from reconfigure.nodes import RootNode, Node, PropertyNode from reconfigure.parsers import BaseParser class CrontabParser(BaseParser): def __init__(self, remove_comments=False): self.remove_comments = remove_comments def parse(self, content): root = RootNode() lines = [l.strip() for l in content.splitlines() if l] comment = None for line in lines: if line.startswith('#'): comment = '\n'.join([comment, line]) if comment else line[1:] continue elif line.startswith('@'): special, command = line.split(' ', 1) node = Node('special_task', comment=comment) node.append(PropertyNode('special', special)) node.append(PropertyNode('command', command)) else: split_line = line.split(' ', 5) if len(split_line) <= 3 and '=' in line: name, value = [n.strip() for n in line.split('=')] if not name: continue node = Node('env_setting', comment=comment) node.append(PropertyNode('name', name)) node.append(PropertyNode('value', value)) elif len(split_line) == 6: node = Node('normal_task', comment=comment) node.append(PropertyNode('minute', split_line[0])) node.append(PropertyNode('hour', split_line[1])) node.append(PropertyNode('day_of_month', split_line[2])) node.append(PropertyNode('month', split_line[3])) node.append(PropertyNode('day_of_week', split_line[4])) node.append(PropertyNode('command', split_line[5])) else: continue root.append(node) comment = None root.comment = comment return root def stringify(self, tree): result_lines = [] stringify_func = { 'special_task': self.stringify_special_task, 'env_setting': self.stringify_env_setting, 'normal_task': self.stringify_normal_task, } for node in tree: if isinstance(node, Node): string_line = stringify_func.get(, lambda x: '')(node) if node.comment: result_lines.append('#' + node.comment) result_lines.append(string_line) return '\n'.join([line for line in result_lines if line]) def stringify_special_task(self, node): special_node = node.get('special') command_node = node.get('command') if isinstance(special_node, PropertyNode) and isinstance(command_node, PropertyNode): return ' '.join([special_node.value, command_node.value]) return '' def stringify_env_setting(self, node): name = node.get('name') value = node.get('value') if isinstance(name, PropertyNode) and isinstance(value, PropertyNode): return ' = '.join([name.value, value.value]) return '' def stringify_normal_task(self, node): if all([isinstance(child, PropertyNode) for child in node.children]): values_list = [str(pr_node.value).strip() for pr_node in node.children if pr_node.value] if len(values_list) == 6: return ' '.join(values_list) return ''