from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import pytest import service_identity._common from service_identity._common import ( DNSPattern, DNS_ID, ServiceMatch, SRVPattern, SRV_ID, URIPattern, URI_ID, _contains_instance_of, _find_matches, _hostname_matches, _is_ip_address, _validate_pattern, verify_service_identity, ) from service_identity.exceptions import ( CertificateError, DNSMismatch, SRVMismatch, VerificationError, ) from service_identity.pyopenssl import extract_ids from .util import CERT_DNS_ONLY try: import idna except ImportError: idna = None class TestVerifyServiceIdentity(object): """ Simple integration tests for verify_service_identity. """ def test_dns_id_success(self): """ Return pairs of certificate ids and service ids on matches. """ rv = verify_service_identity(extract_ids(CERT_DNS_ONLY), [DNS_ID(u"")], []) assert [ ServiceMatch(cert_pattern=DNSPattern(b""), service_id=DNS_ID(u""),), ] == rv def test_integration_dns_id_fail(self): """ Raise VerificationError if no certificate id matches the supplied service ids. """ i = DNS_ID(u"") with pytest.raises(VerificationError) as e: verify_service_identity( extract_ids(CERT_DNS_ONLY), obligatory_ids=[i], optional_ids=[], ) assert [DNSMismatch(mismatched_id=i)] == e.value.errors def test_obligatory_missing(self): """ Raise if everything matches but one of the obligatory IDs is missing. """ i = DNS_ID(u"") with pytest.raises(VerificationError) as e: verify_service_identity( [SRVPattern(b"")], obligatory_ids=[SRV_ID(u""), i], optional_ids=[], ) assert [DNSMismatch(mismatched_id=i)] == e.value.errors def test_obligatory_mismatch(self): """ Raise if one of the obligatory IDs doesn't match. """ i = DNS_ID(u"") with pytest.raises(VerificationError) as e: verify_service_identity( [SRVPattern(b""), DNSPattern(b"")], obligatory_ids=[SRV_ID(u""), i], optional_ids=[], ) assert [DNSMismatch(mismatched_id=i)] == e.value.errors def test_optional_missing(self): """ Optional IDs may miss as long as they don't conflict with an existing pattern. """ p = DNSPattern(b"") i = DNS_ID(u"") rv = verify_service_identity( [p], obligatory_ids=[i], optional_ids=[SRV_ID(u"")], ) assert [ServiceMatch(cert_pattern=p, service_id=i)] == rv def test_optional_mismatch(self): """ Raise VerificationError if an ID from optional_ids does not match a pattern of respective type even if obligatory IDs match. """ i = SRV_ID(u"") with pytest.raises(VerificationError) as e: verify_service_identity( [DNSPattern(b""), SRVPattern(b"")], obligatory_ids=[DNS_ID(u"")], optional_ids=[i], ) assert [SRVMismatch(mismatched_id=i)] == e.value.errors def test_contains_optional_and_matches(self): """ If an optional ID is found, return the match within the returned list and don't raise an error. """ p = SRVPattern(b"") i = SRV_ID(u"") rv = verify_service_identity( [DNSPattern(b""), p], obligatory_ids=[DNS_ID(u"")], optional_ids=[i], ) assert ServiceMatch(cert_pattern=p, service_id=i) == rv[1] class TestContainsInstance(object): def test_positive(self): """ If the list contains an object of the type, return True. """ assert _contains_instance_of([object(), tuple(), object()], tuple) def test_negative(self): """ If the list does not contain an object of the type, return False. """ assert not _contains_instance_of([object(), list(), {}], tuple) class TestDNS_ID(object): def test_enforces_unicode(self): """ Raise TypeError if pass DNS-ID is not unicode. """ with pytest.raises(TypeError): DNS_ID(b"") def test_handles_missing_idna(self, monkeypatch): """ Raise ImportError if idna is missing and a non-ASCII DNS-ID is passed. """ monkeypatch.setattr(service_identity._common, "idna", None) with pytest.raises(ImportError): DNS_ID(u"f\xf8\") def test_ascii_works_without_idna(self, monkeypatch): """ 7bit-ASCII DNS-IDs work no matter whether idna is present or not. """ monkeypatch.setattr(service_identity._common, "idna", None) dns = DNS_ID(u"") assert b"" == dns.hostname @pytest.mark.skipif(idna is None, reason="idna not installed") def test_idna_used_if_available_on_non_ascii(self): """ If idna is installed and a non-ASCII DNS-ID is passed, encode it to ASCII. """ dns = DNS_ID(u"f\xf8\") assert b'' == dns.hostname def test_catches_invalid_dns_ids(self): """ Raise ValueError on invalid DNS-IDs. """ for invalid_id in [ u" ", u"", # empty