from reconfigure.nodes import * from reconfigure.parsers import BaseParser class IPTablesParser (BaseParser): """ A parser for ``iptables`` configuration as produced by ``iptables-save`` """ def parse(self, content): content = filter(None, [x.strip() for x in content.splitlines() if not x.startswith('#')]) root = RootNode() cur_table = None chains = {} for l in content: if l.startswith('*'): cur_table = Node(l[1:]) chains = {} root.append(cur_table) elif l.startswith(':'): name = l[1:].split()[0] node = Node(name) node.set_property('default', l.split()[1]) chains[name] = node cur_table.append(node) else: comment = None if '#' in l: l, comment = l.split('#') comment = comment.strip() tokens = l.split() if tokens[0] == '-A': tokens.pop(0) node = Node('append') node.comment = comment chain = tokens.pop(0) chains[chain].append(node) while tokens: token = tokens.pop(0) option = Node('option') option.set_property('negative', token == '!') if token == '!': token = tokens.pop(0) option.set_property('name', token.strip('-')) while tokens and not tokens[0].startswith('-') and tokens[0] != '!': option.append(Node('argument', PropertyNode('value', tokens.pop(0)))) node.append(option) return root def stringify(self, tree): data = '' for table in tree.children: data += '*%s\n' % for chain in table.children: data += ':%s %s [0:0]\n' % (, chain.get('default').value) for chain in table.children: for item in chain.children: if == 'append': data += '-A %s %s%s\n' % (, ' '.join( ('! ' if o.get('negative').value else '') + ('--' if len(o.get('name').value) > 1 else '-') + o.get('name').value + ' ' + ' '.join(a.get('value').value for a in o.children if == 'argument') for o in item.children if == 'option' ), ' # %s' % item.comment if item.comment else '' ) data += 'COMMIT\n' return data