from reconfigure.nodes import * from reconfigure.parsers import BaseParser class SSVParser (BaseParser): """ A parser for files containing space-separated value (notably, ``/etc/fstab`` and friends) :param separator: separator character, defaults to whitespace :param maxsplit: max number of tokens per line, defaults to infinity :param comment: character denoting comments :param continuation: line continuation character, None to disable """ def __init__(self, separator=None, maxsplit=-1, comment='#', continuation=None, *args, **kwargs): self.separator = separator self.maxsplit = maxsplit self.comment = comment self.continuation = continuation BaseParser.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def parse(self, content): rawlines = content.splitlines() lines = [] while rawlines: l = rawlines.pop(0).strip() while self.continuation and rawlines and l.endswith(self.continuation): l = l[:-len(self.continuation)] l += rawlines.pop(0) lines.append(l) root = RootNode() last_comment = None for line in lines: line = line.strip() if line: if line.startswith(self.comment): c = line.strip(self.comment).strip() if last_comment: last_comment += '\n' + c else: last_comment = c continue if len(line) == 0: continue tokens = line.split(self.separator, self.maxsplit) node = Node('line') if last_comment: node.comment = last_comment last_comment = None for token in tokens: if token.startswith(self.comment): node.comment = ' '.join(tokens[tokens.index(token):])[1:].strip() break node.append(Node( name='token', children=[ PropertyNode(name='value', value=token) ] )) root.append(node) return root def stringify(self, tree): r = '' for node in tree.children: if node.comment and '\n' in node.comment: r += ''.join('%s %s\n' % (self.comment, x) for x in node.comment.splitlines()) r += (self.separator or '\t').join(x.get('value').value for x in node.children) if node.comment and not '\n' in node.comment: r += ' # %s' % node.comment r += '\n' return r