strings u"host,name", # invalid chars u"", u"::1", u"1234" # IP addresses ]: with pytest.raises(ValueError): DNS_ID(invalid_id) def test_lowercases(self): """ The hostname is lowercased so it can be compared case-insensitively. """ dns_id = DNS_ID(u"hOsTnAmE") assert b"hostname" == dns_id.hostname def test_verifies_only_dns(self): """ If anything else than DNSPattern is passed to verify, return False. """ assert not DNS_ID(u"").verify(object()) def test_simple_match(self): """ Simple integration test with _hostname_matches with a match. """ assert DNS_ID(u"").verify(DNSPattern(b"")) def test_simple_mismatch(self): """ Simple integration test with _hostname_matches with a mismatch. """ assert not DNS_ID(u"").verify(DNSPattern(b"")) def test_matches(self): """ Valid matches return `True`. """ for cert, actual in [ (b"", b""), (b"*", b""), (b"xxx*", b""), (b"f*", b""), (b"*", b""), (b"fo*", b""), ]: assert _hostname_matches(cert, actual) def test_mismatches(self): """ Invalid matches return `False`. """ for cert, actual in [ (b"", b""), (b"*", b""), (b"f*", b""), (b"*", b""), (b"*", b""), (b"x*", b""), ]: assert not _hostname_matches(cert, actual) class TestURI_ID(object): def test_enforces_unicode(self): """ Raise TypeError if pass URI-ID is not unicode. """ with pytest.raises(TypeError): URI_ID(b"") def test_create_DNS_ID(self): """ The hostname is converted into a DNS_ID object. """ uri_id = URI_ID(u"") assert DNS_ID(u"") == uri_id.dns_id assert b"sip" == uri_id.protocol def test_lowercases(self): """ The protocol is lowercased so it can be compared case-insensitively. """ uri_id = URI_ID(u"") assert b"sip" == uri_id.protocol def test_catches_missing_colon(self): """ Raise ValueError if there's no colon within a URI-ID. """ with pytest.raises(ValueError): URI_ID(u"sip;") def test_is_only_valid_for_uri(self): """ If anything else than an URIPattern is passed to verify, return False. """ assert not URI_ID(u"").verify(object()) def test_protocol_mismatch(self): """ If protocol doesn't match, verify returns False. """ assert not URI_ID(u"").verify(URIPattern(b"")) def test_dns_mismatch(self): """ If the hostname doesn't match, verify returns False. """ assert not URI_ID(u"").verify(URIPattern(b"")) def test_match(self): """ Accept legal matches. """ assert URI_ID(u"").verify(URIPattern(b"")) class TestSRV_ID(object): def test_enforces_unicode(self): """ Raise TypeError if pass srv-ID is not unicode. """ with pytest.raises(TypeError): SRV_ID(b"") def test_create_DNS_ID(self): """ The hostname is converted into a DNS_ID object. """ srv_id = SRV_ID(u"") assert DNS_ID(u"") == srv_id.dns_id def test_lowercases(self): """ The service name is lowercased so it can be compared case-insensitively. """ srv_id = SRV_ID(u"") assert b"mail" == def test_catches_missing_dot(self): """ Raise ValueError if there's no dot within a SRV-ID. """ with pytest.raises(ValueError): SRV_ID(u"_imapsfoocom") def test_catches_missing_underscore(self): """ Raise ValueError if the service is doesn't start with an underscore. """ with pytest.raises(ValueError): SRV_ID(u"") def test_is_only_valid_for_SRV(self): """ If anything else than an SRVPattern is passed to verify, return False. """ assert not SRV_ID(u"").verify(object()) def test_match(self): """ Accept legal matches. """ assert SRV_ID(u"").verify(SRVPattern(b"")) @pytest.mark.skipif(idna is None, reason="idna not installed") def test_match_idna(self): """ IDNAs are handled properly. """ assert SRV_ID(u"_mail.f\xf8\").verify( SRVPattern(b'') ) def test_mismatch_service_name(self): """ If the service name doesn't match, verify returns False. """ assert not ( SRV_ID(u"").verify(SRVPattern(b"")) ) def test_mismatch_dns(self): """ If the dns_id doesn't match, verify returns False. """ assert not ( SRV_ID(u"").verify(SRVPattern(b"")) ) class TestDNSPattern(object): def test_enforces_bytes(self): """ Raise TypeError if unicode is passed. """ with pytest.raises(TypeError): DNSPattern(u"") def test_catches_empty(self): """ Empty DNS-IDs raise a :class:`CertificateError`. """ with pytest.raises(CertificateError): DNSPattern(b" ") def test_catches_NULL_bytes(self): """ Raise :class:`CertificateError` if a NULL byte is in the hostname. """ with pytest.raises(CertificateError): DNSPattern(b"\") def test_catches_ip_address(self): """ IP addresses are invalid and raise a :class:`CertificateError`. """ with pytest.raises(CertificateError): DNSPattern(b"") def test_invalid_wildcard(self): """ Integration test with _validate_pattern: catches double wildcards thus is used if an wildward is present. """ with pytest.raises(CertificateError): DNSPattern(b"*.foo.