""" AppVeyor will at least have few Pythons around so there's no point of implementing a bootstrapper in PowerShell. This is a port of https://github.com/pypa/python-packaging-user-guide/blob/master/source/code/install.ps1 with various fixes and improvements that just weren't feasible to implement in PowerShell. """ from __future__ import print_function from os import environ from os.path import exists from subprocess import check_call try: from urllib.request import urlretrieve except ImportError: from urllib import urlretrieve BASE_URL = "https://www.python.org/ftp/python/" GET_PIP_URL = "https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py" GET_PIP_PATH = "C:\get-pip.py" URLS = { ("2.7", "64"): BASE_URL + "2.7.10/python-2.7.13.amd64.msi", ("2.7", "32"): BASE_URL + "2.7.10/python-2.7.13.msi", # NOTE: no .msi installer for 3.3.6 ("3.3", "64"): BASE_URL + "3.3.3/python-3.3.5.amd64.msi", ("3.3", "32"): BASE_URL + "3.3.3/python-3.3.5.msi", ("3.4", "64"): BASE_URL + "3.4.3/python-3.4.6.amd64.msi", ("3.4", "32"): BASE_URL + "3.4.3/python-3.4.6.msi", ("3.5", "64"): BASE_URL + "3.5.0/python-3.5.3-amd64.exe", ("3.5", "32"): BASE_URL + "3.5.0/python-3.5.3.exe", ("3.6", "64"): BASE_URL + "3.6.0/python-3.6.0-amd64.exe", ("3.6", "32"): BASE_URL + "3.6.0/python-3.6.0.exe", } INSTALL_CMD = { # Commands are allowed to fail only if they are not the last command. Eg: uninstall (/x) allowed to fail. "2.7": [["msiexec.exe", "/L*+!", "install.log", "/qn", "/x", "{path}"], ["msiexec.exe", "/L*+!", "install.log", "/qn", "/i", "{path}", "TARGETDIR={home}"]], "3.3": [["msiexec.exe", "/L*+!", "install.log", "/qn", "/x", "{path}"], ["msiexec.exe", "/L*+!", "install.log", "/qn", "/i", "{path}", "TARGETDIR={home}"]], "3.4": [["msiexec.exe", "/L*+!", "install.log", "/qn", "/x", "{path}"], ["msiexec.exe", "/L*+!", "install.log", "/qn", "/i", "{path}", "TARGETDIR={home}"]], "3.5": [["{path}", "/quiet", "TargetDir={home}"]], "3.6": [["{path}", "/quiet", "TargetDir={home}"]], } def download_file(url, path): print("Downloading: {} (into {})".format(url, path)) progress = [0, 0] def report(count, size, total): progress[0] = count * size if progress[0] - progress[1] > 1000000: progress[1] = progress[0] print("Downloaded {:,}/{:,} ...".format(progress[1], total)) dest, _ = urlretrieve(url, path, reporthook=report) return dest def install_python(version, arch, home): print("Installing Python", version, "for", arch, "bit architecture to", home) if exists(home): return path = download_python(version, arch) print("Installing", path, "to", home) success = False for cmd in INSTALL_CMD[version]: cmd = [part.format(home=home, path=path) for part in cmd] print("Running:", " ".join(cmd)) try: check_call(cmd) except Exception as exc: print("Failed command", cmd, "with:", exc) if exists("install.log"): with open("install.log") as fh: print(fh.read()) else: success = True if success: print("Installation complete!") else: print("Installation failed") def download_python(version, arch): for _ in range(3): try: return download_file(URLS[version, arch], "installer.exe") except Exception as exc: print("Failed to download:", exc) print("Retrying ...") def install_pip(home): pip_path = home + "/Scripts/pip.exe" python_path = home + "/python.exe" if exists(pip_path): print("pip already installed.") else: print("Installing pip...") download_file(GET_PIP_URL, GET_PIP_PATH) print("Executing:", python_path, GET_PIP_PATH) check_call([python_path, GET_PIP_PATH]) def install_packages(home, *packages): cmd = [home + "/Scripts/pip.exe", "install"] cmd.extend(packages) check_call(cmd) if __name__ == "__main__": install_python(environ['PYTHON_VERSION'], environ['PYTHON_ARCH'], environ['PYTHON_HOME']) install_pip(environ['PYTHON_HOME']) install_packages(environ['PYTHON_HOME'], "setuptools>=18.0.1", "wheel", "tox", "virtualenv>=13.1.0")