from __future__ import absolute_import, with_statement import os import copy import collections import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET if 'OrderedDict' in dir(collections): odict = collections else: import ordereddict as odict import six class InvalidOFXStructureException(Exception): pass class OfxData(object): def __init__(self, tag): self.nodes = odict.OrderedDict() self.tag = tag = "" def add_tag(self, name): name = name.lower() if name not in self.nodes: self.nodes[name] = OfxData(name.upper()) return self.nodes[name] elif not isinstance(self.nodes[name], list): self.nodes[name] = [self.nodes[name], OfxData(name.upper())] else: self.nodes[name].append(OfxData(name.upper())) return self.nodes[name][-1] def del_tag(self, name): name = name.lower() if name in self.nodes: del self.nodes[name] def __setattr__(self, name, value): if name in self.__dict__ or name in ['nodes', 'tag', 'data', '\ headers', 'xml']: self.__dict__[name] = value else: self.del_tag(name) if isinstance(value, list): for val in value: tag = self.add_tag(name) tag.nodes = val.nodes = elif isinstance(value, OfxData): tag = self.add_tag(name) tag.nodes = value.nodes = else: tag = self.add_tag(name) = str(value) def __getattr__(self, name): if name in self.__dict__: return self.__dict__[name] elif name in self.__dict__['nodes']: return self.__dict__['nodes'][name] else: tag = self.add_tag(name) return tag def __delattr__(self, name): if name in self.__dict__: del self.__dict__[name] elif name in self.__dict__['nodes']: del self.__dict__['nodes'][name] else: raise AttributeError def __getitem__(self, name): item_list = [] self.find(name, item_list) return item_list def find(self, name, item_list): for n, child in six.iteritems(self.nodes): if isinstance(child, OfxData): if child.tag.lower() == name: item_list.append(child) child.find(name, item_list) else: for grandchild in child: if grandchild.tag.lower() == name: item_list.append(grandchild) grandchild.find(name, item_list) def __iter__(self): for k, v in six.iteritems(self.nodes): yield v def __contains__(self, item): return item in self.nodes def __len__(self): return len(self.nodes) def __str__(self): return os.linesep.join("\t" * line[1] + line[0] for line \ in self.format()) def format(self): if or not self.nodes: if self.tag.upper() == "OFX": return [["<%s>%s" % (self.tag, \ if else "", self.tag), 0]] return [["<%s>%s" % (self.tag,, 0]] else: ret = [["<%s>" % self.tag, -1]] for name, child in six.iteritems(self.nodes): if isinstance(child, OfxData): ret.extend(child.format()) else: for grandchild in child: ret.extend(grandchild.format()) ret.append(["" % self.tag, -1]) for item in ret: item[1] += 1 return ret class OfxUtil(OfxData): def __init__(self, ofx_data=None): super(OfxUtil, self).__init__('OFX') self.headers = odict.OrderedDict() self.xml = "" if ofx_data: if isinstance(ofx_data, six.string_types) and not \ ofx_data.lower().endswith('.ofx'): self.parse(ofx_data) else: self.parse(open(ofx_data).read() if isinstance(\ ofx_data, six.string_types) else def parse(self, ofx): try: for line in ofx.splitlines(): if line.strip() == "": break header, value = line.split(":") self.headers[header] = value except ValueError: pass except: raise finally: if "OFXHEADER" not in self.headers: self.headers["OFXHEADER"] = "100" if "VERSION" not in self.headers: self.headers["VERSION"] = "102" if "SECURITY" not in self.headers: self.headers["SECURITY"] = "NONE" if "OLDFILEUID" not in self.headers: self.headers["OLDFILEUID"] = "NONE" if "NEWFILEUID" not in self.headers: self.headers["NEWFILEUID"] = "NONE" try: tags = ofx.split("<") if len(tags) > 1: tags = ["<" + t.strip() for t in tags[1:]] heirarchy = [] can_open = True for i, tag in enumerate(tags): gt = tag.index(">") if tag[1] != "/": # Is an opening tag if not can_open: tags[i - 1] = tags[i - 1] + "" can_open = True tag_name = tag[1:gt].split()[0] heirarchy.append(tag_name) if len(tag) > gt + 1: can_open = False else: # Is a closing tag tag_name = tag[2:gt].split()[0] if tag_name not in heirarchy: # Close tag with no matching open, so delete it tags[i] = tag[gt + 1:] else: # Close tag with matching open, but other open # tags that need to be closed first while(tag_name != heirarchy[-1]): tags[i - 1] = tags[i - 1] + "" can_open = True heirarchy.pop() self.xml = ET.fromstringlist(tags) self.load_from_xml(self, self.xml) except: raise InvalidOFXStructureException def load_from_xml(self, ofx, xml): = xml.text for child in xml: tag = ofx.add_tag(child.tag) self.load_from_xml(tag, child) def reload_xml(self): super(OfxUtil, self).__init__('OFX') self.load_from_xml(self, self.xml) def write(self, output_file): with open(output_file, 'wb') as f: f.write(str(self)) def __str__(self): ret = os.linesep.join(":".join(line) for line in \ six.iteritems(self.headers)) + os.linesep * 2 ret += super(OfxUtil, self).__str__() return ret if __name__ == "__main__": here = os.path.dirname(__file__) fixtures = os.path.join(here, '../tests/fixtures/') ofx = OfxUtil(fixtures + 'checking.ofx') # ofx = OfxUtil(fixtures + 'fidelity.ofx') # Manipulate OFX file via XML library # for transaction in ofx.xml.iter('STMTTRN'): # transaction.find('NAME').text = transaction.find('MEMO').text # transaction.remove(transaction.find('MEMO')) # ofx.reload_xml() # Manipulate OFX file via object tree built from XML # for transaction in ofx.bankmsgsrsv1.stmttrnrs.stmtrs.banktranlist.stmttrn: # = transaction.memo # del transaction.memo # transaction.notes = "Acknowledged" # Modified sytnax for object tree data manipulation # I'm using the __getitem__ method like the xml.iter method from # ElementTree, as a recursive search for transaction in ofx['stmttrn']: = transaction.memo del transaction.memo transaction.notes = "Acknowledged" # for bal in ofx['bal']: # print(bal) # ofx.test = "First assignment operation" # ofx.test = "Second assignment operation" # print(ofx) # Write OFX data to output file # ofx.write('out.ofx') # for file_name in os.listdir(fixtures): # if os.path.isfile(fixtures + file_name): # print "Attempting to parse", file_name # ofx = OfxParser('fixtures/' + file_name) # # file_parts = file_name.split(".") # file_parts.insert(1, 'v2') # with open('fixtures/' + ".".join(file_parts), 'wb') as f: # f.write(str(ofx))