==================================================== Reconfigure - Python object mapping for config files ==================================================== .. image:: https://travis-ci.org/Eugeny/reconfigure.png `Browse API on SourceGraph `_ ---------- Quickstart ---------- :: >>> from reconfigure.configs import FSTabConfig >>> from reconfigure.items.fstab import FilesystemData >>> >>> config = FSTabConfig(path='/etc/fstab') >>> config.load() >>> print config.tree { "filesystems": [ { "passno": "0", "device": "proc", "mountpoint": "/proc", "freq": "0", "type": "proc", "options": "nodev,noexec,nosuid" }, { "passno": "1", "device": "UUID=dfccef1e-d46c-45b8-969d-51391898c55e", "mountpoint": "/", "freq": "0", "type": "ext4", "options": "errors=remount-ro" } ] } >>> tmpfs = FilesystemData() >>> tmpfs.mountpoint = '/srv/cache' >>> tmpfs.type = 'tmpfs' >>> tmpfs.device = 'none' >>> config.tree.filesystems.append(tmpfs) >>> config.save() >>> quit() $ cat /etc/fstab proc /proc proc nodev,noexec,nosuid 0 0 UUID=dfccef1e-d46c-45b8-969d-51391898c55e / ext4 errors=remount-ro 0 1 none /srv/cache tmpfs none 0 0 This is actually a shortcut to:: >>> from reconfigure.parsers import SSVParser >>> from reconfigure.builders import BoundBuilder >>> from reconfigure.items.fstab import FSTabData >>> content = open('/etc/fstab').read() >>> syntax_tree = SSVParser().parse(content) >>> syntax_tree >>> print syntax_tree (None) (line) (token) value = proc (token) value = /proc (token) value = proc (token) value = nodev,noexec,nosuid (token) value = 0 (token) value = 0 (line) (token) value = UUID=83810b56-ef4b-44de-85c8-58dc589aef48 (token) value = / (token) value = ext4 (token) value = errors=remount-ro (token) value = 0 (token) value = 1 >>> builder = BoundBuilder(FSTabData) >>> data_tree = builder.build(syntax_tree) >>> print data_tree { "filesystems": [ { "passno": "0", "device": "proc", "mountpoint": "/proc", "freq": "0", "type": "proc", "options": "nodev,noexec,nosuid" }, { "passno": "1", "device": "UUID=83810b56-ef4b-44de-85c8-58dc589aef48", "mountpoint": "/", "freq": "0", "type": "ext4", "options": "errors=remount-ro" } ] } Parsers and builders can be paired in almost any possible combination. Reconfigure can be easily extended with your own parsers and builders - read the docs! Supported configs: * Ajenti (``ajenti``) * BIND9 DNS (``bind9``) * Crontabs (``crontab``) * Samba CTDB (``ctdb``) * ISC DHCPD / uDHCPD (``dhcpd``) * NFS /etc/exports (``exports``) * /etc/fstab (``fstab``) * /etc/group (``group``) * /etc/hosts (``hosts``) * iptables-save dump (``iptables``) * Netatalk afp.conf (``netatalk``) * NSD DNS (``nsd``) * /etc/passwd (``passwd``) * /etc/resolv.conf (``resolv``) * Samba (``samba``) * Squid 3 (``squid``) * Supervisord (``supervisor``) Included parsers: * BIND9 config (``bind9``) * Crontab (``crontab``) * NFS Exports (``exports``) * .ini (``ini``) * iptables-save (``iptables``) * nginx-like (``nginx``) * squid (``squid``) * nsd (``nsd``) * CSV-like space-separated values (``ssv``) * JSON (``jsonparser``)