[tox] envlist=py{27,34,35,36}-pytest{29,30,31} [testenv] changedir=testing commands= pip install -U .. # hande the install order fallout since pytest depends on pip py.test --confcutdir=.. -rfsxX --junitxml={envlogdir}/junit-{envname}.xml [] deps= attrs pytest29: pytest~=2.9.0 pytest30: pytest~=3.0.0 pytest31: pytest~=3.1.0 [testenv:py27-xdist] basepython=python2.7 deps= pytest~=2.9.0 pytest-xdist<=1.16.0 commands= pip install -U .. # hande the install order fallout since pytest depends on pip py.test -n3 -rfsxX --confcutdir=.. --runslowtests \ --junitxml={envlogdir}/junit-{envname}.xml [] [testenv:jython] changedir=testing commands= {envpython} -m pip install -U .. # hande the install order fallout since pytest depends on pip {envpython} -m pytest --confcutdir=.. -rfsxX --junitxml={envlogdir}/junit-{envname}0.xml {posargs:io_ code} [pytest] rsyncdirs = conftest.py py doc testing addopts = -ra