + strdt_msec def writeTrn(self, trn, tabs=5): self.writeLine("", tabs=tabs) tabs += 1 self.writeLine("{}".format(trn.type.upper()), tabs=tabs) self.writeLine("{}".format( self.printDate( ), tabs=tabs) self.writeLine("{0:.2f}".format(float(trn.amount)), tabs=tabs) self.writeLine("{}".format(, tabs=tabs) if len(str(trn.checknum)) > 0: self.writeLine("{}".format( trn.checknum ), tabs=tabs) self.writeLine("{}".format(trn.payee), tabs=tabs) if len(trn.memo.strip()) > 0: self.writeLine("{}".format(trn.memo), tabs=tabs) tabs -= 1 self.writeLine("", tabs=tabs) def writeLedgerBal(self, statement, tabs=4): bal = getattr(statement, 'balance') baldt = getattr(statement, 'balance_date') if bal and baldt: self.writeLine("", tabs=tabs) self.writeLine("{0:.2f}".format(float(bal)), tabs=tabs+1) self.writeLine("{0}".format( self.printDate(baldt) ), tabs=tabs+1) self.writeLine("", tabs=tabs) def writeAvailBal(self, statement, tabs=4): bal = getattr(statement, 'available_balance') baldt = getattr(statement, 'available_balance_date') if bal and baldt: self.writeLine("", tabs=tabs) self.writeLine("{0:.2f}".format(float(bal)), tabs=tabs+1) self.writeLine("{0}".format( self.printDate(baldt) ), tabs=tabs+1) self.writeLine("", tabs=tabs) def writeStmTrs(self, tabs=3): for acct in self.ofx.accounts: self.writeLine("", tabs=tabs) tabs += 1 if acct.curdef: self.writeLine("{0}".format( acct.curdef ), tabs=tabs) if acct.routing_number or acct.account_id or acct.account_type: self.writeLine("", tabs=tabs) if acct.routing_number: self.writeLine("{0}".format( acct.routing_number ), tabs=tabs+1) if acct.account_id: self.writeLine("{0}".format( acct.account_id ), tabs=tabs+1) if acct.account_type: self.writeLine("{0}".format( acct.account_type ), tabs=tabs+1) self.writeLine("", tabs=tabs) self.writeLine("", tabs=tabs) tabs += 1 self.writeLine("{0}".format( self.printDate(acct.statement.start_date) ), tabs=tabs) self.writeLine("{0}".format( self.printDate(acct.statement.end_date) ), tabs=tabs) for trn in acct.statement.transactions: self.writeTrn(trn, tabs=tabs) tabs -= 1 self.writeLine("", tabs=tabs) self.writeLedgerBal(acct.statement, tabs=tabs) self.writeAvailBal(acct.statement, tabs=tabs) tabs -= 1 self.writeLine("", tabs=tabs) def writeBankMsgsRsv1(self, tabs=1): self.writeLine("", tabs=tabs) tabs += 1 self.writeLine("", tabs=tabs) tabs += 1 if self.ofx.trnuid is not None: self.writeLine("{0}".format( self.ofx.trnuid ), tabs=tabs) if self.ofx.status: self.writeLine("", tabs=tabs) self.writeLine("{0}".format( self.ofx.status['code'] ), tabs=tabs+1) self.writeLine("{0}".format( self.ofx.status['severity'] ), tabs=tabs+1) self.writeLine("", tabs=tabs) self.writeStmTrs(tabs=tabs) tabs -= 1 self.writeLine("", tabs=tabs) tabs -= 1 self.writeLine("", tabs=tabs) def writeOfx(self, tabs=0): self.writeLine("", tabs=tabs) tabs += 1 self.writeSignOn(tabs=tabs) self.writeBankMsgsRsv1(tabs=tabs) tabs -= 1 # No newline at end of file self.writeLine("", tabs=tabs, term="") def write(self, filename=None, tabs=0): if self.out_handle: raise Exception("Already writing file") if filename is None: filename = self.out_filename self.out_handle = open(filename, 'wb') self.writeHeaders() self.writeOfx(tabs=tabs) self.out_handle.flush() self.out_handle.close() self.out_handle = None