*") class TestURIPattern(object): def test_enforces_bytes(self): """ Raise TypeError if unicode is passed. """ with pytest.raises(TypeError): URIPattern(u"") def test_catches_missing_colon(self): """ Raise CertificateError if URI doesn't contain a `:`. """ with pytest.raises(CertificateError): URIPattern(b"sip;") def test_catches_wildcards(self): """ Raise CertificateError if URI contains a *. """ with pytest.raises(CertificateError): URIPattern(b"sip:*") class TestSRVPattern(object): def test_enforces_bytes(self): """ Raise TypeError if unicode is passed. """ with pytest.raises(TypeError): SRVPattern(u"") def test_catches_missing_underscore(self): """ Raise CertificateError if SRV doesn't start with a `_`. """ with pytest.raises(CertificateError): SRVPattern(b"") def test_catches_wildcards(self): """ Raise CertificateError if SRV contains a *. """ with pytest.raises(CertificateError): SRVPattern(b"sip:*") class TestValidateDNSWildcardPattern(object): def test_allows_only_one_wildcard(self): """ Raise CertificateError on multiple wildcards. """ with pytest.raises(CertificateError): _validate_pattern(b"*.*.com") def test_wildcard_must_be_left_most(self): """ Raise CertificateError if wildcard is not in the left-most part. """ for hn in [ b"foo.b*", b"*m", b"foo.*", b"foo.*.com", ]: with pytest.raises(CertificateError): _validate_pattern(hn) def test_must_have_at_least_three_parts(self): """ Raise CertificateError if host consists of less than three parts. """ for hn in [ b"*", b"*.com", b"*", b"*foo", b"foo*", b"f*o", b"*.example.", ]: with pytest.raises(CertificateError): _validate_pattern(hn) def test_valid_patterns(self): """ Does not throw CertificateError on valid patterns. """ for pattern in [ b"*", b"*", b"f*", b"f*" ]: _validate_pattern(pattern) class FakeCertID(object): pass class Fake_ID(object): """ An ID that accepts exactly on object as pattern. """ def __init__(self, pattern): self._pattern = pattern def verify(self, other): """ True iff other is the same object as pattern. """ return other is self._pattern class TestFindMatches(object): def test_one_match(self): """ If there's a match, return a tuple of the certificate id and the service id. """ valid_cert_id = FakeCertID() valid_id = Fake_ID(valid_cert_id) rv = _find_matches([ FakeCertID(), valid_cert_id, FakeCertID(), ], [valid_id]) assert [ ServiceMatch(cert_pattern=valid_cert_id, service_id=valid_id) ] == rv def test_no_match(self): """ If no valid certificate ids are found, return an empty list. """ rv = _find_matches([ FakeCertID(), FakeCertID(), FakeCertID(), ], [Fake_ID(object())]) assert [] == rv def test_multiple_matches(self): """ Return all matches. """ valid_cert_id_1 = FakeCertID() valid_cert_id_2 = FakeCertID() valid_cert_id_3 = FakeCertID() valid_id_1 = Fake_ID(valid_cert_id_1) valid_id_2 = Fake_ID(valid_cert_id_2) valid_id_3 = Fake_ID(valid_cert_id_3) rv = _find_matches([ FakeCertID(), valid_cert_id_1, FakeCertID(), valid_cert_id_3, FakeCertID(), valid_cert_id_2, ], [valid_id_1, valid_id_2, valid_id_3]) assert [ ServiceMatch(cert_pattern=valid_cert_id_1, service_id=valid_id_1), ServiceMatch(cert_pattern=valid_cert_id_2, service_id=valid_id_2), ServiceMatch(cert_pattern=valid_cert_id_3, service_id=valid_id_3), ] == rv class TestIsIPAddress(object): def test_ips(self): """ Returns True for patterns and hosts that could match IP addresses. """ for s in [ b"", u"", b"", b"*.0.0.1", b"::1", b"*::1", b"2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:ff00:0042:8329", b"2001:0db8::ff00:0042:8329", ]: assert _is_ip_address(s), "Not detected {0!r}".format(s) def test_no_ips(self): """ Return False for patterns and hosts that aren't IP addresses. """ for s in [ b"*", b"", b"", b"", b"omega7", ]: assert not _is_ip_address(s), "False positive {0!r}".format(s) class TestVerificationError(object): """ The __str__ returns something sane. """ try: raise VerificationError(errors=["foo"]) except VerificationError as e: assert repr(e) == str(e) assert str(e) != ""