from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import pytest from service_identity._common import DNSPattern, URIPattern from service_identity import SubjectAltNameWarning from service_identity.pyopenssl import extract_ids, verify_hostname from .util import CERT_CN_ONLY, CERT_DNS_ONLY, CERT_OTHER_NAME class TestVerifyHostname(object): def test_verify_hostname(self): """ It's just a convenience one-liner. Let's check it doesn't explode b/c of some typo. """ class FakeConnection(object): def get_peer_certificate(self): return CERT_DNS_ONLY verify_hostname(FakeConnection(), u"") class TestExtractIDs(object): def test_dns(self): """ Returns the correct DNSPattern from a certificate. """ rv = extract_ids(CERT_DNS_ONLY) assert [ DNSPattern(b""), DNSPattern(b"") ] == rv def test_cn_ids_are_used_as_fallback(self): """ CNs are returned as DNSPattern if no other IDs are present and a warning is raised. """ with pytest.warns(SubjectAltNameWarning): rv = extract_ids(CERT_CN_ONLY) assert [ DNSPattern(b"") ] == rv def test_uri(self): """ Returns the correct URIPattern from a certificate. """ rv = extract_ids(CERT_OTHER_NAME) assert [ URIPattern(b"") ] == [id for id in rv if isinstance(id, URIPattern)]