Welcome to apipkg! ------------------------ With apipkg you can control the exported namespace of a python package and greatly reduce the number of imports for your users. It is a `small pure python module`_ that works on virtually all Python versions, including CPython2.3 to Python3.1, Jython and PyPy. It co-operates well with Python's ``help()`` system, custom importers (PEP302) and common command line completion tools. Usage is very simple: you can require 'apipkg' as a dependency or you can copy paste the <200 Lines of code into your project. Tutorial example ------------------- Here is a simple ``mypkg`` package that specifies one namespace and exports two objects imported from different modules:: # mypkg/__init__.py import apipkg apipkg.initpkg(__name__, { 'path': { 'Class1': "_mypkg.somemodule:Class1", 'clsattr': "_mypkg.othermodule:Class2.attr", } } The package is initialized with a dictionary as namespace. You need to create a ``_mypkg`` package with a ``somemodule.py`` and ``othermodule.py`` containing the respective classes. The ``_mypkg`` is not special - it's a completely regular python package. Namespace dictionaries contain ``name: value`` mappings where the value may be another namespace dictionary or a string specifying an import location. On accessing an namespace attribute an import will be performed:: >>> import mypkg >>> mypkg.path >>> mypkg.path.Class1 # '_mypkg.somemodule' gets imported now >>> mypkg.path.clsattr # '_mypkg.othermodule' gets imported now 4 # the value of _mypkg.othermodule.Class2.attr The ``mypkg.path`` namespace and its two entries are loaded when they are accessed. This means: * lazy loading - only what is actually needed is ever loaded * only the root "mypkg" ever needs to be imported to get access to the complete functionality. * the underlying modules are also accessible, for example:: from mypkg.sub import Class1 Including apipkg in your package -------------------------------------- If you don't want to add an ``apipkg`` dependency to your package you can copy the `apipkg.py`_ file somewhere to your own package, for example ``_mypkg/apipkg.py`` in the above example. You then import the ``initpkg`` function from that new place and are good to go. .. _`small pure python module`: .. _`apipkg.py`: http://bitbucket.org/hpk42/apipkg/src/tip/apipkg.py Feedback? ----------------------- If you have questions you are welcome to * join the #pylib channel on irc.freenode.net * subscribe to the http://codespeak.net/mailman/listinfo/py-dev list. * create an issue on http://bitbucket.org/hpk42/apipkg/issues have fun, holger krekel